function ps = ...
param_func(var_names, param_init_vals, param_names, func_handle, ...
id, props)
% param_func - Holds parameters of a function, y = f(x).
% Usage:
% ps = param_func(var_names, param_init_vals, param_names, func_handle, id, props)
% Parameters:
% var_names: Cell array of names for input and output variables, resp.
% param_init_vals: Initial values of function parameters or struct of
% names and initial values.
% param_names: Cell array of parameter names (empty array if previous
% arg is a struct).
% func_handle: Function name or handle that takes params and variable
% to produce output.
% id: An identifying string for this function.
% props: A structure with any optional properties.
% xMin, xMax: Minimal and maximal values for input variable, x.
% paramRanges: 2xn matrix of min (row 1) and max values of each parameter.
% If a non-NaN range is specified for a parameter
% its parameters automatically become a ratio between [0,1]
% that point inside this range.
% rangeFunc: Function that translates range ratios into parameter
% values. Options are 'satlin' for saturated linear and
% 'logsig' for logistic sigmoid (default='satlin').
% direct: If 1, set parameters directly as relative range ratios (default=1).
% selectParams: Cell of param names that can be selected by g/setParams.
% isIntable: If 1, this function can be integrated and will be added
% to a integrator solver_int when requested by initSolver.
% label: Short label string used for plots and exporting.
% trans2XPP: Use this function to translate the parameters into the
% XPP format (e.g., '@(a_fs) getParams(a_fs)'.
% Returns a structure object with the following fields:
% var_names, func, tests_db.
% Description:
% Base class for a minimal set of parameters that stand for a single
% function of a single variable, y = f(p, x), where p is a structure that
% holds the function parameters. This is intended for describing
% functions like m_inf and tau_inf curves. Uses tests_db to store
% parameter name and values.
% If = 0 and paramRanges are given, saves parameters as value
% between [0, 1] that correspond to the range given. This helps bounding the
% parameter values during optimization when the optimizer does not allow
% bounding parameters.
% General operations on param_func objects:
% param_func - Construct a new param_func object.
% func - Evaluate function at value x.
% plot_make - Returns a plot_abstract object.
% plot - Plots function in new figure.
% getParams, setParams - Parameter get/set.
% Additional methods:
% See methods('param_func')
% Example:
% f_INaP = ...
% param_func(...
% {'voltage [mV]', 'current [nA]'}, ...
% [-40 -4.5, 1], ...
% {'V_half', 'k', 'gmax'}, ...
% @(p,x) ((p.gmax ./ (1 + exp((x(1, :) - p.V_half) ./ p.k))) ...
% .* (x - ENa)), ...
% 'steady-state I_{NaP}(V_{step})', ...
% struct('xMin', -90, 'xMax', 30));
% See also: param_act, tests_db, plot_abstract
% $Id: param_func.m 538 2011-07-21 00:18:48Z cengiz $
% Author: Cengiz Gunay <>, 2009/05/28
% - make this independent of tests_db! use a struct to hold param values
if nargin == 0 % Called with no params
ps = struct;
ps.var_names = {};
ps.func = @(x) 0;
ps = class(ps, 'param_func', ...
tests_db([], {}, {}, ''));
elseif isa(var_names, 'param_func') % copy constructor?
ps = var_names;
if ~ exist('props', 'var')
props = struct;
% defaults
props = mergeStructs(props, struct('direct', 1));
if ~isfield(props, 'rangeFunc')
props.rangeFunc = @ldsatlins;
if isstruct(param_init_vals)
param_names = fieldnames(param_init_vals);
param_init_vals = cell2mat(struct2cell(param_init_vals));
% row vector only
param_init_vals = param_init_vals(:)';
% use range-scaled values if specified
if ~ isfield(props, 'direct') || == 0
param_init_vals = convertParams2Ratios(param_init_vals, props);
ps = struct;
ps.var_names = var_names;
ps.func = func_handle;
ps = class(ps, 'param_func', ...
tests_db(param_init_vals, ...
param_names, {}, id, props));