This package contains the Genesis-code for the simulations in Maex R, De Schutter E (1998) Synchronization of Golgi and granule cell firing in a detailed network model of the cerebellar granule cell layer. J. Neurophysiol. 80, 2521-2537. For more info, please consult R. Maex at Each subdirectory contains an executable Genesis script. The following model implementations are available. Granule_cell : contains the scripts describing a single-compartmental granule cell. Allows for the computation of responses to current injection and to synaptic stimulation, by running the executable TEST.g. Golgi_cell : same as Granule_cell, but for a single-compartmental Golgi cell. Gran_layer_1D : describes a one-dimensional (parallel fiber axis) segment of the cerebellar granular layer, containing mossy fibers, granule and Golgi cells. Mossy fibers are random spike generators. Granule and Golgi cells are the single-compartmental neurons implemented in the Granule_cell and Golgi_cell directories described above. The densities of neurons and synapses, the synaptic strengths/delays and their randomization intervals, and the patterns of mossy fiber activity are variable parameters. The code has been run on Sun Solaris, and Mac X Linux. The channel tables are included. In case of incompatibility, they can be recreated by uncommenting the TABSAVE comments in Granule_cell/TEST.g and Golgi_cell/TEST.g. 16Mar2005 fixed bug in h channel (missing brackets around argument of exp} (see Granule_cell/Gran_chan.g and Golgi_cell/Golg_chan.g)