// Calculate impedance of dendritic branches. Code taken from Neuron forum from post by Ted Carnevale:
// http://www.neuron.yale.edu/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=139
// load Maarten's morphology file
// specify reasonable values for nseg--see
// http://www.neuron.yale.edu/neuron/static/docs/d_lambda/d_lambda.html
freq = 100 // Hz, frequency at which AC length constant will be computed
d_lambda = 0.1
func lambda_f() { // currently accessed section, $1 == frequency
return 1e5*sqrt(diam/(4*PI*$1*Ra*cm))
proc geom_nseg() {
soma area(0.5) // make sure diam reflects 3d points
forall { nseg = int((L/(d_lambda*lambda_f(freq))+0.9)/2)*2 + 1 }
// prepare to use Impedance class
// always a good idea to finitialize before computing impedance
// demonstrate use of impedance class
objref zz
zz = new Impedance()
FREQ = 100 // Hz
WHERE = 0.5 // location in the soma that is the reference point
soma distance(0, WHERE) // sets origin for distance calculations
iterator mysections() { local i
for i = 2, numarg() {
$&1 = $i //soma[$i]
proc calcZ() {
soma zz.loc(WHERE) // sets origin for impedance calculations
zz.compute()// assumes conductances depend only on v, i.e.
// ignores the impedance contributions of gating state differential equations
/*zz.compute(FREQ) // takes the impedance contributions of
// gating state differential equations into account
// but requires mechanisms to be compatible with CVODE
// select some sections
print "x \tdistance(x) \tinput(x) \tinput_phase(x) \ttransfer(x) \ttransfer_phase(x) \tratio(x)"
for mysections(&x, 0, 1, 3, 551, 312) {
access soma[x]
print secname()
for (x) print x, "\t", distance(x), "\t", zz.input(x), "\t", zz.input_phase(x), "\t", zz.transfer(x), "\t", zz.transfer_phase(x), "\t", zz.ratio(x)