This is the readme.txt for the model associated with the papers

1. Hodgkin AL, Huxley AF. A quantitative description of membrane
current and its application to conduction and excitation in nerve.

2. Chen BS, Lo YC, Liu YC, Wu SN. Effects of transient receptor-like
current on firing pattern of actions potentials in the Hodgkin-Huxley
neuron during exposure to sinusoidal external voltage.


Transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) channels play a role
in several inflammatory and nociceptive processes. Previous work
showed that magnetic electrical field-induced antinociceptive
[corrected] action is mediated by activation of capsaicin-sensitive
sensory afferents. In this study, a modified Hodgkin-Huxley model, in
which TRP-like current (ITRP) was incorporated, was implemented to
predict the firing behavior of action potentials (APs), as the model
neuron was exposed to sinusoidal changes in externally-applied
voltage. When model neuron is exposed to low-frequency sinusoidal
voltage, increased maximal conductance of ITRP can enhance repetitive
bursts of APs accompanied by a shortening of inter-spike interval
(ISI) in AP firing. The change in ISIs with number of interval is
periodic with the phase-locking. In addition, increased maximal
conductance of ITRP can abolish chaotic pattern of AP firing in model
neuron during exposure to high-frequency voltage.  The ISI pattern is
converted from irregular to constant, as maximal conductance of ITRP
is increased under such high-frequency voltage. Our simulation results
suggest that modulation of TRP-like channels functionally expressed in
small-diameter peripheral sensory neurons should be an important
mechanism through which it can contribute to the firing pattern of

R is available from To run this model, R
package deSolve is required.

Here is a screen shot of the model running supplied by the model


This model file was submitted by:

Sheng-Nan Wu and Yung-Hun Wu
Cardiac Electrophysiology and Systems-biology Center
National Cheng Kung University Medical Center
Tainan 70101, Taiwan

Note: an XPP model is also available in ModelDB for this paper:

ModelDB accession number 137263