__author__ = 'milsteina'
from specify_cells import *
from plot_results import *
import scipy.optimize as optimize
import os
Aims for spike initiation at initial segment by increasing nax density and decreasing activation V1/2 relative to soma,
axon_hill, and axon compartments. Extend linear kap gradient into basals and obliques, aim for 60% spike attenuation
at bifurcation of trunk and tuft.
Hierarchical optimization:
I) optimize g_pas for target rinp at soma, trunk bifurcation, and tuft bifurcation [without h].
II) optimize ghbar_h for target rinp at soma, trunk bifurcation, and tuft bifurcation, while also optimizing for v_rest
offset between soma and tuft, and EPSP shape changes between proximal and distal synapses measured at the soma.
III) optimize gbar_nax/nas/sh/sha, gkabar_kap/d, gkdrbar for target na spike threshold, AHP amp, and vm stability
Goal is to acheive R_inp = 75, and lower f-I gain.
morph_filename = 'EB2-late-bifurcation.swc'
mech_filename = '043016 Type A - km2_NMDA_KIN5_Pr'
def check_bounds(x, param_name):
For optimize_polish, based on simplex algorithm, check that the current set of parameters are within the bounds.
:param x: array
:param param_name: str
:return: bool
for i in range(len(x)):
if ((xmin[param_name][i] is not None and x[i] < xmin[param_name][i]) or
(xmax[param_name][i] is not None and x[i] > xmax[param_name][i])):
return False
return True
def update_pas(x):
x0 = [2.28e-05, 1.58e-06, 58.4]
:param x: array (soma.g_pas, trunk.g_pas slope, trunk.g_pas tau)
soma_e_pas = cell.mech_dict['soma']['pas']['e']['value']
distance = cell.get_distance_to_node(cell.tree.root, distal_trunk, 1.)
slope = (current_tuft_e_pas - soma_e_pas) / (np.exp(distance / x[2]) - 1.)
cell.modify_mech_param('soma', 'pas', 'g', x[0])
cell.modify_mech_param('trunk', 'pas', 'g', origin='soma', slope=x[1], tau=x[2])
cell.modify_mech_param('trunk', 'pas', 'e', origin='soma', slope=slope, tau=x[2])
for sec_type in ['apical', 'tuft']:
cell.modify_mech_param(sec_type, 'pas', 'e', origin='trunk')
for sec_type in ['basal', 'axon_hill', 'axon', 'ais', 'trunk', 'apical', 'tuft', 'spine_neck', 'spine_head']:
cell.reinitialize_subset_mechanisms(sec_type, 'pas')
def update_h(x):
:param x: array [soma.ghbar_h, trunk.ghbar_h slope, trunk.ghbar_h tau, trunk.ghbar_h xhalf]
cell.modify_mech_param('soma', 'h', 'ghbar', x[0])
cell.modify_mech_param('trunk', 'h', 'ghbar', origin='soma', slope=x[1], tau=x[2], xhalf=x[3])
cell.modify_mech_param('basal', 'h', 'ghbar', origin='soma')
for sec_type in ['apical', 'tuft']:
cell.modify_mech_param(sec_type, 'h', 'ghbar', origin='trunk')
def update_v_rest(x):
:param x: array [soma.e_pas, tuft.e_pas]
distance = cell.get_distance_to_node(cell.tree.root, distal_trunk, 1.)
tau = cell.mech_dict['trunk']['pas']['g']['tau']
slope = (x[1] - x[0]) / (np.exp(distance / tau) - 1.)
cell.modify_mech_param('soma', 'pas', 'e', x[0])
cell.modify_mech_param('trunk', 'pas', 'e', origin='soma', slope=slope, tau=tau)
for sec_type in ['apical', 'tuft']:
cell.modify_mech_param(sec_type, 'pas', 'e', origin='trunk')
def update_sh_na(x):
:param x: array [ais.sh_nas]
cell.modify_mech_param('soma', 'nas', 'sh', x[0])
for sec_type in ['basal', 'trunk', 'apical', 'tuft']:
cell.modify_mech_param(sec_type, 'nas', 'sh', origin='soma')
cell.modify_mech_param('axon_hill', 'nax', 'sh', x[0])
for sec_type in ['ais', 'axon']:
cell.modify_mech_param(sec_type, 'nax', 'sh', origin='axon_hill')
def update_ais_delay(x):
:param x: array [ais.sha_nas, ais.gbar_nax factor]
cell.modify_mech_param('ais', 'nax', 'sha', x[0])
axon_gbar_nax = cell.axon[2].sec.gbar_nax
cell.modify_mech_param('ais', 'nax', 'gbar', axon_gbar_nax * x[1])
def update_na_ka_stability(x):
:param x: array [soma.gkabar, soma.gkdrbar, axon.gkabar_kap factor, axon.gbar_nax factor]
global current_ka_trunk_factor
global original_soma_kap
cell.modify_mech_param('soma', 'kdr', 'gkdrbar', x[1])
cell.modify_mech_param('soma', 'kap', 'gkabar', x[0])
new_ka_trunk_factor = original_soma_kap * current_ka_trunk_factor / x[0]
slope = (new_ka_trunk_factor - 1.) * x[0] / 300.
cell.modify_mech_param('soma', 'nas', 'gbar', soma_na_gbar)
for sec_type in ['basal', 'trunk', 'apical', 'tuft']:
cell.reinitialize_subset_mechanisms(sec_type, 'nas')
cell.modify_mech_param(sec_type, 'kap', 'gkabar', origin='soma', min_loc=75., value=0.)
