#include <vector>
using std::vector;

#include <getopt.h>

#include "Util.hh"
#include "Sched.hh"

#include "NsSystem.hh"
#include "NsTract.hh"
#include "NsLayer.hh"

static NsSystem *nsSystem;

static uint stopTime;     // hours
static uint numBackgroundPatterns;

 * Print the system size (number of units and connections) and the system
 * state if the debug tags "psize" and "psys" are set, respectively.
static void printSystem()
    if (TTRACE_DEBUG_IS_ON("psize")) {
                 "\n------- System ------\n{}\n--------------------\n",
                 nsSystem->toStr(0, "   "));

 * Build the system
static void buildSystem()
    // Create the layers (units)
    nsSystem->addLayer(hpcLayerId, hpcLayerTypeId);
    nsSystem->addLayer(accLayerId, ncLayerTypeId);
    nsSystem->addLayer(sc0LayerId, ncLayerTypeId);
    nsSystem->addLayer(sc1LayerId, ncLayerTypeId);

    // Create the tracts (connections)
    nsSystem->addBiTract(hpcLayerId, accLayerId, hpcTractTypeId);
    nsSystem->addBiTract(hpcLayerId, sc0LayerId, hpcTractTypeId);
    nsSystem->addBiTract(hpcLayerId, sc1LayerId, hpcTractTypeId);
    nsSystem->addBiTract(accLayerId, sc0LayerId, ncTractTypeId);
    nsSystem->addBiTract(accLayerId, sc1LayerId, ncTractTypeId);

 * Convert time in days::hours format to hours
static uint dhToH(string dh)
    string errMsg;
    uint days = 0;
    uint hours = 0;
    vector<string> tokens = Util::tokenize(dh, ":", errMsg);
    if(tokens.size() == 1) {
        days = Util::strToUint(tokens[0], errMsg);
    } else if (tokens.size() == 2) {
        days = Util::strToUint(tokens[0], errMsg);
        hours = Util::strToUint(tokens[1], errMsg);
    } else {
        TRACE_FATAL("Bad days::hours string: {}", dh);
    ABORT_IF(!errMsg.empty(), errMsg.c_str());
    return 24 * days + hours;

 * struct used to schedule a time step change event
struct TimeStepChangeData {
    uint timeStep;

 * This function is called from the event scheduler.
static void changeTimeStep(
    double stime, 
    double now, 
    TimeStepChangeData *data)
    TRACE_INFO("Changing time step to {}: scheduled time={} now={}",
               data->timeStep, stime, now);
    timeStep = data->timeStep;
    delete data;

 * struct used to schedule a reactivate event
struct ReactivateData {

 * Reactivate
 * This function is called from the event scheduler.
 * @param stime Scheduled time for this event
 * @param now Current time
 * @param data Reactivation data
static void reactivate(
    double stime, 
    double now, 
    ReactivateData *data)
    TRACE_INFO("Reactivating: scheduled time={} now={}", stime, now);
    delete data;

 * struct used to schedule a freezing/unfreezing event
struct FreezeData {
    FreezeData(const string &layerId, bool state)
        : layerId(layerId), state(state)
    const string &layerId;
    bool state;

 * Freeze/unfreeze a layer
 * This function is called from the event scheduler.
 * @param stime Scheduled time for this event
 * @param now Current time
 * @param data Freeze data
static void setFrozen(
    double stime, 
    double now, 
    FreezeData *data)
    TRACE_INFO("{} {}: scheduled time={} now={}",
               data->state ? "Freezing" : "Unfreezing",
               data->layerId, stime, now);

    nsSystem->setFrozen(data->layerId, data->state);

    delete data;

 * struct used to schedule a lesioning event
struct LesionData {
    LesionData(const string &layerId)
        : layerId(layerId)
    const string &layerId;

 * Lesion a layer
 * This function is called from the event scheduler.
 * @param stime Scheduled time for this event
 * @param now Current time
 * @param data Lesion data
static void lesion(
    double stime, 
    double now, 
    LesionData *data)
    TRACE_INFO("Lesioning {}: scheduled time={} now={}",
               data->layerId, stime, now);


    delete data;

 * struct used to schedule Psi on/off event
struct PsiData {
    string layerId;
    bool state;
    PsiData(string layerId, bool state)
        : layerId(layerId), state(state)

 * Toggle PSI on or off in the specified layer
 * This function is called from the event scheduler.
 * @param stime Scheduled time for this event
 * @param now Current time
 * @param data PSI event data
static void togglePsi(
    double stime, 
    double now, 
    PsiData *data)
    TRACE_INFO("{} PSI in {}: scheduled time={} now={}",
               (data->state ? "Starting" : "Stopping"),
               data->layerId, stime, now);
    nsSystem->togglePsi(data->layerId, data->state);
    delete data;

