%%% script to run all stages of fitting Izhikevich MSN neurons to data from
%%% Moyer et al's multi-compartment MSN neuron
%% All X0 values taken from hand-tunings in handtune_Iz_MSneuron.m
clear all
% simulation parameters
T = 5000; % length of simulation in ms
dt = 0.1; % time step
f_start = 1000/dt; % start of averaging period
f_end = T/dt; % end of averaging period
f_time = (f_end - f_start) * 1e-3 * dt; % length of averaging period in seconds
Istore = 270;
%% dopamine levels - saturated dopamine?
D1 = 0.8;
D2 = 0.8;
% Izi neuron parameters: C, a, b, c, d, k, vt, vr, vpeak
% these parameters of Izi MSN neuron are fixed
% pars = [k,a,b,c,vr,vpeak];
izipars = [1,0.01,-20,-55,-80,40];
% synaptic parameters - ratios of ampa:x conductance
ampa_nmda = 2;
ampa_gaba = 1.4;
Egaba = -60;
Enmda = 0;
Eampa = 0;
Mg = 1; % magnesium ion concentration in mM
ts_ampa = 6; % time constant of the glutamate AMPA PSPs
ts_nmda = 160; % time constant of the glutamate NMDA PSPs
ts_gaba = 4; % time constant of the GABA PSPs
synpars = [ampa_nmda, ampa_gaba, Egaba, Enmda, Eampa, Mg, ts_ampa, ts_nmda, ts_gaba];
%% step 1: tune parameters of basic Izi MSN to fit f-I curve and
%% time-to-first spike of unmodified Moyer neuron
%% search on x = [C,vt,d];
disp('Stage 1')
allpars = [izipars T dt f_start f_end f_time Istore];
X0 = [15,-30,90];
opts = optimset('fminsearch');
%opts = optimset(opts,'MaxFunEvals',2000);
[X,FVAL,exitflag,output] = fminsearch(@(x) stageone(x,allpars),X0,opts);
%% test resulting model - check time-to-first spike
k = izipars(1); a = izipars(2); b = izipars(3); c = izipars(4); vr = izipars(5); vpeak = izipars(6);
% found MS parameters: X = [C,vt,d]
C = X(1); vt = X(2); d =X(3);
v = vr*ones(1,T/dt); u=0*v;
for i = 1:(T/dt-1)
%--- unmodulated
v(i+1) = v(i) + dt*(k*(v(i)-vr)*(v(i)-vt)-u(i) + Istore)/C;
u(i+1) = u(i) + dt*a*(b*(v(i)-vr)-u(i));
% spikes?
if v(i+1)>=vpeak;
v(i)=vpeak; v(i+1)=c; u(i+1)=u(i+1)+d;
temp = find(v >= vpeak);
ttfs = temp(1) * dt
%% step 2: take tuned parameters and use as basis for model for D1 and D2
%% intrinsic models - separately tune D1 and D2 intrinsic model parameters
%% to fit corresponding data from Moyer et al
disp('Stage 2a')
allintpars = [allpars X]; % tuned parameters passed to these searches
X0 = [0.03,0.3]; % [mKIR, mLCA]
[XD1,FVAL,exitflag,output] = fminsearch(@(x) stagetwo(x,[allintpars 1 D1]),X0,opts);
disp('Stage 2b')
X0 = 0.04; % alpha
[XD2,FVAL,exitflag,output] = fminsearch(@(x) stagetwo(x,[allintpars 2 D2]),X0,opts);
%% step 3: take tuned parameters from step 1 and use as basis for tuning
%% synaptic conductances to fit f-f curve of unmodified Moyer neuron
%% First: find functional form of f-f curve to fit to! [We do this because
%% f-f data generated from stochastic input, so would be meaningless to fit
%% exactly - but all f-f curves approx linear]
disp('Stage 3')
% regress against data...
% f-f curves
synapticHz = [850.0800 900.1440 950.2080 1000.2720 1050.3360 1100.4000 1150.4640 1200.5280 1250.5920 1300.6560 1350.7200];
unmodff = [0 0.7778 1.4444 2.5556 3.0000 5.0000 5.3333 7.5556 7.8889 9.5556 10.2222];
[B,BINT,R,RINT,STATS] = regress(unmodff',[ones(numel(synapticHz),1) synapticHz']);
% tune parameters - take tuned Izi MSN and add synaptic input
% note - we only explictly tune G_ampa here - G_nmda and G_gaba are both
% fixed ratios of this value, based on ratios given in Moyer et al
X0 = 7; % size of G_ampa in nS??
[Xsyn,FVAL,exitflag,output] = fminsearch(@(x) stagethree(x,[allpars X B' synpars]),X0,opts);
%% step 4: take synaptic+basic model tuned parameters from step 3, add D1
%% and D2 intrinsic models from step 2, and separately tune D1 and D2
%% synaptic effect models to fit f-f cuves from corresponding data from
%% Moyer et al.
%% First: find functional form of f-f curves to fit to!
d1allff = [0.4444 1.2222 3.2222 4.2222 6.3333 8.7778 9.3333 13.1111 13.6667 16.4444 17.3333];
d2allff = [ 0 0 0.4444 0.5556 1.0000 2.0000 2.4444 4.0000 4.5556 6.4444 6.6667];
[Bd1all,BINTd1all,Rd1all,RINTd1all,STATSd1all] = regress(d1allff',[ones(numel(synapticHz),1) synapticHz']);
[Bd2all,BINTd2all,Rd2all,RINTd2all,STATSd2all] = regress(d2allff',[ones(numel(synapticHz),1) synapticHz']);
% takes in: [basic pars, stage 1 pars, fit curve, stage 2 pars, DA type, DA level, stage 3 pars]
% tune parameters - D1 model
disp('Stage 4a')
X0 = 6;
[Xd1all,FVAL,exitflag,output] = fminsearch(@(x) stagefour(x,[allpars X Bd1all' synpars Xsyn 1 D1 XD1]),X0,opts);
% tune parameters - D2 model
disp('Stage 4b')
X0 = 0.2;
[Xd2all,FVAL,exitflag,output] = fminsearch(@(x) stagefour(x,[allpars X Bd2all' synpars Xsyn 2 D2 XD2]),X0,opts);
%% also: check error in fit for D1 and D2 intrinsic only models to
%% corresponding Moyer et al data!! Nothing to tune, relies entirely on
%% success of previous tunings....
%% First: find functional form of f-f curves to fit to!
d1intff = [0 0.2222 0.5556 1.0000 2.0000 3.6667 4.3333 7.2222 8.1111 11.1111 11.5556];
d2intff = [0.7778 1.5556 2.6667 4.0000 5.5556 7.0000 7.2222 9.7778 10.2222 12.3333 12.5556];
[Bd1int,BINTd1int,Rd1int,RINTd1int,STATSd1int] = regress(d1intff',[ones(numel(synapticHz),1) synapticHz']);
[Bd2int,BINTd2int,Rd2int,RINTd2int,STATSd2int] = regress(d2intff',[ones(numel(synapticHz),1) synapticHz']);
disp('Stage 5 - test')
fD1int = stagefive([allpars X Bd1int' synpars Xsyn 1 D1 XD1]);
fD2int = stagefive([allpars X Bd2int' synpars Xsyn 2 D2 XD2]);
%%% put these parameters back into script to see fits!!
save fit_model_results_NEWtuning_ISIs