cell.modify_mech_param(sec_type, 'kap', 'gkabar', origin='soma', max_loc=75., slope=slope, replace=False)
cell.modify_mech_param(sec_type, 'kad', 'gkabar', origin='soma', max_loc=75., value=0.)
cell.modify_mech_param(sec_type, 'kad', 'gkabar', origin='soma', min_loc=75., max_loc=300., slope=slope,
value=x[0]+slope*75., replace=False)
cell.modify_mech_param(sec_type, 'kad', 'gkabar', origin='soma', min_loc=300., value=x[0]+slope*300.,
cell.modify_mech_param(sec_type, 'kdr', 'gkdrbar', origin='soma')
cell.modify_mech_param('axon_hill', 'nax', 'gbar', soma_na_gbar)
cell.modify_mech_param('ais', 'nax', 'gbar', soma_na_gbar * x[3] * current_ais_nax_factor)
cell.modify_mech_param('axon', 'nax', 'gbar', soma_na_gbar * x[3])
cell.modify_mech_param('axon_hill', 'kap', 'gkabar', origin='soma')
cell.modify_mech_param('axon_hill', 'kdr', 'gkdrbar', origin='soma')
for sec_type in ['ais', 'axon']:
cell.modify_mech_param(sec_type, 'kdr', 'gkdrbar', origin='soma')
cell.modify_mech_param(sec_type, 'kap', 'gkabar', x[0] * x[2])
def update_na_ka_dend(x):
:param x: array [soma.sh_nas, trunk.ka factor]
cell.modify_mech_param('soma', 'nas', 'sh', x[0])
soma_gkabar = cell.mech_dict['soma']['kap']['gkabar']['value']
slope = (x[1] - 1.) * soma_gkabar / 300.
for sec_type in ['basal', 'trunk', 'apical', 'tuft']:
cell.modify_mech_param(sec_type, 'kap', 'gkabar', origin='soma', min_loc=75., value=0.)
cell.modify_mech_param(sec_type, 'kap', 'gkabar', origin='soma', max_loc=75., slope=slope, replace=False)
cell.modify_mech_param(sec_type, 'kad', 'gkabar', origin='soma', max_loc=75., value=0.)
cell.modify_mech_param(sec_type, 'kad', 'gkabar', origin='soma', min_loc=75., max_loc=300., slope=slope,
value=soma_gkabar+slope*75., replace=False)
cell.modify_mech_param(sec_type, 'kad', 'gkabar', origin='soma', min_loc=300., value=soma_gkabar+slope*300.,
cell.modify_mech_param(sec_type, 'nas', 'sh', origin='soma')
cell.modify_mech_param('axon_hill', 'nax', 'sh', x[0])
for sec_type in ['ais', 'axon']:
cell.modify_mech_param(sec_type, 'nax', 'sh', origin='axon_hill')
def offset_vm(sec_type, vm_target=None):
:param sec_type: str
if vm_target is None:
vm_target = v_init
sim.modify_stim(0, amp=0.)
if sec_type == 'soma':
sim.modify_stim(1, node=cell.tree.root, loc=0., amp=0.)
rec = sim.rec_list[0]['vec']
elif sec_type == 'trunk':
sim.modify_stim(1, node=trunk, loc=1., amp=0.)
rec = sim.rec_list[1]['vec']
elif sec_type == 'tuft':
sim.modify_stim(1, node=tuft, loc=1., amp=0.)
rec = sim.rec_list[2]['vec']
offset = True
sim.tstop = equilibrate
t = np.arange(0., equilibrate, dt)
vm = np.interp(t, sim.tvec, rec)
v_rest = np.mean(vm[int((equilibrate - 3.)/dt):int((equilibrate - 1.)/dt)])
initial_v_rest = v_rest
sim.modify_stim(1, amp=i_holding[sec_type])
vm = np.interp(t, sim.tvec, rec)
v_rest = np.mean(vm[int((equilibrate - 3.)/dt):int((equilibrate - 1.)/dt)])
if v_rest < vm_target - 0.5:
i_holding[sec_type] += 0.01
while offset:
if sim.verbose:
print 'increasing i_holding to %.3f (%s)' % (i_holding[sec_type], sec_type)
sim.modify_stim(1, amp=i_holding[sec_type])
vm = np.interp(t, sim.tvec, rec)
v_rest = np.mean(vm[int((equilibrate - 3.)/dt):int((equilibrate - 1.)/dt)])
if v_rest < vm_target - 0.5:
i_holding[sec_type] += 0.01
offset = False
elif v_rest > vm_target + 0.5:
i_holding[sec_type] -= 0.01
while offset:
if sim.verbose:
print 'decreasing i_holding to %.3f (%s)' % (i_holding[sec_type], sec_type)
sim.modify_stim(1, amp=i_holding[sec_type])
vm = np.interp(t, sim.tvec, rec)
v_rest = np.mean(vm[int((equilibrate - 3.)/dt):int((equilibrate - 1.)/dt)])
if v_rest > vm_target + 0.5:
i_holding[sec_type] -= 0.01
offset = False
sim.tstop = duration
return initial_v_rest
def get_spike_shape(vm):
:param t: array
:param vm: array
:return: tuple of float: (v_peak, th_v, ADP, AHP)
vm = vm[int((equilibrate+0.4)/dt):]
dvdt = np.gradient(vm, [dt])
th_x = np.where(dvdt > th_dvdt)[0]
if th_x.any():
th_x = th_x[0] - int(1.6/dt)
th_x = np.where(vm > -30.)[0][0] - int(2./dt)
th_v = vm[th_x]
v_before = np.mean(vm[th_x-int(0.1/dt):th_x])
v_peak = np.max(vm[th_x:th_x+int(5./dt)])
x_peak = np.where(vm[th_x:th_x+int(5./dt)] == v_peak)[0][0]
v_AHP = np.min(vm[th_x+x_peak:th_x+int(12./dt)])
x_AHP = np.where(vm[th_x+x_peak:th_x+int(12./dt)] == v_AHP)[0][0]
AHP = v_before - v_AHP
# if spike waveform includes an ADP before an AHP, return the value of the ADP in order to increase error function
rising_x = np.where(dvdt[th_x+x_peak:th_x+x_peak+x_AHP] > 0.)[0]
if rising_x.any():
v_ADP = np.max(vm[th_x+x_peak+rising_x[0]:th_x+x_peak+x_AHP])
ADP = v_ADP - v_AHP
ADP = 0.
