/** * @file Util.cc * * Implementation of miscellaneous utilities * * Copyright (c) 2016 - 2018, Peter Helfer * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <getopt.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <string> #include <sys/time.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <boost/random.hpp> #include <boost/generator_iterator.hpp> #include <tinyexpr.h> #include <math.h> #include "Util.hh" #include "Trace.hh" namespace Util { #ifdef UTIL_THREADED static int randSeed = 0; /** * Obtain a unique random seed for the current thread. * Deterministic if initRand has not beeen called: first * caller gets 0, next caller gets 1, etc. */ static int getSeed() { if (randSeed != 0) { return randSeed * pthread_self(); } else { static int count = 0; static pthread_mutex_t count_mutex; pthread_mutex_lock(&count_mutex); int ret = count++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&count_mutex); return ret; } } /** * Use the system clock's usecs to generate a seed * (If initRand has not been called, then each thread * will always get the same sequence of random numbers). */ void initRand() { struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, 0); randSeed = now.tv_usec; } /** * Generate a random integer in [min, max] inclusive */ int randInt(int min, int max) { typedef boost::mt19937 RNGType; typedef boost::variate_generator< RNGType, boost::uniform_int<> > VGENType; static int firstCall = true; static pthread_key_t rng_key; // key for the random number generator static pthread_key_t vgen_key; // key for the variate generator if (firstCall) { int ret = pthread_key_create(&rng_key, NULL); ABORT_IF(ret != 0, "pthread_key_create returned %d", ret); ret = pthread_key_create(&vgen_key, NULL); ABORT_IF(ret != 0, "pthread_key_create returned %d", ret); firstCall = false; } static boost::uniform_int<> distr(0, RAND_MAX - 1); RNGType *rng = (RNGType *) pthread_getspecific(rng_key); if (rng == NULL) { rng = new RNGType(getSeed()); pthread_setspecific(rng_key, rng); VGENType *vgen = new VGENType(*rng, distr); pthread_setspecific(vgen_key, vgen); } VGENType *vgen = (VGENType *) pthread_getspecific(vgen_key); int ret = int(min + (max - min + 1) * 1.0 * (*vgen)() / RAND_MAX); return ret; } #else \ // Note: this version of randInt is not thread-safe // because it uses random(3). /** * Initialize rand */ void initRand() { // Use the system clock's usecs to randomize random(3) // struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, 0); srandom(now.tv_usec); } /** * Generate a random integer in [min, max] inclusive */ int randInt(int min, int max) { return min + (max - min + 1) * 1.0 * random() / RAND_MAX; } #endif /** * Create a random permutation of the integers min - max-1 */ vector<int> randPerm(int min, int max) { uint n = max - min; vector<int> v(n); for (uint i = 0; i < n; i++) { v[i] = min + i; } for (uint i = 0; i < n; i++) { int j = randInt(i, n - 1); swap(v[i], v[j]); } return v; } /** * Create a random set of n integers in the range [0, max] inclusive * May contain duplicates. */ vector<int> randIntList(uint n, int max) { vector<int> v(n); for (uint i = 0; i < n; i++) { v[i] = randInt(0, max); } return v; } /** * Create a random set of n unique integers in the range [min, max-1] * No duplicates. */ vector<int> randUniqueIntList(int n, int min, int max) { assert(n <= max - min); if (max - min < 100000) { // small range: permute [min, max-1] and return the initial n // vector<int> v = randPerm(min, max); v.resize(n); return v; } else { // Large range: pick random numbers from [min, max-1] until // we have n unique ones. (Only good if n << max.) // vector<int> v(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ) { int m = randInt(min, max - 1); int j; for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (v[j] == m) { // already