# common.py
# Copyright (C) 2012 Lukas Solanka <l.solanka@sms.ed.ac.uk>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
from log import *
# Get a preferred direction for a neuron
def getPreferredDirection(pos_x, pos_y):
# pos_x/y - position of neuron in 2d sheet
pos4_x = pos_x % 2
pos2_y = pos_y % 2
if pos4_x == 0:
if pos2_y == 0:
return [-1, 0] # Left
return [0, -1] # Down
if pos2_y == 0:
return [0, 1] # up
return [1, 0] # Right
# Exceptions
class NotImplementedException(Exception):
def __init__(self, method, msg=None):
self.method = method
self.msg = msg
def __str__(self):
retstr = "Method {0} has not been implemented!".format(self.method)
if msg is not None:
retstr += "Additional message: " + self.msg
return retstr
class DimensionException(Exception):
def __init__(self, method, msg=None):
self.method = method
self.msg = msg
def __str__(self):
retstr = "Wrong dimensions in {0}".format(self.method)
if msg is not None:
retstr += "Additional message: " + self.msg
return retstr
class SubmitException(Exception):
# Argument processing and setup -
# to submit jobs with multiple parameter sweeps/runs
class ArgumentCreator(object):
Receives a dictionary with arguments and extracts a list of argument
dictionaries, for submitting batch jobs. Either on a cluster or a general
multiprocessor machine.
The constructor receives a dictionary with default, non-batch changing
optioins. After that, one can insert one of the following (see doc for each
def __init__(self, defaultOpts):
defaultOpts should be a dictionary (not a list)
self._do = defaultOpts
self._resList = [defaultOpts]
self._printData = []
# remove job_num parameter from the list, it should be defined during
# job submission
del self._do["job_num"]
except KeyError:
def __str__(self):
ret = ''
for it in range(len(self._resList)):
ret += 'Parameter set no. ' + str(it) + '\n'
for key, val in self._resList[it].iteritems():
ret += '\t' + key + ': ' + str(val) + '\n'
return ret
def insertDict(self, d, mult=True, printout=False):
Insert a dictionary with the parameter name and a list of values. If
mult==True, then for each parameter value in 'd', copy the parameter set
with the value from 'd'. In other words, this allow to create
multidimensional parameters batch jobs. If mult==false, then the size of
list in d must be the same size as the total number of items in the
resulting parameter list.
if printout:
for key, vals in d.iteritems():
if mult == True:
# Create potentially multidim list (but flattened)
for key, vals in d.iteritems():
newList = []
for val in vals:
for oldDict in self._resList:
newDict = dict(oldDict)
newDict[key] = val
self._resList = newList
# Check if list in d is the same size as _resList and insert
if self.listSize() == 1:
for it in range(len(d[d.keys()[0]]) - 1):
for key, vals in d.iteritems():
if len(vals) != self.listSize():
raise DimensionException("ArgumentCreator.insertDict",
"Dictionary list must be the same size as the total number of items in the argument list")
for it in range(len(vals)):
self._resList[it][key] = vals[it]
def getOptionDict(self, i):
Get option dictionary from the batch list, with index i
return self._resList[i]
def listSize(self):
'''Return the size of the list of option dictionaries'''
return len(self._resList)
def getArgString(self, i, job_num):
Get the argument string which should be passed on to the submitted
program (simulation).
parStr = ''
for key, val in self._resList[i].iteritems():
if val is None:
parStr += ' --' + str(key)
parStr += ' --' + str(key) + ' ' + str(val)
parStr += ' --job_num ' + str(job_num)
return parStr
def getPrintData(self):
return self._printData
def getPrintArgString(self, it):
res = ''
for arg in self._printData:
res += arg + ': {0:3.3f}'.format(self._resList[it][arg]) + '\t'
return res
class ProgramSubmitter(object):
Submits arguments to the cluster or just a general machine. One should
inherit from this class and implement/override the necessary methods.
def __init__(self, argCreator):
self._ac = argCreator
def RunProgram(self, args, job_num):
'''Should be overridden; args: argument string'''
raise NotImplementedException("ProgramSubmitter.getProgramCommand")
def submitAll(self, startJobNum, repeat=1, dry_run=False):
Submits all the generated jobs. Parameters:
startJobNum Start job number index
repeat Number of repeats for each parameters dictionary
prt = []
curr_job_num = startJobNum
for it in range(self._ac.listSize()):
for rep in range(repeat):
print "Submitting simulation " + str(it)
self.RunProgram(self._ac.getArgString(it, curr_job_num ), curr_job_num, dry_run)
prt.append((curr_job_num, self._ac.getPrintArgString(it)))
curr_job_num += 1
for vals in prt:
print vals[0], ': ', vals[1]
def submitOne(self, it, startJobNum, repeat=1):
curr_job_num = startJobNum
for rep in range(repeat):
print "Submitting simulation " + str(it)
self.RunProgram(self._ac.getArgString(it, curr_job_num), curr_job_num, dry_run)
curr_job_num += 1
class GenericSubmitter(ProgramSubmitter):
Submit jobs on a generic multiprocessor machine, either by blocking them, or
def __init__(self, argCreator, appName, blocking=True):
ProgramSubmitter.__init__(self, argCreator)
self._appName = appName
self._blocking = blocking
def RunProgram(self, args, job_num, dry_run):
if self._blocking:
postfix = ''
postfix = '&'
cmdStr = self._appName + ' ' + args + postfix
log_info('root.GenericSubmitter', 'Submitting command: \n' + cmdStr)
if not dry_run:
err = os.system(cmdStr)
if err != 0:
raise SubmitException()
class QsubSubmitter(ProgramSubmitter):
Submit jobs on a machine that supports qsub command (cluster)
def __init__(self, argCreator, scriptName, qsub_params, qsub_output_dir):
ProgramSubmitter.__init__(self, argCreator)
self._scriptName = scriptName
self._qsub_params = qsub_params
self._qsub_output_dir = qsub_output_dir
def RunProgram(self, args, job_num, dry_run):
cmdStr = 'qsub ' + self._qsub_params + ' ' + \
"-o " + self._qsub_output_dir + ' ' + \
"-N job{0:04} ".format(job_num) + \
self._scriptName + ' ' + args
log_info('root.QsubSubmitter', 'Submitting command: \n' + cmdStr)
if not dry_run:
err = os.system(cmdStr)
if err != 0:
raise SubmitException()