This directory contains the scripts used for building a one-dimensional array of mossy fibers (MFs), granule cells (grcs) and Golgi cells (Gocs). The Goc and grc responses are computed with random MF input. The single-neuron models of the grcs and Gocs are implemented in the ../Granule_cell and ../Golgi_cell directories. The main script is Gran_layer_hines.g and can be run by the command >genesis Gran_layer_hines. Output can be produced on disk, through asc_file and spikehistory objects, or on the screen, through xgraph and xview objects. The former, especially the output produced with spikehistory objects, is intended to be used when large networks are simulated, while the latter, especially the graph output, can be used for the visual inspection and fine-tuning of small networks (e.g. a network of 6 MFs, 2 Gocs and 15 grcs). You can select the desidered output stream by uncommenting the corresponding include statement in the main script. All parameters of the network (numbers of neurons, connection probabilities, synaptic strengths and delays, randomization intervals, MF input) are described in Gran_layer_const.g. Only the name of the file written by a spikehistory element must be specified in Gran_layer_spike_history_hines.g (Gran_layer_spike_history_exp.g). Here is an overview of the scripts : // network construction Granule_cell.g : function make_granule_cell_array makes a prototype grc in the library, creates with readcell a more realistic grc and creates with createmap a 1D array of grcs. Golgi_cell.g : function make_Golgi_cell_array : same but for Gocs. Mossy_fiber.g : function make_mossy_fiber_array implements MFs as randomspike elements giving input to spikegen elements; creates a 1D array of MFs. Gran_layer_setup.g : connects the Gocs, grcs and MFs through synapses, as specified in Gran_layer_const.g; positions each grc at the center of its afferent MFs. Gran_layer_randomize_hines.g, Gran_layer_randomize_exp.g : randomizes the reversal potentials of the neurons' leak currents, randomizes the gmax of the synchan elements and the weights of the afferents. // network output Gran_layer_spike_history_hines.g : creates spikehistory elements for the arrays of MFs, grcs and Gocs. Gran_layer_ascii_hines.g : creates asc_file elements for the arrays of MFs, grcs and Gocs. Gran_layer_view_hines.g : creates xview elements for the arrays of MFs, grcs and Gocs (not used ordinarily). Gran_layer_graph_hines.g : creates xgraph elements for the arrays of MFs, grcs and Gocs. // main script Gran_layer_hines.g (Some scripts refer already to Stellate cells, the Stellate_cell.g script however is not yet included.) The spike trains produced as files with extension .history can be visualized as rasterplots with the xplot-program written by M. Wilson, which is now part of the Genesis2.2.1 release. You can download genesis2.2.1 from or via The xplot program can then be found in directory src/Release2-2.1-Linux/contrib/xplot and can be compiled by just typing 'make'. The command xplot <history file name> gives a line diagram; change it to a raster diagram by typing /scatter in the window. Probably you wish to have time on the horizontal axis, which can be done with a shell script that changes the order of the columns. E.g. make a file rasterplot containing cut -c12- $1 > temp1 cut -c-6 $1 > temp2 paste temp1 temp2 | xplot & sleep 5 rm temp1 rm temp2 The command rasterplot <history file name> then plots time on the x-axis (you still need to type /scatter). For more questions, e-mail us at