function [traj, infStates] = tapas_hgf_whatworld(r, p, varargin)
% Calculates the trajectories of the agent's representations under the HGF
% This function can be called in two ways:
% (1) tapas_hgf_whatworld(r, p)
%     where r is the structure generated by tapas_fitModel and p is the parameter vector in native space;
% (2) tapas_hgf_whatworld(r, ptrans, 'trans')
%     where r is the structure generated by tapas_fitModel, ptrans is the parameter vector in
%     transformed space, and 'trans' is a flag indicating this.
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Copyright (C) 2013 Christoph Mathys, TNU, UZH & ETHZ
% This file is part of the HGF toolbox, which is released under the terms of the GNU General Public
% Licence (GPL), version 3. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL
% (either version 3 or, at your option, any later version). For further details, see the file
% COPYING or <>.

% Check whether we have a configuration structure
if ~isfield(r,'c_prc')
    error('tapas:hgf:ConfigRequired', 'Configuration required: before calling tapas_hgf_whatworld, tapas_hgf_whatworld_config has to be called.');

% Transform paramaters back to their native space if needed
if ~isempty(varargin) && strcmp(varargin{1},'trans');
    p = tapas_hgf_whatworld_transp(r, p);

% Number of states whose contingencies have to be learned
ns = r.c_prc.n_states;

% Number of elements of the transition matrix
ntr = ns^2;

% Unpack parameters
mu2_0 = reshape(p(1:ntr)',ns,ns);
sa2_0 = reshape(p(ntr+1:2*ntr)',ns,ns);
mu3_0 = p(2*ntr+1);
sa3_0 = p(2*ntr+2);
ka    = p(2*ntr+3);
om    = p(2*ntr+4);
th    = p(2*ntr+5);

% Add dummy "zeroth" trial
u = [1; r.u(:,1)];

% Number of trials (including prior)
n = length(u);

% Initialize updated quantities

% Representations
mu1 = NaN(n,ns,ns);
pi1 = NaN(n,ns,ns);
mu2 = NaN(n,ns,ns);
pi2 = NaN(n,ns,ns);
mu3 = NaN(n,1);
pi3 = NaN(n,1);

% Other quantities
mu1hat = NaN(n,ns,ns);
pi1hat = NaN(n,ns,ns);
mu2hat = NaN(n,ns,ns);
pi2hat = NaN(n,ns,ns);
mu3hat = NaN(n,1);
pi3hat = NaN(n,1);
v2     = NaN(n,1);
w2     = NaN(n,ns,ns);
da1    = NaN(n,ns,ns);
da2    = NaN(n,ns,ns);

% Representation priors
% Note: first entries of the other quantities remain
% NaN because they are undefined and are thrown away
% at the end; their presence simply leads to consistent
% trial indices.
mu1(1,:,:) = tapas_sgm(mu2_0, 1);
pi1(1,:,:) = 1./(mu1(1,:,:).*(1-mu1(1,:,:)));
mu2(1,:,:) = mu2_0;
pi2(1,:,:) = 1./sa2_0;
mu3(1)   = mu3_0;
pi3(1)   = 1/sa3_0;

% Pass through representation update loop
for k = 2:1:n
    if not(ismember(k-1, r.ign))
        % Effect of input u(k)
        % Note: there is only an effect on the column of 
        % the transition matrix that corresponds to the
        % previous outcome u(k-1)
        % 1st level
        % ~~~~~~~~~
        % Unnormalized predictions
        mu1hat(k,:,:) = squeeze(tapas_sgm(mu2(k-1,:,:), 1));
        % Precisions of predictions
        pi1hat(k,:,:) = 1./(mu1hat(k,:,:).*(1 -mu1hat(k,:,:)));

        % Posterior for each possible transition
        mu1(k,:,u(k-1)) = 0;
        mu1(k,u(k),u(k-1)) = 1;

        % Precision of posterior for each possible
        % transition is infinite owing to absence
        % of noise
        pi1(k,:,u(k-1)) = Inf;
        % Prediction errors
        da1(k,:,u(k-1)) = mu1(k,:,u(k-1)) -mu1hat(k,:,u(k-1));

        % 2nd level
        % ~~~~~~~~~
        % Predictions
        mu2hat(k,:,:) = mu2(k-1,:,:);
        % Precisions of predictions
        pi2hat(k,:,:) = 1./(1./pi2(k-1,:,:) +exp(ka *mu3(k-1) +om));

        % Updates
        % Without observation, pi2 is equal to pi2hat
        pi2(k,:,:) = pi2hat(k,:,:);
        % However, where we have an observation, the usual update applies
        pi2(k,:,u(k-1)) = pi2hat(k,:,u(k-1)) +1./pi1hat(k,:,u(k-1));

        % By default, carry means of predictions forward
        mu2(k,:,:) = mu2hat(k,:,:);
        % However, where we have a prediction error, perform an update
        mu2(k,:,u(k-1)) = mu2hat(k,:,u(k-1)) +1./pi2(k,:,u(k-1)) .*da1(k,:,u(k-1));

        % Volatility prediction errors
        da2(k,:,u(k-1)) = (1./pi2(k,:,u(k-1)) +(mu2(k,:,u(k-1)) -mu2hat(k,:,u(k-1))).^2) .*pi2hat(k,:,u(k-1)) -1;

