float freq_min, freq_max, dfreq ;
long Num_I0, Num_freq;
float Iext0_min, Iext0_max, dIext0;
double t_max;
long n_one_cycle;
float T_start_map_constrn;
float T_start_spike_count;
// *********************** Input parameter values *****************************************************
// Forcing amplitude
Iext0_min=1.74; // least value of external current amplitude
Iext0_max= 1.74; // largest value of - do -
dIext0 = 0; // Difference between successive values of current amplitude
Num_I0 = 1;
printf("Number of forcing Amplitudes = %d \n \n",Num_I0);
// Forcing frequency (See HH code)
freq_min = 50; // (in Hz - per second)
freq_max= 50; // (in Hz - per second)
dfreq = 0; // (in Hz - per second)
Num_freq =1; // number of different frequency values (of current) for which simulations will be carried
printf("Number of different values of forcing frequencies= %d \n \n",Num_freq);
// Maximum time for which simulation will be run
t_max = 100; // in seconds
printf("Maximum time(in seconds) = %3.10f \n \n",t_max);
// Number of time steps in one cycle of sinusoidal input current (later dt is chosen as dt = T/1000). If a change is made,1000 should be changed both places.
printf("Number of time steps in one cycle = %d \n \n ",n_one_cycle);
// Adjust dimensions, if required
long j_mode_lck[100][100];
// Start Poincare map construction at the following time
T_start_map_constrn = 10; // time at which poincare map construction starts (in seconds)
printf("Poincare map constructruction starts at time (in seconds) = %f \n \n ",T_start_map_constrn);
// Start Poincare map construction & also spike counting at the following time
T_start_spike_count = 1; // time at which spike counting starts (in seconds)
printf("Spike counting starts at time (in seconds) = %f \n \n ",T_start_spike_count);