function gmax = inv_con_PSP(PSP,i,j)
% Implements linear transformation from a desired maximal PSP value to a peak
% conductance, according to the data in inv_con_par, depending on input and
% output neuron type
% scaling factors for all target neuron types
par_E = [1.0569 0.5875 0.6587 0.7567 0.6728 0.9899 0.6294 1.6596 0.5941 0.6661 0.7647 0.6799 1.5818 0.6360];
par_I = [2.3859 1.6277 1.6277 1.6671 1.6671 2.3142 1.4363 3.5816 1.6277 1.6277 1.6671 1.6671 3.4016 1.4363];
% par_E = ones(1,14); % replace the former two lines with these ones before using update_inv_con_PSP
% par_I = ones(1,14);
if any(ismember([1 8 15],j)) % use par_E if input is excitatory
gmax = PSP*par_E(i);
else % use par_I if input is inhibitory
gmax = PSP*par_I(i);