__author__ = 'milsteina'
from specify_cells import *
import random
import os
Builds a cell locally so each engine is ready to receive jobs one at a time, specified by an index corresponding to
which synapse to stimulate (coarse sampling of the full set of spines).
morph_filename = 'EB2-late-bifurcation.swc'
mech_filename = '043016 Type A - km2_NMDA_KIN5_Pr'
rec_filename = 'output'+datetime.datetime.today().strftime('%m%d%Y%H%M')+'-pid'+str(os.getpid())
def offset_vm(node, loc, index):
dt = 0.02
sim.tstop = equilibrate
t = np.arange(0., equilibrate, dt)
offset = True
global i_holding
direction = None
while offset:
sim.modify_stim(0, node=node, loc=loc, amp=i_holding)
rec = sim.rec_list[index]['vec']
vm = np.interp(t, sim.tvec, rec)
v_rest = np.mean(vm[int((equilibrate - 3.)/dt):int((equilibrate - 1.)/dt)])
if v_rest < v_init - 1.:
i_holding += 0.005
if sim.verbose:
print 'increasing i_holding to %.3f' % (i_holding)
if direction is None:
direction = 1
elif direction == -1:
elif v_rest > v_init + 1.:
i_holding -= 0.005
if sim.verbose:
print 'decreasing i_holding to %.3f' % (i_holding)
if direction is None:
direction = -1
elif direction == 1:
offset = False
sim.tstop = duration
def stimulate_single_synapse(syn_index):
:param syn_index: int
:return: str
start_time = time.time()
syn = syn_list[syn_index]
spine = syn.node
branch = spine.parent.parent
sim.modify_rec(2, branch)
sim.parameters['input_loc'] = branch.type
sim.modify_rec(3, spine)
offset_vm(branch, syn.loc, 2)
with h5py.File(data_dir+rec_filename+'.hdf5', 'a') as f:
sim.export_to_file(f, syn_index)
syn.source.play(h.Vector()) # playing an empty vector turns this synapse off for future runs while keeping the
# VecStim source object in existence so it can be activated again
print 'Process:', os.getpid(), 'completed Iteration:', syn_index, 'Spine:', syn.node.index, 'Node:', \
syn.node.parent.parent.name, 'in %.3f s' % (time.time() - start_time)
return rec_filename
equilibrate = 250. # time to steady-state
duration = 450.
v_init = -67.
NMDA_type = 'NMDA_KIN5'
#syn_types = ['AMPA_KIN', NMDA_type]
syn_types = ['AMPA_KIN']
local_random = random.Random()
i_holding = 0.
syn_list = []
cell = CA1_Pyr(morph_filename, mech_filename, full_spines=True)
for branch in cell.basal+cell.trunk+cell.apical+cell.tuft:
if len(branch.spines) > 1:
if branch.sec.L <= 10.:
node = branch.spines[local_random.sample(range(0, len(branch.spines)), 1)[0]]
#syn = Synapse(cell, node, [syn_type], stochastic=0)
syn = Synapse(cell, node, syn_types, stochastic=0)
num_syns = min(len(branch.spines), int(branch.sec.L//10.)) # a random synapse every 10 um
for i in local_random.sample(range(0, len(branch.spines)), num_syns):
node = branch.spines[i]
#syn = Synapse(cell, node, [syn_type], stochastic=0)
syn = Synapse(cell, node, syn_types, stochastic=0)
elif branch.spines:
node = branch.spines[0]
#syn = Synapse(cell, node, [syn_type], stochastic=0)
syn = Synapse(cell, node, syn_types, stochastic=0)
sim = QuickSim(duration) # , verbose=False)
sim.parameters['equilibrate'] = equilibrate
sim.parameters['duration'] = duration
sim.append_rec(cell, cell.tree.root, loc=0., description='soma')
# look for a trunk bifurcation
trunk_bifurcation = [trunk for trunk in cell.trunk if cell.is_bifurcation(trunk, 'trunk')]
if trunk_bifurcation:
trunk_branches = [branch for branch in trunk_bifurcation[0].children if branch.type == 'trunk']
# get where the thickest trunk branch gives rise to the tuft
trunk = max(trunk_branches, key=lambda node: node.sec(0.).diam)
trunk = (node for node in cell.trunk if cell.node_in_subtree(trunk, node) and 'tuft' in (child.type
for child in node.children)).next()
trunk_bifurcation = [node for node in cell.trunk if 'tuft' in (child.type for child in node.children)]
trunk = trunk_bifurcation[0]
tuft = (child for child in trunk.children if child.type == 'tuft').next()
#distal_trunk = trunk
#trunk = trunk_bifurcation[0]
sim.append_rec(cell, trunk, description='trunk')
sim.append_rec(cell, trunk, description='branch') # placeholders for branch and spine
sim.append_rec(cell, trunk, description='spine')
sim.append_stim(cell, trunk, loc=0.5, amp=0., dur=duration, delay=0., description='branch')
spike_times = h.Vector([equilibrate])