return v_peak, th_v, ADP, AHP
def get_EPSP_dur(t, vm, equilibrate, duration):
:param t:
:param vm:
:param equilibrate:
:param duration:
dt = 0.001
interp_t = np.arange(0., duration, dt)
interp_vm = np.interp(interp_t, t, vm)
left = int((equilibrate-3.)/dt)
right = int((equilibrate-1.)/dt)
baseline = np.mean(interp_vm[left:right])
start = int(equilibrate/dt)
end = int(duration/dt)
interp_t = interp_t[start:end]
interp_vm = interp_vm[start:end] - baseline
amp = np.max(interp_vm)
t_peak = np.where(interp_vm == amp)[0][0]
interp_vm /= amp
interp_t -= interp_t[0]
rise_50 = np.where(interp_vm[:t_peak] >= 0.5)[0][0]
decay_50 = np.where(interp_vm[t_peak:] <= 0.5)[0][0]
decay_dur = interp_t[decay_50] + interp_t[t_peak] - interp_t[rise_50]
return decay_dur
def pas_error(x, plot=0):
:param x: array (soma.g_pas, trunk.g_pas slope, trunk.g_pas tau)
:param plot: int
:return: float
if np.any(x < 0.):
return 1e9
start_time = time.time()
sim.tstop = duration
result = {}
amp = -0.15
sim.modify_stim(0, node=cell.tree.root, loc=0., amp=amp, dur=stim_dur)
result['soma'] = get_Rinp(np.array(sim.tvec), np.array(sim.rec_list[0]['vec']), equilibrate, duration, amp)[2]
sim.modify_stim(0, node=trunk, loc=1., amp=amp)
result['trunk'] = get_Rinp(np.array(sim.tvec), np.array(sim.rec_list[1]['vec']), equilibrate, duration, amp)[2]
sim.modify_stim(0, node=tuft, loc=1., amp=amp)
result['tuft'] = get_Rinp(np.array(sim.tvec), np.array(sim.rec_list[2]['vec']), equilibrate, duration, amp)[2]
sim.modify_stim(1, amp=0.)
Err = 0.
for target in result:
Err += ((target_val['pas'][target] - result[target])/target_range['pas'][target])**2.
print('Simulation took %.3f s' % (time.time()-start_time))
print 'Process %i: [soma g_pas, trunk slope, trunk tau]: [%.2E, %.2E, %.1f], soma R_inp: %.1f, ' \
'trunk R_inp: %.1f, tuft R_inp: %.1f' % (os.getpid(), x[0], x[1], x[2], result['soma'],
result['trunk'], result['tuft'])
print 'Process %i: Error: %.4E' % (os.getpid(), Err)
if plot:
global lowest_Err
global best_x
if Err < lowest_Err:
lowest_Err = float(Err)
best_x = list(x)
return Err
def h_error(x, plot=0):
:param x: array (soma.ghbar_h, trunk.ghbar_h slope, trunk.ghbar_h tau, trunk.ghbar_h xhalf)
:param plot: int
:return: float
if np.any(x < 1.e-10) or x[2] < 25.: # or x[2] + x[3] > 300.:
return 1e9
start_time = time.time()
sim.tstop = duration
result = {}
amp = -0.15
soma_vm = offset_vm('soma')
result['v_rest'] = soma_vm
sim.modify_stim(0, node=cell.tree.root, loc=0., amp=amp, dur=stim_dur)
result['soma'] = get_Rinp(np.array(sim.tvec), np.array(sim.rec_list[0]['vec']), equilibrate, duration, amp)[2]
sim.modify_stim(0, node=trunk, loc=1., amp=amp)
result['trunk'] = get_Rinp(np.array(sim.tvec), np.array(sim.rec_list[1]['vec']), equilibrate, duration, amp)[2]
sim.modify_stim(0, amp=0.)
syn = trunk.spines[-1].synapses[0]
trunk_EPSP_dur = get_EPSP_dur(np.array(sim.tvec), np.array(sim.rec_list[0]['vec']), equilibrate, duration)
tuft_vm = offset_vm('tuft')
sim.modify_stim(0, node=tuft, loc=1., amp=amp)
tuft_rinp = get_Rinp(np.array(sim.tvec), np.array(sim.rec_list[2]['vec']), equilibrate, duration, amp)[2]
result['v_rest_offset'] = tuft_vm - soma_vm
if plot:
sim.modify_stim(0, amp=0.)
syn = tuft.spines[-1].synapses[0]
tuft_EPSP_dur = get_EPSP_dur(np.array(sim.tvec), np.array(sim.rec_list[0]['vec']), equilibrate, duration)
result['delta_EPSP_dur'] = max(0., trunk_EPSP_dur - tuft_EPSP_dur)
sim.modify_stim(1, amp=0.)
