//float Iext0_min, Iext0_max,I0,dIext0;
float Iext0;
//float freq_min, freq_max, dfreq;
float T, freq, w;
//float t_max,
float dt, time;
//float T_start_map_constrn ,T_end_map_constrn;
float T_end_map_constrn;
//long Num_I0, Num_freq;
long n_max;
//long n_one_cycle;
long n_start_map_constrn, n_end_map_constrn;
float diff;
float tjunk;
long ijunk ;
long n,i,j,temp, k;
long kf, kI0;
long jstart;
long jmax_map;
char label1[6], label2[5];
float *V, *Vmap;
//float V[1000000], Vmap[10000];
FILE *ftimeid, *fV_vs_t_id, *fVmapid, *fjunkid , *fmdlck1, *fmdlck2 , *fVmapdiff;
// *********************** Input parameter values (read from file below) *****************************************************
#include "par_diag.h"
// **************** Open Files ***************************************************************************
fVmapdiff = fopen("VMapdiff.txt","w");
fmdlck1 = fopen("ModeLckVsI0.txt","w");
fmdlck2 = fopen("ModeLckVsFreq.txt","w");
// **************** Initialize variables ******************************************************************
//j = 0;
// *********************** START LOOP OVER FORCING FREQUENCY ************************************************
for(kf=0 ; kf<Num_freq; kf++){
// Above loop index kf is frequency index. Frequencies are read from a file
// *********************** START LOOP OVER FORCING AMPLITUDES************************************************
for(kI0 = 0 ; kI0 < Num_I0 ; kI0++) {
// Above loop index kI0 is amplitude index. Amplitudes are read from a file
// frequencies and amplitudes are read first. Frequency is needed to calculate dt and n_max needed later.
fscanf(fV_vs_t_id,"%s %f \n",label1,&Iext0);
fscanf(fV_vs_t_id,"%s %f \n",label2,&freq);
fprintf(fjunkid,"#Iext0 = %f Freq = %f \n \n",Iext0, freq);
fprintf(fVmapid,"\n \n");
fprintf(fVmapid,"#Frequency= %f \n",freq);
fprintf(fVmapid,"#Iext0= %f \n",Iext0);
printf("******Iext0= %f Frequency= %f *****\n ",Iext0, freq);
//******************************** CALCULATE T, dt, n_max ***********************************************************************
// ************************dt needed for calculating n_start_map_constrn ********************************************************
// **************n_max = number of voltage values generated by RK4 (depends on the forcing frequency) ***************************
// Time period
T=(1/freq); // in seconds
printf("Time period (in seconds) = %f \n \n",T);
// Time step
dt=(T/1000); // in seconds (time step is always chosen as (1/1000)th of the time period of ext current)
printf("Time step (in seconds) = %f \n \n",dt);
// Anglular frequency
w = freq*2*M_PI; // angular frequency (radians per second)
printf("Angular frequency (rad/second) = %f \n \n",w);
n_max = t_max*freq*1000; //n_max = t_max/dt;
printf("Number of time steps = %d \n \n",n_max);
// ****************** size allocation to arrays (depends on n_max. n_max depends on frequency)*********************
V = (float *)malloc(n_max*sizeof(float));
Vmap = (float *)malloc(0.01*n_max*sizeof(float));
// ****************************READ VOLTAGE TIME SERIES FROM FILE ( generated by running RK4 in another programme)************
fscanf(fV_vs_t_id,"%d %f %f \n",&ijunk,&tjunk,&V[i]);
fprintf(fjunkid,"%d %f %f \n",ijunk,tjunk,V[i]); /* this is the print statement in the code that generates the time series */
// ********************************* START CONSTRUCTION OF POINCARE MAP *************************************************************
// *********************First calculate Poincare map parameters from the ones that were input above **************
n_start_map_constrn = T_start_map_constrn/dt + 1;
n_end_map_constrn = t_max/dt + 1 ; //Once started poincare map construction goes on till the end of the time series
printf("Poincare map construction starts at timestep = %d \n \n",n_start_map_constrn);
printf("Poincare map construction ends at timestep = %d \n \n",n_end_map_constrn);
if ((i-(i/n_one_cycle)*n_one_cycle) == 0)
{ // n_one_cycle is the number of time steps in 1 cycle of input current
Vmap[j] = V[i];
fprintf(fVmapid,"%d %d %6.10f %6.15f \n",i, j,time,Vmap[j]);
jmax_map = j;
printf("Constructed poincare map \n");
// ************ FIND MODE LOCKING RATIOS (time period of response/time period of input = j_mode_lck) *******************************************
jstart = 1; // start determining mode locking (from poincare map) when the poincare map index j = jstart
diff=10; /* initialize diff to any large enough value */
while(fabs(diff) >=0.001 && j<jmax_map)
//printf("j= %d \n",j);
fprintf(fVmapdiff,"%d %f %f\n",j,Vmap[jstart+j],fabs(diff));
if (j == jmax_map) //if the last value of j in previous loop is the last poincare map index. If that is so, mode locking is not found.
j_mode_lck[kf][kI0]=0; // We assign a value zero if no mode locking is found till the end of simulation time
//printf("diff=%3.15f Time period of response=%d\n",fabs(diff),j_mode_lck[kf][kI0];
printf("Found mode locking ratio \n");
} // end of Iext0 loop
} // end of frequency loop
// ************************************* SAVE MODE LOCKING RATIOS IN EASY TO PLOT FORMAT ******************************************************
// Print (on file) mode locking ratio vs Iext0 for each frequency value. This data can be used to plot mode locking ration vs Iext0 for a given freq
freq = freq_min;
for(kf=0 ; kf<Num_freq; kf++)
fprintf(fmdlck1,"\n \n");
fprintf(fmdlck1,"#Frequency= %f \n",freq);
for(kI0 = 0 ; kI0 < Num_I0 ; kI0++)
fprintf(fmdlck1,"%f %d \n",Iext0,j_mode_lck[kf][kI0]);
Iext0 = Iext0 + dIext0;
freq = freq + dfreq;
// Print (on file) mode locking ratio vs freq for each Iext0 value. This data can be used to plot mode locking ratio vs freq for a given Iext0
for(kI0=0 ; kI0<Num_I0; kI0++)
freq = freq_min ;
fprintf(fmdlck2,"\n \n");
fprintf(fmdlck2,"#Iext0= %f \n",Iext0);
for(kf = 0 ; kf < Num_freq ; kf++)
fprintf(fmdlck2,"%f %d \n",freq,j_mode_lck[kf][kI0]);
freq = freq + dfreq;
Iext0 = Iext0 + dIext0;
//***************Close files **************************************************************************************************************************
// **************Code ends **************************************************************************************************************************