have it break; } } if (j == i) { // didn't have it; add it v[i++] = m; } } return v; } } /** * Generate a random double in the range [min, max] or (min, max) */ double randDouble(double min, double max, bool open) { ABORT_IF(min >= max, "invalid interval: min=%g, max = %g", min, max); double r; uint count = 0; do { r = min + (max - min) * randInt(0, RAND_MAX - 1) / (RAND_MAX - 1); ABORT_IF(++count >1000, "min=%g, max = %g", min, max); } while (open && (r == min || r == max)); return r; } /** * Create a random set of n doubles in the range [min, max] or (min, max) * May contain duplicates. */ vector<double> randDoubleList(uint n, double min, double max, bool open) { vector<double> v(n); for (uint i = 0; i < n; i++) { v[i] = randDouble(min, max, open); } return v; } /** * Create a random set of n doubles from the provided domain * May contain duplicates. */ vector<double> randDoubleList(uint n, vector<double> &domain) { vector<double> v(n); for (uint i = 0; i < n; i++) { v[i] = domain[randInt(0, domain.size() - 1)]; } return v; } /** * Create a random set of n unique doubles from the provided domain * No duplicates. */ vector<double> randUniqueDoubleList(uint n, vector<double> &domain) { assert(n <= domain.size()); // permute [0, domain.size() - 1] and return the initial n // vector<int> indexes = randPerm(domain.size()); vector<double> v(n); for (uint i = 0; i < n; i++) { v[i] = domain[indexes[i]]; } return v; } /** * Create a string of length len where each character is * randomly selected from charset. * @param charset Set of characters to use * @param len Length of resulting string */ string randStr(const char* charset, int len) { char buf[len+1]; buf[len] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { buf[i] = charset[Util::randInt(0, strlen(charset) - 1)]; } return buf; } /** * Print a usage message, optionally preceded by an error message. */ void usage(const char *syntax, const char *fmt, ...) { if (fmt != NULL && strlen(fmt) > 0) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: "); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); va_end(ap); } fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", syntax); } /** * Print a usage message, optionally preceded by an error message, * then exit with status EXIT_FAILURE. */ void usageExit(const char *syntax, const char *fmt, ...) { if (fmt != NULL && strlen(fmt) > 0) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: "); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); va_end(ap); } fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", syntax); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /** * Create a copy of a string with initial and final whitespace stripped */ string wstrip(const string &s) { if (s.size() == 0) return s; const char *cs = s.c_str(); const char *start; const char *end; for (start = cs; isspace(*start); start++); for (end = cs + strlen(cs) - 1; isspace(*end); end--); return s.substr(start - cs, end - start + 1); } string hms(uint seconds, bool showZeroHours) { uint hours = seconds / 3600; seconds %= 3600; uint minutes = seconds / 60; seconds %= 60; char buf[128]; if ((hours == 0) && !showZeroHours) { sprintf(buf, "%02d:%02d", minutes, seconds); } else { sprintf(buf, "%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds); } return buf; } string hmsm(uint seconds, int milliseconds, bool showZeroHours) { while (milliseconds < 0) { seconds -= 1; milliseconds += 1000; } uint hours = seconds / 3600; seconds %= 3600; uint minutes = seconds / 60; seconds %= 60; char buf[128]; if ((hours == 0) && !showZeroHours) { sprintf(buf, "%02d:%02d.