 *  effective.h
 *  Created by Daniele Linaro on 5/2/10.
 *  Copyright 2009 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.


#include "randlib.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <ctime>

//#define EULER
#define EXACT

const int nstates = 8;

class effective {
		effective(long seed, double area, double gamma, double gbar) {
			 * area [um^2] - gamma [pS] - gbar [S/cm^2]
			N = (int) ceil(10000 * (area*gbar/gamma));
			printf("EFFECTIVE model>> the number of channels is %d.\n", N);
		~effective() {
			delete norm;
		void init(long seed) {
			// random number generator
			norm = new NormalBM(0., 1., (ullong) seed);

			tend = 10;
			dt = 0.001;
		void setV(double Vm) {
			v = Vm; 
			am = alpham();
			bm = betam();
			ah = alphah();
			bh = betah();		

		void setTend(double Tend) { tend = Tend; }
		void setDt(double Dt) { dt = Dt; }
		double getVm() const { return v; }
		double getTend() const { return tend; }
		double getDt() const { return dt; }

		int simulate();
		void rates();
		void consistency();

		double vtrap(double x, double y) const;
		double alpham() const;
		double betam() const;
		double alphah() const;
		double betah() const;
		int N;	// number of channels

		double m, h;	// gating variables
		double m_inf, h_inf;	// steady states
		double tau_m, tau_h;	// time constants
		double am, bm, ah, bh;
		double v;	// membrane potential
		double tend;	// total simulation time
		double dt;	// current time and integration step

		NormalBM *norm;

		double z[nstates-1], tau_z[nstates-1], noise_z[nstates-1], var_z[nstates-1];
		#ifdef EXACT
		double mu_z[nstates-1];
