from brian.monitor import SpikeMonitor, StateMonitor
from import savemat
import numpy as np
import operator as op
import logging as lg
from datetime import datetime
class ExtendedSpikeMonitor(SpikeMonitor):
SpikeMonitor class that stores spikes implicitly as an array of lists,
instead of a list of pairs (n, t) as does the original SpikeMonitor class
def __init__(self, source, record=True, delay=0, function=None):
SpikeMonitor.__init__(self, source, record, delay, function)
self.aspikes = np.ndarray(len(source), dtype=list)
def reinit(self):
self._newspikes = True
self.nspikes = 0
for i in xrange(len(self.source)):
self.aspikes[i] = []
def propagate(self, spikes):
if len(spikes):
self._newspikes = True
self.nspikes += len(spikes)
if self.record:
tmp = np.ndarray(len(spikes), dtype=list)
tmp[:] = [[self.source.clock.t]]*len(spikes)
self.aspikes[spikes] += tmp
def __getitem__(self, i):
return np.array(self.aspikes[i])
def getFiringRate(self, tstart, tend, dt, winLen):
Compute sliding window firing rate for the neuron
dt resolution of firing rate
winLen Length of the sliding window
The spikes are computed from tstart to tend, so that the resulting array
length is int((tend-tstart)/dt)+1 long.
dt does not have to be relevant to simulation dt at all
lg.debug('Start firing rate processing')
szRate = int((tend-tstart)/dt)+1
r = np.ndarray((len(self.aspikes), szRate))
times = np.ndarray(szRate)
for n_i in xrange(len(self.aspikes)):
tmp = np.array(self.aspikes[n_i])
for t_i in xrange(szRate):
t = tstart + t_i*dt
r[n_i][t_i] = np.sum(np.logical_and(tmp > t-winLen/2, tmp <
times[t_i] = t
lg.debug('End firing rate processing')
return (r/winLen, times)
def getFiringRateMiddleTheta(self, theta_start_t, theta_freq, tend, winlen):
Compute firing rate for every neuron with window of length winlen, in
the middle of each theta cycle.
This will produce an array of average firing rates for each theta cycle,
until tend.
theta_T = 1. / theta_freq
return self.getFiringRate(theta_start_t + .5*theta_T, tend, theta_T, winlen)
def getAvgFiringRateMiddleTheta(self, theta_start_t, theta_freq, tend, winlen):
Do the same thing as getFiringRateMiddleTheta, but for each neuron also
compute its average firing rate from theta_start_t to tend
fr, times = self.getFiringRateMiddleTheta(theta_start_t, theta_freq, tend, winlen)
return np.mean(fr, 1)
def getNSpikes(self):
total = np.ndarray(len(self.aspikes))
for n_it in xrange(len(self.aspikes)):
total[n_it] = len(self.aspikes[n_it])
return total
def getTimedFiringRate(self, startT, endT):
total = np.ndarray(len(self.aspikes))
for n_it in xrange(len(self.aspikes)):
n_spikes = self.aspikes[n_it]
n_spikes_filt = len(n_spikes[np.logical_and(n_spikes >= startT, n_spikes <= startT)])
total[n_it] = n_spikes_filt / (endT - startT)
return total
def torusPopulationVector(self, sheetSize, tstart=0, tend=-1, dt=0.02, winLen=1.0):
(F, tsteps) = self.getFiringRate(tstart, tend, dt, winLen)
sheetSize_x = sheetSize[0]
sheetSize_y = sheetSize[1]
P = np.ndarray((len(tsteps), 2), dtype=complex)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(sheetSize_x), np.arange(sheetSize_y))
X = np.exp(1j*(X - sheetSize_x/2)/sheetSize_x*2*np.pi).ravel()
Y = np.exp(1j*(Y - sheetSize_y/2)/sheetSize_y*2*np.pi).ravel()
for t_it in xrange(len(tsteps)):
P[t_it, 0] =[:, t_it], X)
P[t_it, 1] =[:, t_it], Y)
return (np.angle(P)/2/np.pi*sheetSize, tsteps)
def matFormatSaver(fileName, items, do_compression=False):
'''Saves either instances of StateMonitor or Spikemonitor, or objects
saveable by items is a list of pairs (name, obj)'''
outData = {}
for name, obj in items:
if isinstance(obj, SpikeMonitor):
outData[name + '_spikeCell'] = obj.aspikes
elif isinstance(obj, StateMonitor):
outData[name + '_times'] = obj.times
outData[name + '_values'] = obj.values
outData[name] = obj
outData['timeSnapshot'] ="%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S")
savemat(fileName, outData, do_compression=do_compression)