function [traj, infStates] = tapas_rw_binary_dual(r, p, varargin)
% Calculates the trajectories of v under the Rescorla-Wagner learning model for dual updates.
% This function can be called in two ways:
% (1) tapas_rw_binary_dual(r, p)
% where r is the structure generated by tapas_fitModel and p is the parameter vector in native space;
% (2) tapas_rw_binary_dual(r, ptrans, 'trans')
% where r is the structure generated by tapas_fitModel, ptrans is the parameter vector in
% transformed space, and 'trans' is a flag indicating this.
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Christoph Mathys, TNU, UZH & ETHZ
% This file is part of the HGF toolbox, which is released under the terms of the GNU General Public
% Licence (GPL), version 3. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL
% (either version 3 or, at your option, any later version). For further details, see the file
% COPYING or <>.
% Transform paramaters back to their native space if needed
if ~isempty(varargin) && strcmp(varargin{1},'trans');
p = tapas_rw_binary_dual_transp(r, p);
% Unpack parameters
v_0 = p(1:2);
al = p(3);
ka = p(4);
% Add dummy "zeroth" trial
u = [0; r.u(:,1)];
y = [0; r.y(:,1)];
n = length(u);
% Initialize updated quantity: value
v = NaN(n,2);
da = NaN(n,2);
% Prior
v(1,:) = v_0;
% Pass through value update loop
for k = 2:1:n
if not(ismember(k, r.ign))
% Effect of input u(k)
% Prediction error
if u(k)==1
da(k,y(k)) = 1 -v(k-1,y(k));
da(k,3-y(k)) = 0 -v(k-1,3-y(k));
elseif u(k)==0
da(k,y(k)) = 0 -v(k-1,y(k));
da(k,3-y(k)) = 1 -v(k-1,3-y(k));
% Value
v(k,y(k)) = v(k-1,y(k)) +al*da(k,y(k));
v(k,3-y(k)) = v(k-1,3-y(k)) +ka*al*da(k,3-y(k));
da(k,:) = [0, 0];
v(k,:) = v(k-1,:);
% Predicted value
vhat = v;
vhat(end,:) = [];
% Remove representation priors
v(1,:) = [];
da(1,:) = [];
% Create result data structure
traj = struct;
traj.v = v;
traj.vhat = vhat;
traj.da = da;
% Create matrix (in this case: vector) needed by observation model
infstates = NaN(n-1,1,2,1,1);
infStates(:,1,1,1,1) = vhat(:,1);
infStates(:,1,2,1,1) = vhat(:,2);