This is the modelling code in Brian2 and python for:
The endogenous stress hormone CRH modulates excitatory transmission and network physiology in hippocampus.
Gunn B.G, Cox C.D, Chen Y , Frotscher, M, Gall C.M, Baram T.Z, and Lynch G 
It was written by Conor D Cox
The figures were generated by serverizing the code (not included here for simplicity)
Pyramidal cells were modelled by the two-compartment Pinsky-Rinzel model (Pinsky & Rinzel, 1994) adapted from ModelDB 
accession no 35358; Migliore et al, 2003) which was written in Neuron.
Interneurons were modelled on the single-compartment Wang-Buzsaki model (Wang & Buzsaki, 1996) found on the Brian simulator website.
This model is an implementation of: 
Taxidis J, Coombes S, Mason R & Owen MR. 2012. Modeling sharp wave-ripple
complexes through a CA3-CA1 network model with chemical synapses. Hippocampus 22, 995-1017.

There are two files here one which contains the DG model one which contains a current injection. <-DG<- Current
Code should be set in high RAM mode. the StateMonitors use approx 1 GB of RAM per second of simulation.
These lines can be commented in and out but related figures should also be turned off.
Follow further updates on author's github here: for the specific modelling code.