Err = 0.
for target in result:
Err += ((target_val['h'][target] - result[target])/target_range['h'][target])**2.
print 'Simulation took %i s' % (time.time()-start_time)
print 'Process %i: [soma.ghbar, trunk ghbar slope, trunk ghbar tau, trunk ghbar xhalf]: [%.2E, %.2E, %.1f, %.1f],' \
' soma R_inp: %.1f, trunk R_inp: %.1f, tuft R_inp: %.1f, v_rest: %.1f, v_rest offset: %.1f, ' \
'EPSP_dur delta: %.2f' % (os.getpid(), x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], result['soma'], result['trunk'], tuft_rinp,
soma_vm, result['v_rest_offset'], result['delta_EPSP_dur'])
print 'Process %i: Error: %.4E' % (os.getpid(), Err)
global lowest_Err
global best_x
if Err < lowest_Err:
lowest_Err = float(Err)
best_x = list(x)
return Err
def v_rest_check(plot=0):
:param plot: int
:return: float
start_time = time.time()
sim.tstop = equilibrate
result = {}
sim.modify_stim(0, amp=0.)
sim.modify_stim(1, amp=0.)
t = np.arange(0., equilibrate, dt)
vm = np.interp(t, sim.tvec, sim.rec_list[0]['vec'])
result['soma'] = np.mean(vm[int((equilibrate - 3.)/dt):int((equilibrate - 1.)/dt)])
vm = np.interp(t, sim.tvec, sim.rec_list[1]['vec'])
trunk_rest = np.mean(vm[int((equilibrate - 3.)/dt):int((equilibrate - 1.)/dt)])
vm = np.interp(t, sim.tvec, sim.rec_list[2]['vec'])
tuft_rest = np.mean(vm[int((equilibrate - 3.)/dt):int((equilibrate - 1.)/dt)])
result['tuft_offset'] = tuft_rest - result['soma']
sim.tstop = duration
Err = 0.
for target in result:
Err += ((target_val['v_rest'][target] - result[target])/target_range['v_rest'][target])**2.
print 'Simulation took %i s' % (time.time()-start_time)
print 'Process %i: soma v_rest: %.1f, trunk v_rest: %.1f, tuft v_rest: %.1f, tuft offset: %.1f' % (os.getpid(),
result['soma'], trunk_rest, tuft_rest, result['tuft_offset'])
print 'Process %i: Error: %.4E' % (os.getpid(), Err)
if plot:
def v_rest_error(x, plot=0):
:param x: array (soma.e_pas, tuft.e_pas)
:param plot: int
:return: float
if x[1] > x[0] or not check_bounds(x, 'v_rest'):
print 'Aborting: Invalid parameter values.'
return 1e9
start_time = time.time()
sim.tstop = equilibrate
result = {}
sim.modify_stim(0, amp=0.)
sim.modify_stim(1, amp=0.)
t = np.arange(0., equilibrate, dt)
vm = np.interp(t, sim.tvec, sim.rec_list[0]['vec'])
result['soma'] = np.mean(vm[int((equilibrate - 3.)/dt):int((equilibrate - 1.)/dt)])
vm = np.interp(t, sim.tvec, sim.rec_list[1]['vec'])
trunk_rest = np.mean(vm[int((equilibrate - 3.)/dt):int((equilibrate - 1.)/dt)])
vm = np.interp(t, sim.tvec, sim.rec_list[2]['vec'])
tuft_rest = np.mean(vm[int((equilibrate - 3.)/dt):int((equilibrate - 1.)/dt)])
result['tuft_offset'] = tuft_rest - result['soma']
sim.tstop = duration
Err = 0.
for target in result:
Err += ((target_val['v_rest'][target] - result[target])/target_range['v_rest'][target])**2.
print 'Simulation took %i s' % (time.time()-start_time)
print 'Process %i: [soma.e_pas, tuft.e_pas]: [%.1f, %.1f], soma v_rest: %.1f, trunk v_rest: %.1f, tuft v_rest: ' \
'%.1f, tuft offset: %.1f' % (os.getpid(), x[0], x[1], result['soma'], trunk_rest, tuft_rest,
print 'Process %i: Error: %.4E' % (os.getpid(), Err)
if plot:
return Err
def na_ka_threshold_error(x, plot=0):
:param x: array [sh_nax/s]
:param plot: int
:return: float
if x[0] < 0.:
print 'Process %i: Aborting - Parameters outside optimization bounds.' % (os.getpid())
return 1e9
start_time = time.time()
sim.modify_stim(0, node=cell.tree.root, loc=0., dur=100.)
duration = equilibrate + 200.
