// Experiment with 2-component axon extention tail, and Na-K channels
// in all compartments

// nrngui stuff and ion chans

strdef file_name, ses_file
file_name = "ext-axon-70um-mimic-synapses-v-change"

sprint(ses_file, "neuron-CB-ext-axon-2pieces-chans-%s.ses", file_name)

//load CellBuilder

xpanel("RunControl", 0)
v_init = -60
xvalue("Init","v_init", 1,"stdinit()", 1, 1 )
xbutton("Init & Run","run()")
runStopAt = 5
xvalue("Continue til","runStopAt", 1,"{continuerun(runStopAt) stoprun=1}", 1, 1 )
runStopIn = 1
xvalue("Continue for","runStopIn", 1,"{continuerun(t + runStopIn) stoprun=1}", 1, 1 )
xbutton("Single Step","steprun()")
t = 200
xvalue("t","t", 2 )
tstop = 1200
xvalue("Tstop","tstop", 1,"tstop_changed()", 0, 1 )
dt = 0.025
xvalue("dt","dt", 1,"setdt()", 0, 1 )
steps_per_ms = 40
xvalue("Points plotted/ms","steps_per_ms", 1,"setdt()", 0, 1 )
screen_update_invl = 0.1
xvalue("Scrn update invl","screen_update_invl", 1,"", 0, 1 )
realtime = 1.12
xvalue("Real Time","realtime", 0,"", 0, 1 )

// load common funcs


// calc morph stats



// save state in this file
sprint(state_file_name, "state-neuron-CB+act+elec+ext-axon-2piece-chans-%s.bin", file_name)

// small adjustments

// loop and set random timing for synapses
// use NetStim and NetCon

// load state first because it overrides parameters
strdef state_w_syn
sprint(state_w_syn, "state-neuron-CB+act+elec+ext-axon-2piece-chans-%s-synapse-saved.bin", file_name)


// use ExpSyn object
objref ns1, ns2, ns3, ns4
objref nc1, nc2, nc3, nc4
objref syn1, syn2, syn3, syn4

// Usage: syn(synX, ncX, nsX)
proc set_syn() { $o1 = new ExpSyn(0.5)
    $o1.tau = 5
    $o1.e = 0
    $o2 = new NetStim(.5)
    $o3 = new NetCon($o2, $o1)
    $o2.interval = 5
    $o2.number = 10
    $o2.start = 10
    $o2.noise = 0
    $o3.weight = .00018

// try: (w in uS)
// 685, w= 0.000150 => peak=-9.032 pA, APw=0.0034 (22.66)
// 520, w= 0.000145 => peak=-9.032 pA, APw=0.0033 (22.75)
// 357, w= 0.000175 => peak=-10.67 pA, APw=0.0028 (16.00)
// 513, w= 0.000180 => peak=-11.01 pA, APw=0.0029 (16.11)
dendrite[685] set_syn(syn1, nc1, ns1)
dendrite[520] set_syn(syn2, nc2, ns2)
dendrite[357] set_syn(syn3, nc3, ns3)
dendrite[513] set_syn(syn4, nc4, ns4)

// apply or release voltage clamp from here

// customize stimulus params
//nc2.start = 12.5
//nc3.start = 15
//nc4.start = 17.5

wmult = 50
ns1.weight = 0.000150*wmult
ns2.weight = 0.000145*wmult
ns3.weight = 0.000175*wmult
ns4.weight = 0.000180*wmult

// use this to save the data:
// saveLines(2, 1, 2, "data-syn-dend-520")