// Author: Etay Hay, 2011
// Models of Neocortical Layer 5b Pyramidal Cells Capturing a Wide Range of
// Dendritic and Perisomatic Active Properties
// (Hay et al., PLoS Computational Biology, 2011)
// Model of L5 Pyramidal Cell, constrained both for BAC firing and Current Step Firing
// Dendritic Ca LVA channels were removed
begintemplate L5PCbiophys
public biophys
proc biophys() {
forsec $o1.all {
insert pas
cm = 1
Ra = 100
e_pas = -90
forsec $o1.somatic {
insert Ca_LVAst
insert Ca_HVA
insert SKv3_1
insert SK_E2
insert K_Tst
insert K_Pst
insert Nap_Et2
insert NaTa_t
insert CaDynamics_E2
insert Ih
ek = -85
ena = 50
gIhbar_Ih = 0.0002
g_pas = 0.0000338
decay_CaDynamics_E2 = 460.0
gamma_CaDynamics_E2 = 0.000501
gCa_LVAstbar_Ca_LVAst = 0.00343
gCa_HVAbar_Ca_HVA = 0.000992
gSKv3_1bar_SKv3_1 = 0.693
gSK_E2bar_SK_E2 = 0.0441
gK_Tstbar_K_Tst = 0.0812
gK_Pstbar_K_Pst = 0.00223
gNap_Et2bar_Nap_Et2 = 0.00172
gNaTa_tbar_NaTa_t = 2.04
forsec $o1.apical {
cm = 2
insert Ih
insert SK_E2
insert Ca_HVA
insert SKv3_1
insert NaTa_t
insert Im
insert CaDynamics_E2
ek = -85
ena = 50
decay_CaDynamics_E2 = 122
gamma_CaDynamics_E2 = 0.000509
gSK_E2bar_SK_E2 = 0.0012
gSKv3_1bar_SKv3_1 = 0.000261
gNaTa_tbar_NaTa_t = 0.0213
gImbar_Im = 0.0000675
g_pas = 0.0000589
forsec $o1.basal {
cm = 2
insert Ih
gIhbar_Ih = 0.0002
g_pas = 0.0000467
forsec $o1.axonal {
g_pas = 0.0000325
endtemplate L5PCbiophys