sim.tstop = duration
t = np.arange(0., duration, dt)
spike = False
amp = 0.05
while not spike:
sim.modify_stim(0, amp=amp)
vm = np.interp(t, sim.tvec, sim.rec_list[0]['vec'])
if amp == 0.05 and np.any(vm[:int(equilibrate/dt)] > -30.):
print 'Process %i: Aborting - spontaneous firing' % (os.getpid())
return 1e9
if np.any(vm[int(equilibrate/dt):int((equilibrate+50.)/dt)] > -30.):
spike = True
amp += 0.05
if sim.verbose:
print 'increasing amp to %.3f' % amp
peak, threshold, ADP, AHP = get_spike_shape(vm)
result = {'th_v': threshold}
Err = 0.
for target in result:
Err += ((target_val['na_ka'][target] - result[target])/target_range['na_ka'][target])**2.
print 'Simulation took %i s' % (time.time()-start_time)
print 'Process %i: [sh.nax\s]: [%.3f], amp: %.3f, threshold: %.2f' % (os.getpid(), x[0], amp, threshold)
print 'Process %i: Error: %.4E' % (os.getpid(), Err)
global lowest_Err
global best_x
if Err < lowest_Err:
lowest_Err = float(Err)
best_x = list(x)
return Err
def na_ka_stability_error(x, plot=0):
:param x: array [soma.gkabar, soma.gkdrbar, axon.gkabar_kap factor, axon.gbar_nax factor]
:param plot: int
:return: float
if not check_bounds(x, 'na_ka_stability'):
print 'Process %i: Aborting - Parameters outside optimization bounds.' % (os.getpid())
return 1e9
start_time = time.time()
soma_vm = offset_vm('soma', v_active)
result = {'v_rest': soma_vm}
sim.modify_stim(0, node=cell.tree.root, loc=0., dur=100.)
duration = equilibrate + 200.
sim.tstop = duration
t = np.arange(0., duration, dt)
spike = False
amp = 0.05
while not spike:
sim.modify_stim(0, amp=amp)
vm = np.interp(t, sim.tvec, sim.rec_list[0]['vec'])
if amp == 0.05 and np.any(vm[:int(equilibrate/dt)] > -30.):
print 'Process %i: Aborting - spontaneous firing' % (os.getpid())
return 1e9
if np.any(vm[int(equilibrate/dt):int((equilibrate+50.)/dt)] > -30.):
spike = True
amp += 0.05
if sim.verbose:
print 'increasing amp to %.3f' % amp
peak, threshold, ADP, AHP = get_spike_shape(vm)
if plot:
result['ADP'] = ADP
result['AHP'] = AHP
slow_depo = 0.
stability = 0.
for new_amp in [0.25, 0.5, 0.75]:
print 'increasing amp to %.3f' % (new_amp + amp)
sim.modify_stim(0, amp=(new_amp + amp))
if plot:
vm = np.interp(t, sim.tvec, sim.rec_list[0]['vec'])
v_rest = np.mean(vm[int((equilibrate - 3.)/dt):int((equilibrate - 1.)/dt)])
v_before = np.max(vm[int((equilibrate - 50.)/dt):int((equilibrate - 1.)/dt)])
v_after = np.max(vm[-int(50./dt):-1])
stability += abs((v_before - v_rest) + (v_after - v_rest))
if stability > 15.:
stability += 100.
v_min_late = np.min(vm[int((equilibrate + 80.)/dt):int((equilibrate + 99.)/dt)])
this_slow_depo = v_min_late - threshold
if new_amp != 0.75 and v_min_late >= -35.:
slow_depo += this_slow_depo + (0.75 - new_amp) * 1000.
elif this_slow_depo > 0.:
slow_depo += this_slow_depo
result['stability'] = stability
result['slow_depo'] = slow_depo
Err = 0.
for target in result:
# don't penalize AHP or slow_depo less than target
if not ((target == 'AHP' and result[target] < target_val['na_ka'][target]) or
(target == 'slow_depo' and result[target] < target_val['na_ka'][target])):
Err += ((target_val['na_ka'][target] - result[target])/target_range['na_ka'][target])**2.
print 'Simulation took %i s' % (time.time()-start_time)
print 'Process %i: [soma.gkabar, soma.gkdrbar, axon.gkabar_kap factor, axon.gbar_nax factor]: ' \
'[%.4f, %.4f, %.2f, %.2f], amp: %.3f, v_rest: %.1f, threshold: %.1f, ADP: %.1f, AHP: %.1f, ' \
'stability: %.2f, slow_depo: %.2f' % (os.getpid(), x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], amp, soma_vm,
threshold, ADP, AHP, result['stability'], result['slow_depo'])
print 'Process %i: Error: %.4E' % (os.getpid(), Err)
global lowest_Err
global best_x
if Err < lowest_Err:
lowest_Err = float(Err)
best_x = list(x)
return Err
def ais_delay_error(x, plot=0):
Part of a set of error functions designed to optimize one parameter at a time by changing as few variables as
possible. This function just changes the V1/2 of activation of the axon initial segment and the relative density of
the nax sodium channel mechanism in the axon initial segment to accomplish initiation of the action potential in the
initial segment.
