# place_input.py
# Place cell input simulation class.
# Copyright (C) 2012 Lukas Solanka <l.solanka@sms.ed.ac.uk>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from scipy.io import loadmat
class PlaceCellInput(object):
Place cell input class. One can define an arena size (circular) and then
probe the template for an input to a population of neurons that should
center the attractor bump of activity to a desired location.
This can be used to reset the bump to a correct position
def __init__(self, Ne_x, Ne_y, arenaSize, gridsep, gridCenter, fieldSigma=7):
Create a place cell input template. Here we work with a twisted torus
topology with dimensions X x Y = 1 x sqrt(3)/2.
Ne_x/y size of the neural sheet
arenaSize Arena diameter (cm)
gridSep Distance between grid field peaks (cm)
gridCenter Offset of the center of grid fields (cm)
fieldSigma Sigma of the gaussians used to produce the template (cm)
self.sigma = fieldSigma
self.Ne_x = Ne_x
self.Ne_y = Ne_y
self.arenaSize = arenaSize
self.gridsep_x = gridsep
self.gridCenter = gridCenter
self.gridsep_y = self.gridsep_x * np.sqrt(3) # Assuming twisted torus
self.dx = self.gridsep_x/Ne_x;
#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(arenaSize*2/self.dx) * self.dx, np.arange(arenaSize*2/self.dx) * self.dx);
X = 1. * (X - arenaSize)
Y = 1. * (Y - arenaSize)
X_mod = np.abs(np.mod(X - self.gridsep_x/2 - gridCenter[0], self.gridsep_x) - self.gridsep_x/2)
Y_mod = np.abs(np.mod(Y - self.gridsep_y/2 - gridCenter[1], self.gridsep_y) - self.gridsep_y/2)
arena1 = np.exp(-(X_mod**2 + Y_mod**2)/2/self.sigma**2)
shift_x = self.gridsep_x*np.cos(np.pi/3)
shift_y = self.gridsep_x*np.sin(np.pi/3)
arena2 = np.exp(-( (X_mod - shift_x)**2 + (Y_mod-shift_y)**2)/2/self.sigma**2)
self.arena = arena1 + arena2
self.X= X
self.Y= Y
def getSheetInput(self, pos_x, pos_y):
Return the sheet input for a given position of the animal.
Rows are the X dimension.
x = (pos_x - self.arenaSize)/self.dx
y = (pos_y - self.arenaSize)/self.dx
return self.arena[y-self.Ne_y/2:y+self.Ne_y/2, x-self.Ne_x/2:x+self.Ne_x/2]
if __name__=="__main__":
Ne_x = 68
Ne_y = 58
arenaSize = 180.
gridsep = 70 # cm
gridCenter = [0, 0]
pc = PlaceCellInput(Ne_x, Ne_y, arenaSize, gridsep, gridCenter)
#pcolormesh(pc.X, pc.Y, pc.arena); axis('equal'); show()
#pcolormesh(pc.arena); axis('equal'); show()
vel_fname = '../../data/hafting_et_al_2005/rat_trajectory_lowpass.mat'
ratData = loadmat(vel_fname)
pos_x = ratData['pos_x'].flatten()
pos_y = ratData['pos_y'].flatten()
print "Testing dimensions of input..."
for it in xrange(len(pos_x)):
tmp = pc.getSheetInput(pos_x[it], pos_y[it])
if len(tmp) != Ne_y or len(tmp[0]) != Ne_x:
raise Exception()
#print len(tmp[0]), len(tmp)
#print it
print "OK\n"
print "Testing grid cell heat map"
neuronNums = [10, 20, 10*Ne_x+10, 20*Ne_x+10]
dx = 3 # cm
xedges = np.linspace(-arenaSize/2, arenaSize/2, arenaSize/dx + 1)
yedges = np.linspace(-arenaSize/2, arenaSize/2, arenaSize/dx + 1)
for neuronNum in neuronNums:
print " neuron no. " + str(neuronNum)
hist = np.ndarray((len(xedges), len(yedges)), dtype=object)
avgHist = np.ndarray((len(xedges), len(yedges)))
nInput = []
for it in xrange(len(pos_x)):
x = pos_x[it]
y = pos_y[it]
x_bin = np.floor(x/dx) + np.floor(len(xedges)/2)
y_bin = np.floor(y/dx) + np.floor(len(yedges)/2)
if (x_bin < 0 or y_bin < 0):
raise Exception()
if hist[y_bin, x_bin] == None:
hist[y_bin, x_bin] = []
hist[y_bin, x_bin].append(pc.getSheetInput(x, y).ravel()[neuronNum])
for x_it in range(len(xedges)):
for y_it in range(len(yedges)):
if hist[y_it, x_it] == None:
avgHist[y_it, x_it] = 0
avgHist[y_it, x_it] = np.mean(hist[y_it, x_it])
X, Y = np.meshgrid(xedges, yedges)
pcolormesh(X, Y, avgHist)
xlabel('X position (cm)')
ylabel('Y position (cm)')
title('Neuron no. ' + str(neuronNum))