%03d", minutes, seconds, milliseconds); } else { sprintf(buf, "%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d", hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds); } return buf; } char *chop(char *str) { uint len = strlen(str); if ((len > 0) && (str[len - 1] == '\n')) { str[len - 1] = 0; } return str; } char *tok(char *str, const char *sep, char **memptr, bool singleSep) { char *p = (str != NULL) ? str : *memptr; if (!singleSep) { //skip leading sep characters while (*p != '\0' && strchr(sep, *p) != NULL) { p++; } } if(*p == 0) { // end of string return NULL; } *memptr = strpbrk(p, sep); if ( *memptr ) { // found a sep: terminate the token and move memptr beyond it *(*memptr)++ = 0; } else { // No more sep: point memptr to terminating NUL, so that next // call will return NUL. *memptr = p + strlen(p); } return p; } int strToInt(string s, string &errMsg) { const char *ptr = s.c_str(); char *endptr; int val = strtol(ptr, &endptr, 10); if (endptr == ptr) { errMsg = "Bad int"; } else if (*endptr != 0) { errMsg = "Garbage after int"; } return val; } uint strToUint(string s, string &errMsg) { const char *ptr = s.c_str(); char *endptr; uint val = strtoul(ptr, &endptr, 10); // strtoul accepts negative numbers, so we check for '-' if (endptr == ptr || s.find('-') != s.npos) { errMsg = "Bad uint"; } else if (*endptr != 0) { errMsg = "Garbage after uint"; } return val; } double strToDouble(string s, string &errMsg) { const char *ptr = s.c_str(); char *endptr; double val = strtod(ptr, &endptr); if (endptr == ptr) { errMsg = "Bad double"; } else if (*endptr != 0) { errMsg = "Garbage after double"; } return val; } double exprToDouble(string s, string &errMsg) { const char *ptr = s.c_str(); double val = te_interp(ptr, 0); if (isnan(val)) { errMsg = "Bad expression"; } return val; } bool strToBool(string s, string& errMsg) { bool val = false; if (Util::strCiEq(s, "true")) { val = true; } else if (Util::strCiEq(s, "false")) { val = false; } else { errMsg = "Bad bool"; } return val; } /** * Tokenize a string * @param str String to tokenize * @param sepChars Separator characters * @param quoteChars delimit string tokens * @param tokChars Single-character tokens (self-delimiting) * @singleSep If true, then consecutive separators separate empty tokens * @return The tokens */ std::vector<string> tokenize( const char *str, const char *sepChars, const char *&errMsg, const char *quoteChars, const char *tokenChars, bool singleSep) { #define ISSEP(c) ((c != '\0') && (strchr(sepChars, c) != NULL)) #define ISQUOTE(c) ((c != '\0') && (strchr(quoteChars, c) != NULL)) #define ISTOKEN(c) ((c != '\0') && (strchr(tokenChars, c) != NULL)) #define QUOTING (quoteChar != '\0') for (const char *p = sepChars; *p != '\0'; p++) { for (const char *q = tokenChars; *q != '\0'; q++) { ABORT_IF(*p == *q, "%c used both as separator and token", *p); } } errMsg = NULL; // so far, so good std::vector<string> tokens; const char *p; char quoteChar = '\0'; string token; for (p = str; *p != '\0'; p++) { if (QUOTING) { if (*p == quoteChar) { // stop quoting quoteChar = '\0'; } else { // accumulate the character token += *p; } } else if (ISQUOTE(*p)) { // start quoting quoteChar = *p; } else if (ISTOKEN(*p)) { // make token of what's been accumulated if (!token.empty()) { tokens.push_back(token); token = ""; } // make a single-char token tokens.push_back(std::string(1, *p)); } else if (ISSEP(*p)) { if (!token.empty()) { tokens.push_back(token); token = ""; } else if (singleSep) { // make empty token tokens.push_back(""); } } else { token += *p; } } if (QUOTING) { errMsg = "unclosed quote"; } if (!token.empty()) { tokens.push_back(token); } return tokens; } /** * Check that command line options are correctly specified * @param optSpecs The option specifications */ static void checkParseOptSpecs(std::vector<ParseOptSpec> optSpecs) { for (auto opt : optSpecs) { ABORT_IF(opt.optName != NULL && strchr(opt.optName, ' ') != NULL, "space