:param x: array [ais.sha_nas, ais.gbar_nax factor]
:param plot: int
:return: float
if x[0] > 0. or x[0] < -5. or x[1] < 1. or x[1] > 5.:
print 'Process %i: Aborting - Parameters outside optimization bounds.' % (os.getpid())
return 1e9
start_time = time.time()
offset_vm('soma', v_active)
sim.modify_stim(0, node=cell.tree.root, loc=0., dur=100.)
duration = equilibrate + 200.
sim.tstop = duration
t = np.arange(0., duration, dt)
spike = False
amp = 0.05
while not spike:
sim.modify_stim(0, amp=amp)
vm = np.interp(t, sim.tvec, sim.rec_list[0]['vec'])
if amp == 0.05 and np.any(vm[:int(equilibrate/dt)] > -30.):
print 'Process %i: Aborting - spontaneous firing' % (os.getpid())
return 1e9
if np.any(vm[int(equilibrate/dt):int((equilibrate+50.)/dt)] > -30.):
spike = True
amp += 0.05
if sim.verbose:
print 'increasing amp to %.3f' % amp
peak, threshold, ADP, AHP = get_spike_shape(vm)
result = {}
th_x = np.where(vm[int(equilibrate/dt):] >= threshold)[0][0] + int(equilibrate/dt)
ais_vm = np.interp(t, sim.tvec, sim.rec_list[3]['vec'])
ais_dvdt = np.gradient(ais_vm, [dt])
axon_vm = np.interp(t, sim.tvec, sim.rec_list[4]['vec'])
axon_dvdt = np.gradient(axon_vm, [dt])
left = th_x - int(2./dt)
right = th_x + int(2./dt)
ais_peak = np.max(ais_dvdt[left:right])
ais_peak_t = np.where(ais_dvdt[left:right] == ais_peak)[0][0] * dt
axon_peak = np.max(axon_dvdt[left:right])
axon_peak_t = np.where(axon_dvdt[left:right] == axon_peak)[0][0] * dt
if axon_peak_t > ais_peak_t + dt:
result['ais_delay'] = 0.
result['ais_delay'] = ais_peak_t + dt - axon_peak_t
if plot:
Err = 0.
for target in result:
Err += ((target_val['na_ka'][target] - result[target])/target_range['na_ka'][target])**2.
print 'Simulation took %i s' % (time.time()-start_time)
print 'Process %i: [ais.sha_nas, ais.gbar_nas factor]: [%.2f, %.2f], ais_delay: %.3E' % (os.getpid(), x[0], x[1],
print 'Process %i: Error: %.4E' % (os.getpid(), Err)
global lowest_Err
global best_x
if Err < lowest_Err:
lowest_Err = float(Err)
best_x = list(x)
return Err
def na_ka_dend_error(x, plot=0):
:param x: array [soma.sh_nas, trunk.ka factor]
:param plot: int
:return: float
start_time = time.time()
offset_vm('soma', v_active)
sim.modify_stim(0, node=cell.tree.root, loc=0., dur=100.)
sim.modify_rec(1, node=distal_trunk, loc=1.)
duration = equilibrate + 200.
sim.tstop = duration
t = np.arange(0., duration, dt)
spike = False
amp = 0.05
while not spike:
sim.modify_stim(0, amp=amp)
vm = np.interp(t, sim.tvec, sim.rec_list[0]['vec'])
if amp == 0.05 and np.any(vm[:int(equilibrate/dt)] > -30.):
print 'Process %i: Aborting - spontaneous firing' % (os.getpid())
return 1e9
if np.any(vm[int(equilibrate/dt):int((equilibrate+50.)/dt)] > -30.):
spike = True
amp += 0.05
if sim.verbose:
print 'increasing amp to %.3f' % amp
peak, threshold, ADP, AHP = get_spike_shape(vm)
result = {'th_v': threshold}
trunk_vm = np.interp(t, sim.tvec, sim.rec_list[1]['vec'])
th_x = np.where(vm[int(equilibrate/dt):] >= threshold)[0][0] + int(equilibrate/dt)
trunk_peak = np.max(trunk_vm[th_x:th_x+int(10./dt)])
trunk_pre = np.mean(trunk_vm[th_x-int(0.2/dt):th_x-int(0.1/dt)])
result['trunk_amp'] = (trunk_peak - trunk_pre) / (peak - threshold)
if plot:
Err = 0.
for target in result:
Err += ((target_val['na_ka'][target] - result[target])/target_range['na_ka'][target])**2.
print 'Simulation took %i s' % (time.time()-start_time)
print 'Process %i: [sh_nax/s, trunk.ka factor]: [%.2f, %.2f], amp: %.3f, threshold: %.1f, trunk_amp: %.3f' % \
(os.getpid(), x[0], x[1], amp, threshold, result['trunk_amp'])
print 'Process %i: Error: %.4E' % (os.getpid(), Err)
sim.modify_rec(1, node=trunk, loc=1.)
