//genesis // modification MAEX 16/4/96 // mf_NMDA synchan removed (not used) // pf_AMPA synchan added for selective normalization of mossy fiber and // parallel fiber inputs /********************************************************************** This is a copy of the single-compartment Granule cell comp (CP, RM), except for the inclusion of a nerstpotential object for calcium, which is copied from the Purkinje cell model (EDS), and for the addition of a spike generation object ********************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************/ /*function make_interneuron_comps (see make_Granule_comps) */ /*********************************************************************/ function make_Golgi_comps /* separate function so we can have local variables */ float len, dia, surf, shell_vol, shell_dia /* make spherical soma prototype with sodium currents*/ len = 0.00e-6 dia = 1 surf = dia*dia*{PI} shell_dia = dia - 2*{Shell_thick} shell_vol = (dia*dia*dia - shell_dia*shell_dia*shell_dia)*{PI}/6.0 create neutral interneuron if (!({exists interneuron/soma})) create compartment interneuron/soma end // F // ohm, correct for sphere // V // V // ohm ce /library/interneuron setfield soma Cm {{CM}*surf} Ra {8.0*{RA}/(dia*{PI})} \ Em {EREST_ACT} Vm {RESET_ACT} Rm {{RMs}/surf} inject 0.0 \ dia {dia} len {len} // Now copy the channels and set maximal conductances */ if (!({exists soma/InNa})) copy ../Gran_InNa soma/InNa addmsg soma soma/InNa VOLTAGE Vm addmsg soma/InNa soma CHANNEL Gk Ek end setfield soma/InNa Gbar {{GInNas}*surf} if (!({exists soma/KDr})) copy ../Gran_KDr soma/KDr addmsg soma soma/KDr VOLTAGE Vm addmsg soma/KDr soma CHANNEL Gk Ek end setfield soma/KDr Gbar {{GKDrs}*surf} if (!({exists soma/KA})) copy ../Gran_KA soma/KA addmsg soma soma/KA VOLTAGE Vm addmsg soma/KA soma CHANNEL Gk Ek end setfield soma/KA Gbar {{GKAs}*surf} if (!({exists soma/CaHVA})) copy ../Gran_CaHVA soma/CaHVA addmsg soma soma/CaHVA VOLTAGE Vm addmsg soma/CaHVA soma CHANNEL Gk Ek end setfield soma/CaHVA Gbar {{GCaHVAs}*surf} if (!({exists soma/H})) copy ../Gran_H soma/H addmsg soma soma/H VOLTAGE Vm addmsg soma/H soma CHANNEL Gk Ek end setfield soma/H Gbar {{GHs}*surf} if (!({exists soma/Moczyd_KC})) copy ../Moczyd_KC soma/Moczyd_KC addmsg soma soma/Moczyd_KC VOLTAGE Vm addmsg soma/Moczyd_KC soma CHANNEL Gk Ek end setfield soma/Moczyd_KC Gbar {{GMocs}*surf} if (!({exists soma/mf_AMPA})) copy ../AMPA soma/mf_AMPA addmsg soma/mf_AMPA soma CHANNEL Gk Ek addmsg soma soma/mf_AMPA VOLTAGE Vm end setfield soma/mf_AMPA gmax {{getfield soma/mf_AMPA gmax} * surf} if (!({exists soma/pf_AMPA})) copy ../AMPA soma/pf_AMPA addmsg soma/pf_AMPA soma CHANNEL Gk Ek addmsg soma soma/pf_AMPA VOLTAGE Vm end setfield soma/pf_AMPA gmax {{getfield soma/pf_AMPA gmax} * surf} /* if (!({exists soma/mf_NMDA})) copy ../NMDA soma/mf_NMDA addmsg soma/mf_NMDA soma/mf_NMDA/Mg_BLOCK CHANNEL Gk Ek addmsg soma/mf_NMDA/Mg_BLOCK soma CHANNEL Gk Ek addmsg soma soma/mf_NMDA/Mg_BLOCK VOLTAGE Vm addmsg soma soma/mf_NMDA VOLTAGE Vm end setfield soma/mf_NMDA gmax {GNMDAs * surf} */ if (!({exists soma/GABAA})) copy ../GABAA soma/GABAA addmsg soma/GABAA soma CHANNEL Gk Ek addmsg soma soma/GABAA VOLTAGE Vm end setfield soma/GABAA gmax {G_GABAAs * surf} //lets keep it simple for now if (!{exists soma/Ca_pool}) create Ca_concen soma/Ca_pool addmsg soma/Ca_pool soma/Moczyd_KC CONCEN Ca addmsg soma/CaHVA soma/Ca_pool I_Ca Ik end setfield soma/Ca_pool tau {CaTau} \ B {1.0/(2.0*96494*shell_vol*{PI}*100/2012.67)} \ Ca_base {CCaI} thick {Shell_thick} // the volume of the Ca-pool may not change in this 1C model // Possibility of modelling NMDA Ca influx (not done in Gabbiani et al.) // Probably not worth the effort (yet). if (!{exists soma/Ca_nernst}) create nernst soma/Ca_nernst addmsg soma/Ca_pool soma/Ca_nernst CIN Ca addmsg soma/Ca_nernst soma/CaHVA EK E end setfield soma/Ca_nernst Cin {CCaI} Cout {CCaO} valency {2} \ scale {1.0} T {37} /* create spikegen soma/spike setfield soma/spike thresh 0 abs_refract 0.01 output_amp 1 addmsg soma soma/spike INPUT Vm */ end