%%% Example code for HV_disparity code
%%% v0.1
%%% 23/10/2018
%%% M.Chessa and F. Solari
%%% University of Genoa, ITALY
%%% manuela.chessa@unige.it
%%% fabio.solari@unige.it
%%% M. Chessa, F. Solari.
%%% A Computational Model for the Neural Representation and Estimation of the
%%% Binocular Vector Disparity from Convergent Stereo Image Pairs.
%%% International Journal of Neural Systems, 28, art. no. 1850029, 2018
%%% DOI: https://doi.org/10.1142/S0129065718500296
n_scales =9; %pyramidal scales
th=1e-4; %V1 global energy threshold
th2=2.54; %V1 energy threshold
n_filters=18; %spatial filer orientations
Dori=2; %MT (disparity) directions
load LeftRightImages00
D = HV_disparity(II,n_scales,n_filters,th,th2,Dori);
figure,imagesc(II(:,:,1)),colormap gray, title('left image')
figure,imagesc(D(:,:,1)),colormap jet, title('horizontal disparity (estimated)')
figure,imagesc(D(:,:,2)),colormap jet, title('vertical disparity (estimated)')