// File to be included from other HOC and SES files

//CG: define some functions
proc set_Ra() { local save_elec_Ra
  electrode save_elec_Ra = Ra
  forsec all {
    Ra = $1
 // except electrode
 electrode Ra = save_elec_Ra

proc set_g_pas() { local save_gpas
  electrode save_gpas = g_pas
  forsec all {
    g_pas = $1
 // except electrode
 electrode g_pas = save_gpas

proc set_cm() { local save_elec_cm
  electrode save_elec_cm = cm
  forsec all {
    cm = $1
 // except electrode
 electrode cm = save_elec_cm

proc print_elec_cell() {
  // print out electrode properties
  access electrode
  print "Electrode:"
  print "G_seal = ",  g_pas*L*diam*PI*1e1, "nS"
  print "R_series = ",  ri(0.5)*2, "MO"
  print "C_elec = ",  cm*L*diam*PI*1e-2, "pF"
  print "Cell:"
  soma print "Ra = ", Ra
  soma print "g_pas = ", g_pas
  soma print "cm = ", cm

proc set_g_seal_nS() {
 electrode g_pas = $1/(L*diam*PI*1e1)

proc set_cap_elec_pF() {
 electrode cm = $1/(L*diam*PI*1e-2)

proc set_R_series_MO() {
 electrode Ra = $1*(diam(0.5)*diam(0.5)*PI/4*1e-8)/(L*1e-4*1e-6)

// ********************
// automated capture from graphs

objref xvec, yvec, savefile //, xline[10], yline[10]
xvec=new Vector()
yvec=new Vector()

proc readGraph() { local graphindex, i, j
graphindex = $1
// copied from example
// TODO make this one read the graph name and then save the whole
// thing as a binary file to be read by trace
j =0
for (i=-1; (i = Graph[graphindex].getline(i, xvec, yvec)) != -1 ; j+=1 ) {
        // xvec and yvec contain the line with Graph internal index i.
        // and can be associated with the sequential index j.
        print "#", i - 1, "label=", yvec.label
        //xline[j] = xvec.c
        //yline[j] = yvec.cl // clone label as well


// saves a vector on graph into file 
// saveCurrent(graphindex, lineindex, basefilename)
// use View->Object Name to get graph index
// run readGraph above to get line indices
proc saveCurrent() { local graphindex, lineindex, i, j, n
graphindex = $1
strdef filename
lineindex = $2 + 1
i = Graph[graphindex].getline(lineindex, xvec, yvec)
print "Size: ", xvec.size()
// Build the filename with some more info like dt. 
// dy should be specified in basefilename.
sprint(filename, "%s_dt_%fms.bin", $s3, xvec.x[1] - xvec.x[0])
savefile=new File(filename)
n = yvec.vwrite(savefile)
if (n == 1) { print "Wrote '", filename, "'.\n"


objref longyvec

// Saves array of vectors into file from graph.
// saveLines(graphindex, lineindexstart, lineindexend, basefilename)
// use View->Object Name to get graph index
// run readGraph above to get line indices
// Concatentates multiple same-size vectors into one long vector and 
// puts info on filename for breaking it later. Takes indices lineindexstart 
// to lineindexend inlusively. 
// Example:
// saveLines(2, 1, 11, "data-axon-tail2-chans-botdend")
proc saveLines() { local graphindex, lineindexstart, numlines, vecsize, i, j, n
graphindex = $1
strdef filename
// inclusive
numlines = $3 - $2 + 1
// Graph.getline needs -1 to give current line DUMB!
lineindexstart = $2 - 1
// get first one to estimate total size
i = Graph[graphindex].getline(lineindexstart, xvec, yvec)
print "#", lineindexstart + 1, " size: ", yvec.size()
vecsize = xvec.size()
print "Size: ", vecsize
longyvec = new Vector()
longyvec.buffer_size(vecsize * numlines)
print "Allocating ", (vecsize * numlines), " elements."
longyvec.insrt(0, yvec)
// concat the other lines
for ( lineindexstart=lineindexstart+1; lineindexstart < $3 ; lineindexstart=lineindexstart+1 ) { 
  // this doesn't make any sense!!!! why +1????
  i = Graph[graphindex].getline(lineindexstart+1, xvec, yvec)
  print "#", lineindexstart + 1, " offset: ", (lineindexstart - $2 + 1)*vecsize, " size: ", yvec.size()
  longyvec.insrt((lineindexstart - $2 + 1)*vecsize, yvec)
// Build the filename with some more info like dt. 
// dy should be specified in basefilename.
sprint(filename, "%s_%d_lines_dt_%fms.bin", $s4, numlines, xvec.x[1] - xvec.x[0])
savefile=new File(filename)
n = longyvec.vwrite(savefile)
if (n == 1) { print "Wrote '", filename, "'.\n"


// play a exp vector into an iclamp
// Usage: expDecayIClamp(delay, maxI, tau, maxdur)
// delay: initial delay [ms]
// maxI: peak current [nA]
// tau: decay time constant [ms]
// maxdur: duration of decay [ms]
objref expvec
proc expDecayIClamp() { local i, dt, size, delay, maxI, tau, maxdur
delay = $1 // ms
maxI = $2 // nA
tau = $3 // ms
maxdur = $4 // ms

// make it several taus long
delayoff = int(delay / dt + .5)
//size = delayoff + int((5 * tau) / dt + .5)
size = delayoff + int((maxdur) / dt + .5)
expvec = new Vector(size, 0)

// make the exp decay
for ( i = delayoff ; i < size ; i=i+1 ) { expvec.x[i] = maxI * exp((delayoff-i)*dt/tau) }

// play into 1st iclamp
expvec.play(&IClamp[0].amp, dt)


proc stopPlay() { expvec.play_remove() }

/* ****************************************
 * Save/restore state

strdef state_file_name
objref steady_state, state_fobj
steady_state = new SaveState()

// call finitialize() before saving state so that time is set to 0
proc saveState() { 
  state_fobj = new File(state_file_name)
  steady_state.fwrite(state_fobj) }

proc restoreState() { 

proc restoreStateFromFile() { 
  state_fobj = new File($s1)
  // check if state file exists by opening it for reading
  if (state_fobj.ropen() != 0) {
    state_fobj.close() // close file opened for existence test
  } else { print "Warning: state file does not exist." }

proc runFromSavedState() {

proc init() {