function a_ps = param_spline_func(x_vals, init_vals, var_names, id, props)
% param_spline_func - Parameterized spline function to match an arbitrary shape.
% Usage:
% a_ps = param_spline_func(x_vals, init_vals, id, props)
% Parameters:
% x_vals: X values where to put spline breaks. If has two points,
% it is interpreted as [min max] bounds and is divided into equal
% number of breaks as given in init_vals.
% init_vals: Initial values of y values at the spline breaks.
% var_names: Cell string with the names and units of x and y variables.
% id: An identifying string for this function.
% props: A structure with any optional properties.
% paramRanges: [min max] of y axis to be expanded and passed to param_func.
% (Rest passed to param_func)
% Returns a structure object with the following fields:
% x_vals,
% param_func.
% Description:
% fHandle executes much faster when parameters are fixed.
% See also: param_func, param_act, param_tau_v
% $Id: param_spline_func.m 128 2010-06-07 21:36:08Z cengiz $
% Author: Cengiz Gunay <>, 2010/09/16
% TODO: measure time, improve eval functions by using interpolation
% table?
% - allow changing prefix on param names and use voltage values
props = defaultValue('props', struct);
if nargin == 0 % Called with no params
a_ps = struct;
a_ps.x_vals = [];
a_ps = class(a_ps, 'param_spline_func', ...
param_func({'x', 'spline'}, [], ...
{}, @spline_val, '', props));
elseif isa(x_vals, 'param_spline_func') % copy constructor?
a_ps = x_vals;
num_breaks = length(init_vals);
num_v = length(x_vals);
if num_v == 2 && num_breaks > 0
% so that truncation errors don't accummulate:
x_vals = x_vals(1) + (0:(num_breaks - 1)) * diff(x_vals) / (num_breaks - 1);
elseif num_v ~= num_breaks
error(['x_vals and init_vals must have same number of values except when x_vals ' ...
'= [min max].']);
a_ps = struct;
a_ps.x_vals = x_vals;
if isfield(props, 'paramRanges')
props.paramRanges = ...
repmat(props.paramRanges(:), 1, num_breaks);
param_names = arrayfun(@(x) [ 'p' num2str(x) ], 1:num_breaks, 'UniformOutput', false);
props = mergeStructs(props, ...
struct('xMin', min(x_vals), 'xMax', max(x_vals)));
a_ps = ...
class(a_ps, 'param_spline_func', ...
param_func(var_names, init_vals, param_names, ...
@spline_val, id, props));
function val = spline_val(p, x)
% In handle version, spline is made only once
pp = pchip(x_vals, cell2mat(struct2cell(p)));
% return interpolated value
val = ppval(pp, x);