in optName \"%s\"", opt.optName); ABORT_IF(opt.argName != NULL && strchr(opt.argName, ' ') != NULL, "space in argName \"%s\"", opt.argName); } } int parseOpts(int argc, char *argv[], std::vector<ParseOptSpec> optSpecs) { checkParseOptSpecs(optSpecs); uint numOpts = optSpecs.size(); // Build the array to pass to getopt_long_only struct option longOptions[numOpts + 1]; for (uint i = 0; i < numOpts; i++) { longOptions[i].name = optSpecs[i].optName; longOptions[i].has_arg = (optSpecs[i].argType == OPTARG_NONE) ? no_argument : required_argument; longOptions[i].flag = NULL; longOptions[i].val = 0; } // Add a terminator entry longOptions[numOpts].name = NULL; longOptions[numOpts].has_arg = false; longOptions[numOpts].flag = NULL; longOptions[numOpts].val = 0; // Parse the options int opt; // matched option character int inx; // index in longOptions of matched option string errMsg; while (errMsg.empty() && (opt = getopt_long_only(argc, argv, "", longOptions, &inx)) != -1) { if (opt == '?') { return -1; } else if (opt != 0) { TRACE_FATAL("opt = %d", opt); // shouldn't happen } switch (optSpecs[inx].argType) { case OPTARG_NONE: *((bool *) optSpecs[inx].argPtr) = true; break; case OPTARG_STR: *((char **) optSpecs[inx].argPtr) = optarg; break; case OPTARG_INT: *((int *) optSpecs[inx].argPtr) = Util::strToInt(optarg, errMsg); break; case OPTARG_UINT: *((uint *) optSpecs[inx].argPtr) = Util::strToUint(optarg, errMsg); break; case OPTARG_DBLE: *((double *) optSpecs[inx].argPtr) = Util::strToDouble(optarg, errMsg); break; case OPTARG_EXPR: *((double *) optSpecs[inx].argPtr) = Util::exprToDouble(optarg, errMsg); break; default: TRACE_FATAL("Unknown optarg type."); } } if (errMsg.empty()) { return 0; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", optarg, errMsg.c_str()); return -1; } } string parseOptsUsage( const char *pname, std::vector<ParseOptSpec> optSpecs, bool vertical, std::vector<string> nonFlags) { string r = "Usage: "; r.append(pname); for (uint i = 0; i < optSpecs.size(); i++) { if (vertical) { r.append("\n "); } r.append(" [-"); r.append(optSpecs[i].optName); if (!Util::isBlank(optSpecs[i].argName)) { r.append(" "); r.append(optSpecs[i].argName); } r.append("]"); if (vertical && (optSpecs[i].descr != NULL)) { r.append("\t// "); r.append(optSpecs[i].descr); }; } for (uint i = 0; i < nonFlags.size(); i++) { if (vertical) { r.append("\n "); } r.append(" "); r.append(nonFlags[i]); } if (!vertical) { // print descriptions for (uint i = 0; i < optSpecs.size(); i++) { if (optSpecs[i].descr != NULL) { r.append("\n -"); r.append(optSpecs[i].optName); r.append(": "); r.append(optSpecs[i].descr); } } } return r; } // Binomial coefficient lookup table // static std::vector<std::vector<uint> > binomTable; void initBinom(uint newN, uint newK) { uint oldN = binomTable.size(); uint oldK = (oldN == 0) ? 0 : binomTable[0].size(); // reallocate the table binomTable.resize(newN + 1); for (uint n = 0; n <= oldN; n++) { binomTable[n].resize(newK + 1); } for (uint n = oldN + 1; n <= newN; n++) { binomTable[n] = std::vector<uint>(newK + 1); } // Initialize new [0][k] entries to 0 for (uint k = oldK + 1; k <= newK; k++) binomTable[0][k] = 0; // Initialize new [n][0] entries to 1 for (uint n = oldN; n <= newN; n++) binomTable[n][0] = 1; // Compute new column entries of old rows for (uint n = 1; n <= oldN; n++) { for (uint k = oldK + 1; k <= newK; k++) { binomTable[n][k] = binomTable[n-1][k-1] + binomTable[n-1][k]; } } // Compute all entries in new rows for (uint n = oldN + 1; n <= newN; n++) { for (uint k = 1; k <= newK; k++) { binomTable[n][k] = binomTable[n-1][k-1] + binomTable[n-1][k]; } } } uint binom(uint n, uint k) { if(n >= binomTable.size() || k >= binomTable[0].size()) { initBinom(n, k); } return binomTable[n][k]; } }