files for a NEURON implementation of the Hopfield and Brody (HB) model from the papers: JJ Hopfield and CD Brody, PNAS 97, 13919 (2000) JJ Hopfield and CD Brody, PNAS 98, 1282 (2001) complete information about the original model can be found at: This is a custom implementation, intended to serve as a basic starting point for those who would like to build a more realistic network using NEURON and the ideas underlying the HB model. 200 "inputs from area A" were implemented, composed by 40 input channels each of them triggering a set of 5 slowly decaying currents (40x20 in HB). These currents were modeled as single exponential synaptic events with slow decays of 200,300,400,500, and 600ms, respectively, rather than as linearly decreasing generic currents as in HB. Each synaptic current was delivered to one Alpha and one Beta "area W" neurons. The 200 Alpha + 200 Beta area W neurons were modeled as a single compartment neurons with Na+ and K+ currents from a CA1 model (see the CA1 model on the Senselab website) rather than with Leaky Integrate and Fire cells (HB). To "train" the network to recognize the event times pattern from the "exemplar.txt" file (that can be found at the HB website), 30 Alpha and Beta cells (listed in the connections.txt file) whose firing rates were approximately converging after about 400ms were selected for all-to-all connections. Since the network recognizes only one pattern, only one Gamma cell was used. Membrane time constants were the same as in HB. To run the simulations Under unix systems: to compile the mod files use the command nrnivmodl and run the simulation hoc file with the command nrngui hopfield-brody_sd.hoc Under Windows: to compile the mod files use the "mknrndll DOS box" and follow on-screen instructions. A double click on the simulation file hopfield-brody_sd.hoc will open the simulation window. Three simulations could be run to show the output of the Gamma cell, a raster plot, and firing rates of the selected Alpha cells when an input pattern was presented under three different conditions: "before training": event times pattern from "exemplar.txt" and no connections among the area W cells; "after training" : event times pattern from "exemplar.txt" and all-to-all connections between the selected cells; Note firing synchronization on the raster (red marks) and firing rate plots (bold lines). "random activation": random event times pattern and all-to-all connections between the selected cells; On a 1.3GHz pentium IV under Windows2000 each simulation (1sec of model time) needs about 2.5min of CPU time. Questions on how to use this model should be directed to