global lowest_Err
global best_x
if Err < lowest_Err:
lowest_Err = float(Err)
best_x = list(x)
return Err
def optimize_polish((param_name, x), maxfev=None):
:param param_name: str
:param x: array
:param xmin: array
:param xmax: array
:param maxfev: int
:return: array
if maxfev is None:
maxfev = 200
error_functions = {}
error_functions['pas'] = pas_error
error_functions['h'] = h_error
error_functions['v_rest'] = v_rest_error
error_functions['na_ka_stability'] = na_ka_stability_error
error_functions['na_ka_dend'] = na_ka_dend_error
result = optimize.minimize(error_functions[param_name], x, method='Nelder-Mead', options={'ftol': 1e-3,
'xtol': 1e-3, 'disp': True, 'maxiter': maxfev})
formatted_x = '['+', '.join(['%.2E' % xi for xi in result.x])+']'
print 'Process: %i optimized %s for %i iterations with Error: %.2f and x: %s' % (os.getpid(), param_name,
result.nit, result.fun, formatted_x)
return {param_name: {'x': result.x, 'Err': result.fun}}
def optimize_explore((param_name, x, xmin, xmax), maxfev=None):
:param param_name: str
:param x: array
:param xmin: array
:param xmax: array
:param maxfev: int
:return: array
if maxfev is None:
maxfev = 200
error_functions = {}
error_functions['pas'] = pas_error
error_functions['h'] = h_error
error_functions['v_rest'] = v_rest_error
error_functions['na_ka_stability'] = na_ka_stability_error
error_functions['na_ka_dend'] = na_ka_dend_error
take_step = Normalized_Step(x, xmin, xmax)
minimizer_kwargs = dict(method=null_minimizer)
result = optimize.basinhopping(error_functions[param_name], x, niter=maxfev, niter_success=maxfev/2,
disp=True, interval=20, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs, take_step=take_step)
formatted_x = '['+', '.join(['%.2E' % xi for xi in result.x])+']'
print 'Process: %i optimized %s for %i iterations with Error: %.2f and x: %s' % (os.getpid(), param_name,
result.nit, result.fun, formatted_x)
return {param_name: {'x': result.x, 'Err': result.fun}}
equilibrate = 250. # time to steady-state
stim_dur = 500.
duration = equilibrate + stim_dur
dt = 0.01
amp = 0.3
th_dvdt = 10.
v_init = -67.
v_active = -61.
spines = True # False
i_holding = {'soma': 0., 'trunk': 0., 'tuft': 0.}
cell = CA1_Pyr(morph_filename, mech_filename, full_spines=spines)
# look for a trunk bifurcation
trunk_bifurcation = [trunk for trunk in cell.trunk if cell.is_bifurcation(trunk, 'trunk')]
if trunk_bifurcation:
trunk_branches = [branch for branch in trunk_bifurcation[0].children if branch.type == 'trunk']
# get where the thickest trunk branch gives rise to the tuft
trunk = max(trunk_branches, key=lambda node: node.sec(0.).diam)
trunk = (node for node in cell.trunk if cell.node_in_subtree(trunk, node) and 'tuft' in (child.type
for child in node.children)).next()
trunk_bifurcation = [node for node in cell.trunk if 'tuft' in (child.type for child in node.children)]
trunk = trunk_bifurcation[0]
tuft = (child for child in trunk.children if child.type == 'tuft').next()
distal_trunk = trunk
trunk = trunk_bifurcation[0]
tuft = distal_trunk # testing optimizing pas and h at tuft bifurcation instead of in thin tuft
for branch in [trunk, tuft]:
syn = Synapse(cell, branch.spines[-1], ['AMPA_KIN'], stochastic=0)
soma_ek = -77.
cell.modify_mech_param('soma', 'ions', 'ek', soma_ek)
cell.modify_mech_param('soma', 'nas', 'ar', 1.)
for sec_type in ['basal', 'trunk', 'apical', 'tuft']:
cell.modify_mech_param(sec_type, 'nas', 'ar', 0.8)
cell.modify_mech_param('soma', 'pas', 'e', -65.)
for sec_type in ['spine_neck', 'spine_head', 'axon_hill', 'ais', 'axon', 'basal']:
cell.modify_mech_param(sec_type, 'pas', 'e', v_init)
soma_na_gbar = 0.04
cell.modify_mech_param('ais', 'nax', 'sha', -2.8)
for sec_type in ['basal', 'trunk', 'apical', 'tuft']:
cell.modify_mech_param(sec_type, 'nas', 'sha', 5.)
cell.modify_mech_param('soma', 'km2', 'gkmbar', 0.0015)
cell.modify_mech_param('axon_hill', 'km2', 'gkmbar', origin='soma')
cell.modify_mech_param('ais', 'km2', 'gkmbar', 0.0075)
cell.modify_mech_param('axon', 'km2', 'gkmbar', origin='ais')
sim = QuickSim(duration) # , verbose=False)
sim.append_stim(cell, cell.tree.root, loc=0., amp=0., delay=equilibrate, dur=stim_dur)
sim.append_stim(cell, cell.tree.root, loc=0., amp=0., delay=0., dur=duration)
sim.append_rec(cell, cell.tree.root, loc=0.)
sim.append_rec(cell, trunk, loc=1.)
sim.append_rec(cell, tuft, loc=1.) # loc=0.)
