__author__ = 'Aaron D. Milstein'
from specify_cells import *
import random
import os
from ipyparallel import interactive
Builds a cell locally so each engine is ready to receive jobs one at a time, specified by a list of indexes
corresponding to which synapses to stimulate.
morph_filename = 'EB2-late-bifurcation.swc'
mech_filename = '043016 Type A - km2_NMDA_KIN5_Pr'
rec_filename = 'output'+datetime.datetime.today().strftime('%m%d%Y%H%M')+'-pid'+str(os.getpid())
#NMDA_type = 'NMDA_KIN2'
NMDA_type = 'NMDA_KIN3'
gmax = 0.00313 # 0.0003 # placeholder for optimization parameter, must be pushed to each engine on each iteration
gamma = 0.062
Kd = 3.57
kin_scale = 3.
interp_dt = 0.01
def stim_actual(spine_indexes):
Called by controller, mapped to each engine. Sequentially activates spines specified by a list of indexes and saves
the resulting output to a file.
:param spine_indexes: list of int
:return: str
sim.parameters['syn_indexes'] = []
for i, index in enumerate(spine_indexes):
spine = spine_list[index]
syn = spine.synapses[0]
syn.target(NMDA_type).gmax = gmax
syn.target(NMDA_type).gamma = gamma
syn.target(NMDA_type).Kd = Kd
syn.target(NMDA_type).kin_scale = kin_scale
spike_times = h.Vector([equilibrate + 0.3 * i])
start_time = time.time()
with h5py.File(data_dir+rec_filename+'.hdf5', 'a') as f:
sim.export_to_file(f, len(spine_indexes))
for index in spine_indexes:
spine = spine_list[index]
syn = spine.synapses[0]
print 'Process: %i stimulated %i synapses in %i s with gmax: %.3E' % (os.getpid(), len(spine_indexes),
time.time() - start_time, gmax)
return rec_filename
def stim_expected(spine_index):
Called by controller, mapped to each engine. Activates a single spine specified by an index and saves the
resulting output to a file.
:param spine_index: int
:return: str
spine = spine_list[spine_index]
syn = spine.synapses[0]
syn.target(NMDA_type).gmax = gmax
syn.target(NMDA_type).gamma = gamma
syn.target(NMDA_type).Kd = Kd
syn.target(NMDA_type).kin_scale = kin_scale
spike_times = h.Vector([equilibrate])
sim.parameters['spine_index'] = spine.index
start_time = time.time()
with h5py.File(data_dir+rec_filename+'.hdf5', 'a') as f:
sim.export_to_file(f, spine_index)
print 'Process: %i stimulated spine: %i in %i s with gmax: %.3E' % (os.getpid(), spine.index,
time.time() - start_time, gmax)
return rec_filename
equilibrate = 250. # time to steady-state
duration = 450.
v_init = -67.
syn_types = ['AMPA_KIN', NMDA_type]
cell = CA1_Pyr(morph_filename, mech_filename, full_spines=True)
# these synapses will not be used, but must be inserted for inheritance of synaptic parameters from trunk
for branch in cell.trunk:
for spine in branch.spines:
syn = Synapse(cell, spine, syn_types, stochastic=0)
# choose a distal apical oblique branch that has > 25 spines within 30 um, choose spines near the middle of the branch
spine_list = []
for branch in (apical for apical in cell.apical if cell.get_distance_to_node(cell.tree.root,
cell.get_dendrite_origin(apical)) >= 100. and
cell.get_distance_to_node(cell.get_dendrite_origin(apical), apical, loc=1.) >= 80.):
spine_list = [spine for spine in branch.spines if
30. <= cell.get_distance_to_node(cell.get_dendrite_origin(branch), spine, loc=0.) <= 60.]
if len(spine_list) > 25:
#print 'branch', branch.name, 'has', len(spine_list), 'spines within 30 um'
for spine in spine_list:
syn = Synapse(cell, spine, syn_types, stochastic=0)
if not spine_list:
raise Exception('Could not find a branch that satisfies the specified requirements.')
local_random = random.Random()
sim = QuickSim(duration, verbose=0)
sim.parameters['equilibrate'] = equilibrate
sim.parameters['duration'] = duration
sim.parameters['path_type'] = branch.type
sim.parameters['path_index'] = branch.index
sim.append_rec(cell, cell.get_dendrite_origin(branch), description='trunk', loc=1.)
sim.append_rec(cell, branch, description='branch')
spine = spine_list[0]
sim.append_rec(cell, spine, object=spine.synapses[0].target(NMDA_type), param='_ref_g', description='NMDA_g')