//GP2_defaults - set default param values for simulations with cell GP2 // Any param value can be overwritten subsequently. // THIS VERSION CURRENT 09/19/2004 to present. str snapshot_act = "../../common/gp2_act_spont_snapshot.save" str snapshot_pas = "../../common/gp2_pas_spont_snapshot.save" str allcompsfilename = "../../common/gp2allcompnames.asc" int ncomps = 900 // total # compartments in model. // Keep this up to date! str dendfilename = "../../common/gp2dendritenames.asc" int num_dendcomps = 826 // total # dendritic compartments str outputcompsfname = "../../common/gp2outputnames.asc" int num_outputcomps = 30 // # compts listed in output_compnames str STNfilename = "../../common/gp2_stn/gp2stn_1.asc" int num_STN // # STN inputs: counted during file reading str clusterfname = {STNfilename} int num_clusters = 80 // # compts receiving clusters float mean_cluster_level = 6 // overall cluster level to maintain float G_mult_Na_cluster = 6 // Na cluster level at synapse subset float G_mult_Kdr_cluster = 6 // Kdr cluster level at same synapses float G_mult_KA_cluster = 1 str striatumfname = "../../common/gp2dendritenames.asc" int num_striatum_compts = 826 int num_striatum_per_comp = 1 float num_pallidal = 10 // all in soma float PI = 3.14159 //Passive properties float RA = 1.74 // uniform float CM = 0.024 // all unmyelinated regions float CM_my = 0.00024 // myelinated axon segments. float RM_sd = 1.47 // soma float RM_ax = {RM_sd} // unmyelinated axonal regions float RM_my = 10 // myelinated axon segments. float ELEAK_sd = -0.060 // soma & dend float ELEAK_ax = -0.060 // axon float EREST_ACT = -0.060 /* Channel densities now set in either actpars.g or paspars.g for active or passive model. */