        % 3rd level
        % ~~~~~~~~~
        % Prediction
        mu3hat(k) = mu3(k-1);
        % Precision of prediction
        pi3hat(k) = 1/(1/pi3(k-1) +th);

        % Weighting factors
        v2(k)          = exp(ka *mu3(k-1) +om);
        w2(k,:,u(k-1)) = v2(k) *pi2hat(k,:,u(k-1));

        % Updates
        pi3(k) = pi3hat(k) +sum(1/2 *ka^2 *w2(k,:,u(k-1)) .*(w2(k,:,u(k-1)) +(2 *w2(k,:,u(k-1)) -1) .*da2(k,:,u(k-1))));

        if pi3(k) <= 0
            error('tapas:hgf:NegPostPrec', 'Negative posterior precision. Parameters are in a region where model assumptions are violated.');

        mu3(k) = mu3hat(k) +sum(1/2 *1/pi3(k) *ka *w2(k,:,u(k-1)) .*da2(k,:,u(k-1)));
        mu1(k,:,:) = mu1(k-1,:,:);
        pi1(k,:,:) = pi1(k-1,:,:);
        mu2(k,:,:) = mu2(k-1,:,:);
        pi2(k,:,:) = pi2(k-1,:,:);
        mu3(k)     = mu3(k-1);
        pi3(k)     = pi3(k-1);

        mu1hat(k,:,:) = mu1hat(k-1,:,:);
        pi1hat(k,:,:) = pi1hat(k-1,:,:);
        mu2hat(k,:,:) = mu2hat(k-1,:,:);
        pi2hat(k,:,:) = pi2hat(k-1,:,:);
        mu3hat(k)     = mu3hat(k-1);
        pi3hat(k)     = pi3hat(k-1);
        v2(k)         = v2(k-1);
        w2(k,:,:)     = w2(k-1,:,:);
        da1(k,:,:)    = da1(k-1,:,:);
        da2(k,:,:)    = da2(k-1,:,:);

% Remove representation priors
mu1(1,:,:)  = [];
pi1(1,:,:)  = [];
mu2(1,:,:)  = [];
pi2(1,:,:)  = [];
mu3(1)      = [];
pi3(1)      = [];

% Remove other dummy initial values
mu1hat(1,:,:) = [];
pi1hat(1,:,:) = [];
mu2hat(1,:,:) = [];
pi2hat(1,:,:) = [];
mu3hat(1)     = [];
pi3hat(1)     = [];
v2(1)         = [];
w2(1,:,:)     = [];
da1(1,:,:)    = [];
da2(1,:,:)    = [];

% Create result data structure
traj = struct; = NaN(n-1,3,ns,ns);,1,:,:) = mu1;,2,:,:) = mu2;,3,1,1) = mu3; = NaN(n-1,3,ns,ns);,1,:,:) = 1./pi1;,2,:,:) = 1./pi2;,3,1,1) = 1./pi3;

traj.muhat = NaN(n-1,3,ns,ns);
traj.muhat(:,1,:,:) = mu1hat;
traj.muhat(:,2,:,:) = mu2hat;
traj.muhat(:,3,1,1) = mu3hat;

traj.sahat = NaN(n-1,3,ns,ns);
traj.sahat(:,1,:,:) = 1./pi1hat;
traj.sahat(:,2,:,:) = 1./pi2hat;
traj.sahat(:,3,1,1) = 1./pi3hat;

traj.v       = v2;
traj.w       = w2;

traj.da = NaN(n-1,2,ns,ns);
traj.da(:,1,:,:) = da1;
traj.da(:,2,:,:) = da2;

% Updates with respect to prediction
traj.ud = -traj.muhat;

% Psi (precision weights on prediction errors)
psi = NaN(n-1,3,ns,ns);
for k = 1:n-1
    psi(k,2,:,:) = 1./pi2(k,:,:);
    psi(k,3,:,:) = pi2hat(k,:,:)./pi3(k);
traj.psi = psi;

% Epsilons (precision-weighted prediction errors)
epsi = NaN(n-1,3,ns,ns);
for k = 1:n-1
    epsi(k,2,:,:) = squeeze(psi(k,2,:,:)) .*squeeze(da1(k,:,:));
    epsi(k,3,:,:) = squeeze(psi(k,3,:,:)) .*squeeze(da2(k,:,:));
traj.epsi = epsi;

% Implied learning rates at the first level
lr1 = NaN(n-1,ns,ns);
for k = 1:n-1
    upd1       = tapas_sgm(mu2(k,:,:), 1) -mu1hat(k,:,:);
    lr1(k,:,:) = upd1./da1(k,:,:);

% Full learning rate (full weights on prediction errors)
wt          = NaN(n-1,3,ns,ns);
wt(:,1,:,:) = lr1;
wt(:,2,:,:) = psi(:,2,:,:);
v2psi = NaN(n-1,ns,ns);
for k = 1:n-1
    v2psi(k,:,:) = v2(k)*psi(k,3,:,:);
wt(:,3,:,:) = 1/2 *ka *v2psi;
traj.wt     = wt;

% Create matrices for use by the observation model
infStates = NaN(n-1,3,ns,ns,4);
infStates(:,:,:,:,1) = traj.muhat;
infStates(:,:,:,:,2) = traj.sahat;
infStates(:,:,:,:,3) =;
infStates(:,:,:,:,4) =;
