// genesis include kons_axax.g /****!!!!!This version does not contain any specific properties of axo-axonic cells!!!!! and is not currently maintained****/ /*****This script creates a prototype for the axo-axonic interenuron which ******selectively terminates on the axon-initial segment of pyramidal cells ******controlling action potential generation of these cells ******/ create neutral /prot_axax //***************************************************************************** //*****Somatic compartment create compartment /prot_axax/soma setfield /prot_axax/soma \ Cm {CM_AXAX * SOMA_A_AXAX} \ // F Ra {RA_AXAX * SOMA_L_AXAX /SOMA_XA_AXAX}\ // ohm (felesleges) Em {EREST_ACT_AXAX} \ // V Rm {RM_AXAX/SOMA_A_AXAX} \ // ohm inject {1.4 * {SOMA_A_AXAX} * 1e-2} \ initVm -0.065 //***************************************************************************** //*****Active sodium channel a la Wang & Buzsaki '96 with fast m gate create vdep_channel /prot_axax/soma/Na_channel setfield /prot_axax/soma/Na_channel \ Ek 55e-3 \ // V gbar { 350 * {SOMA_A_AXAX} } // S //*****the m gate of the sodium channel create table /prot_axax/soma/Na_channel/m_gate ce /prot_axax/soma/Na_channel/m_gate call . TABCREATE {VRES} {VMIN} {VMAX} int i float y float alpham float betam float x for (i = 0; i<= VRES; i = i + 1) x = (i * (VMAX - VMIN) / VRES) + VMIN alpham= -0.1e+6 * ( x + 0.035) / ({ exp {-0.1e+3 * ( x + 0.035 )} } - 1) betam= 4e+3 * { exp { -1 * ( x + 0.060 ) / 0.018 } } y = alpham / ( alpham + betam ) if (x == -0.035) y = 0.9970947 end setfield . table->table[{i}] {y} end setfield . table->calc_mode 0 ce / //*****the h gate of the sodium channel create tabgate /prot_axax/soma/Na_channel/h_gate /*****tobb dolog is megkavarja a nagysagrandeket es elojeleket: atteres mV->V; ******atteres ms->s; az exponencialis szamlaloban, vagy nevezoben van-e ******/ setupgate ^ alpha {Phi*70} 0 0 58e-3 20e-3 -size {VRES} -range {VMIN} {VMAX} setupgate ^ beta {Phi*1e+3} 0 1 28e-3 -10e-3 -size {VRES} -range {VMIN} {VMAX} //*****Connecting gates to the channel ce /prot_axax/soma/Na_channel addmsg m_gate . MULTGATE output 3 addmsg h_gate . MULTGATE m 1 ce / //***************************************************************************** //*****Active potassium channel (deleyed rectifier) create vdep_channel /prot_axax/soma/K_channel setfield ^ Ek -90e-3 gbar {90*{SOMA_A_AXAX}} create tabgate /prot_axax/soma/K_channel/nv_gate setupgate ^ alpha {-0.01e+6*Phi*0.034} {-0.01e+6*Phi} -1 0.034 -10e-3 -size {VRES} -range {VMIN} {VMAX} setupgate ^ beta {0.125e+3*Phi} 0 0 0.044 0.080 -size {VRES} -range {VMIN} {VMAX} //*****Connecting gates to the channel ce /prot_axax/soma/K_channel addmsg nv_gate . MULTGATE m 4 ce / //***************************************************************************** //*****Copying constituents to a prototype cell ce /prot_axax/soma addmsg . K_channel/nv_gate VOLTAGE Vm addmsg K_channel . CHANNEL Gk Ek addmsg . K_channel VOLTAGE Vm addmsg . Na_channel/m_gate INPUT Vm addmsg . Na_channel/h_gate VOLTAGE Vm addmsg Na_channel . CHANNEL Gk Ek addmsg . Na_channel VOLTAGE Vm ce /