axon_seg_locs = [seg.x for seg in cell.axon[2].sec]
sim.append_rec(cell, cell.axon[1], loc=1., description='ais')
sim.append_rec(cell, cell.axon[2], loc=axon_seg_locs[0], description='axon')
#the target values and acceptable ranges
target_val = {}
target_range = {}
target_val['pas'] = {'soma': 120., 'trunk': 97., 'tuft': 121.}
target_range['pas'] = {'soma': 1., 'trunk': 1., 'tuft': 1.}
target_val['h'] = {'v_rest': v_init, 'soma': 75., 'trunk': 39., 'tuft': 42., 'v_rest_offset': 0., 'delta_EPSP_dur': 0.}
target_range['h'] = {'v_rest': 0.25, 'soma': 0.5, 'trunk': 1., 'tuft': 2., 'v_rest_offset': 0.1, 'delta_EPSP_dur': 0.05}
target_val['v_rest'] = {'soma': v_init, 'tuft_offset': 0.}
target_range['v_rest'] = {'soma': 0.25, 'tuft_offset': 0.1}
target_val['na_ka'] = {'v_rest': v_init, 'th_v': -51., 'soma_peak': 40., 'trunk_amp': 0.6, 'ADP': 0., 'AHP': 4.,
'stability': 0., 'ais_delay': 0., 'slow_depo': 25.}
target_range['na_ka'] = {'v_rest': 0.25, 'th_v': .2, 'soma_peak': 2., 'trunk_amp': 0.01, 'ADP': 0.01, 'AHP': .2,
'stability': 1., 'ais_delay': 0.001, 'slow_depo': 1.}
x0 = {}
x1 = {}
xmin = {}
xmax = {}
# x0['pas'] = [1.43E-06, 1.58E-05, 121.9]
# x0['pas'] = [1.46E-06, 1.56E-05, 124.2] # Error: 9.5227E+00
x0['pas'] = [1.52E-06, 1.63E-05, 121.9] # Error: 2.6862E+00
xmin['pas'] = [1.0E-6, 1.0E-06, 25.]
xmax['pas'] = [2.0E-5, 2.0E-05, 200.]
# x0['h'] = [5.93E-08, 4.88E-03, 114.4, 459.0]
# x0['h'] = [2.27E-09, 2.14E-03, 265.3, 484.0] # Error: 4.0003E+02
# x0['h'] = [2.35E-09, 1.76E-03, 381.8, 280.2] # Error: 4.0260E+02
x0['h'] = [2.43E-09, 1.85E-03, 383.1, 260.7] # Error: 3.5202E+02
xmin['h'] = [1.0E-9, 1.e-4, 25., 50.]
xmax['h'] = [1.0E-7, 1.e-2, 200., 500.]
# [soma.gkabar, soma.gkdrbar, axon.gkabar_kap factor, axon.gbar_nax factor]
# x0['na_ka_stability'] = [0.03555, 0.04975, 4.51, 2.18]
# x0['na_ka_stability'] = [0.0305, 0.0478, 2.97, 2.23]
x0['na_ka_stability'] = [0.0305, 0.0478, 2.97, 2.34] # Error: 4.2416E+02
xmin['na_ka_stability'] = [0.01, 0.01, 1., 2.]
xmax['na_ka_stability'] = [0.05, 0.05, 5., 5.]
# [soma.sh_nas, trunk.ka factor]
# x0['na_ka_dend'] = [0., 2.9]
x0['na_ka_dend'] = [1.7, 2.8]
xmin['na_ka_dend'] = [0., 1.5]
xmax['na_ka_dend'] = [4., 5.]
# [ais.sha_nas, ais.gbar_nax factor]
x0['ais_delay'] = [-3.6, 4.4]
# [soma.e_pas, tuft.e_pas]
x0['v_rest'] = [-63., -77.]
xmin['v_rest'] = [v_init, soma_ek]
xmax['v_rest'] = [-63., -63.]
x1 = dict(x0)
log = []
niter = 200
current_tuft_e_pas = x1['v_rest'][1]
current_ais_nax_factor = x1['ais_delay'][1]
current_ka_trunk_factor = x1['na_ka_dend'][1]
original_soma_kap = x1['na_ka_stability'][0]
best_x = []
lowest_Err = 1e9 # haven't gotten this to work with global variables for some reason
#na_ka_stability_error(x1['na_ka_stability'], 1)
Err = 1e9
i = 0
x1_ais = [-2., 3.]
while Err > 10.:
Err = ais_delay_error(x1_ais)
if Err > 10:
if i % 2 == 0:
x1_ais[0] -= 0.2
x1_ais[1] += 0.2
i += 1
optimization 020416:
v_rest error:
[soma.e_pas, tuft.e_pas]: [-63.0, -77.0], soma v_rest: -68.8, trunk v_rest: -68.1, tuft v_rest: -68.0, tuft offset: 0.7
Process 81997: Error: 1.0624E+02
[soma g_pas, trunk slope, trunk tau]: [1.52E-06, 1.63E-05, 121.9],
soma R_inp: 120.4, trunk R_inp: 97.3, tuft R_inp: 120.0
Process 81966: Error: 1.2615E+00
[soma.ghbar, trunk ghbar slope, trunk ghbar tau, trunk ghbar xhalf]: [2.43E-09, 1.85E-03, 383.1, 260.7],
soma R_inp: 73.4, trunk R_inp: 53.7, tuft R_inp: 74.6, v_rest: -68.8, v_rest offset: 0.8, EPSP_dur delta: 0.00
Process 81997: Error: 3.3479E+02
[ais.sha_nas, ais.gbar_nas factor]: [-3.60, 4.40], ais_delay: 0.000E+00
Process 69150: Error: 0.0000E+00
[sh_nax/s, trunk.ka factor]: [1.70, 2.80], amp: 0.150, threshold: -51.1, trunk_amp: 0.608
Process 81817: Error: 8.1919E-01
[soma.gkabar, soma.gkdrbar, axon.gkabar_kap factor, axon.gbar_nax factor]:
[0.0305, 0.0478, 2.97, 2.34], amp: 0.150, v_rest: -68.8, threshold: -51.1, ADP: 0.0, AHP: 8.1, stability: 0.44,
slow_depo: 31.65
Process 82023: Error: 5.0614E+02