// genesis float dt = 2.0e-5 include defaults include Gran_layer_const.g // create the granular layer model include Gran_layer_setup.g // setting the clocks, this must de done BEFORE creating the hines solver !!! echo dt = {dt} for (i=0; i<=7; i=i+1) setclock {i} {dt} end setclock 8 20.0e-5 // spike history output (this must be done before the hines solver is set up) include Gran_layer_spike_history_hines.g /************************ hines solver ***********************/ if ({{number_granule_cells} > 0}) echo making hsolve of granule cells create hsolve /granule_cell_layer/Granule[0]/solve ce /granule_cell_layer/Granule[0]/solve setfield . path "../##[][TYPE=compartment]" comptmode 1 chanmode {chanmode} call . SETUP ce /granule_cell_layer/Granule[0] for (i = {number_granule_cells}; i > 1; i = i - 1) call solve DUPLICATE \ /granule_cell_layer/Granule[{i-1}]/solve \ /granule_cell_layer/Granule[{i-1}]/##[][TYPE=compartment] // echo made hsolve of granule cell {i} end end if ({{number_Golgi_cells} > 0}) echo making hsolve of Golgi cells create hsolve /granule_cell_layer/Golgi[0]/solve ce /granule_cell_layer/Golgi[0]/solve setfield . path "../##[][TYPE=compartment]" comptmode 1 chanmode {chanmode} call /granule_cell_layer/Golgi[0]/solve SETUP ce /granule_cell_layer/Golgi[0] for (i = {number_Golgi_cells}; i > 1; i = i - 1) call solve DUPLICATE \ /granule_cell_layer/Golgi[{i-1}]/solve \ /granule_cell_layer/Golgi[{i-1}]/##[][TYPE=compartment] // echo made hsolve of Golgi cell {i} end end if ({{number_stellate_cells} > 0}) echo making hsolve of stellate cells create hsolve /molecular_layer/Stellate[0]/solve ce /molecular_layer/Stellate[0]/solve setfield . path "../##[][TYPE=compartment]" comptmode 1 chanmode {chanmode} call /molecular_layer/Stellate[0]/solve SETUP ce /molecular_layer/Stellate[0] for (i = {number_stellate_cells}; i > 1; i = i - 1) call solve DUPLICATE \ /molecular_layer/Stellate[{i-1}]/solve \ /molecular_layer/Stellate[{i-1}]/##[][TYPE=compartment] // echo made hsolve of stellate cell {i} end end // graphics : xview // include Gran_layer_view_hines.g // Comment out this command if you are running large networks // for which online screen graphs are impracticable. // graphics : xgraph include Gran_layer_graph_hines.g // ascii file output // include Gran_layer_ascii_hines.g // method setmethod 11 // Crank-Nicholson reset // randseed 12345 randseed 12345 // randomization of neurons' leak conductances include Gran_layer_randomize_hines.g // include Gran_layer_randomize_tau_hines.g // randseed 12345 randseed 12345 // starting the simulation echo starting the simulation /* for (i = 0; i < {number_mossy_fibers}; i = i + 1) setfield /white_matter/mossy_fiber[{i}] rate {mossy_fiber_firing_rate * (1.0 + {rand -1.0 1.0})} end */ reset echo {mossy_fibers_history_filename} // step 10.0 -time // exit