 * Schedule events to toggle PSI on or off in a specified layer
 * @param layerId Layer ID
 * @param psiTimes Vector of times at which to toggle PSI on or off
void schedulePsiEvents(const string &layerId, const vector<string> psiTimes)
    for (uint i = 0; i <  psiTimes.size(); i++) {
        PsiData *pd = new PsiData(layerId, Util::isEven(i));
            (Sched::VoidPtrCallback) togglePsi, pd);

 * Schedule events
static void scheduleEvents()
    // Schedule timeStep changes
    vector<string> timeStepChanges = 
        props.getStringVector("timeStepChanges", vector<string>());
             "timeStepChanges must have even number of elements");
    for (uint i = 0; i <  timeStepChanges.size(); i += 2) {
        TimeStepChangeData *tscd = new TimeStepChangeData();
        tscd->timeStep = strtoul(timeStepChanges[i + 1].c_str(), NULL, 10);
            (Sched::VoidPtrCallback) changeTimeStep, tscd);

    // schedule reactivations
    vector<string> reactivateTimes = 
        props.getStringVector("reactivateTimes", vector<string>());
    for (uint i = 0; i <  reactivateTimes.size(); i++) {
        ReactivateData *rd = new ReactivateData();
            (Sched::VoidPtrCallback) reactivate, rd);

    // schedule HPC freezing/unfreezing
    vector<string> hpcFreezeTimes = 
        props.getStringVector("hpcFreezeTimes", vector<string>());
    for (uint i = 0; i <  hpcFreezeTimes.size(); i++) {
        FreezeData *ld = new FreezeData(hpcLayerId, Util::isEven(i));
            (Sched::VoidPtrCallback) setFrozen, ld);

    // schedule ACC freezing/unfreezing
    vector<string> accFreezeTimes = 
        props.getStringVector("accFreezeTimes", vector<string>());
    for (uint i = 0; i <  accFreezeTimes.size(); i++) {
        FreezeData *ld = new FreezeData(accLayerId, Util::isEven(i));
            (Sched::VoidPtrCallback) setFrozen, ld);

    // schedule HPC lesioning
    string hpcLesionTime = props.getString("hpcLesionTime", "");
    if (!hpcLesionTime.empty()) {
        LesionData *ld = new LesionData(hpcLayerId);
            (Sched::VoidPtrCallback) lesion, ld);

    // schedule ACC lesioning
    string accLesionTime = props.getString("accLesionTime", "");
    if (!accLesionTime.empty()) {
        LesionData *ld = new LesionData(accLayerId);
            (Sched::VoidPtrCallback) lesion, ld);

    // Schedule PSI infusions
    vector<string> none; // default: no PSI events
    schedulePsiEvents(hpcLayerId, props.getStringVector("hpcPsiTimes", none));
    schedulePsiEvents(accLayerId, props.getStringVector("accPsiTimes", none));
    schedulePsiEvents(sc0LayerId, props.getStringVector("sc0PsiTimes", none));
    schedulePsiEvents(sc1LayerId, props.getStringVector("sc1PsiTimes", none));


 * Create and present a random pattern to all layers
 * @param id Pattern ID
static void presentPattern(const string &id)




    nsSystem->printGrids(fmt::format("Pattern {}", id));

 * Execute a time step of simulation
static void iterate()
    simTime += timeStep;

 * Test recall by cueing the CS pattern in the SC0 and evaluating
 * the retrieved pattern in the SC1 layer against the US pattern.
void test()
    nsSystem->test(sc0LayerId, "CS-US", "intact");

    bool accWasFrozen = nsSystem->getLayer(accLayerId)->isFrozen;
    if (!accWasFrozen) {
        nsSystem->setFrozen(accLayerId, true);
    nsSystem->test(sc0LayerId, "CS-US", "acc-frozen");
    if (!accWasFrozen) {
        nsSystem->setFrozen(accLayerId, false);

    bool hpcWasFrozen = nsSystem->getLayer(hpcLayerId)->isFrozen;
    if (!hpcWasFrozen) {
        nsSystem->setFrozen(hpcLayerId, true);
    nsSystem->test(sc0LayerId, "CS-US", "hpc-frozen");
    if (!hpcWasFrozen) {
        nsSystem->setFrozen(hpcLayerId, false);

 * Run the simulation
static void run()
    simTime = 0;
    // Process events scheduled for time=0, if any.

    // Present background pattens if defined
    for (uint i = 0; i < numBackgroundPatterns; i++) {
        presentPattern(fmt::format("dummy-{}", i));

    // Present the training (CS-US) pattern

    // Print the initial system state

    // Print state headers
    // Run the simulation, printing out state after every iteration
    while (simTime < stopTime) {
        if (TRACE_INFO_IS_ON) nsSystem->printState();

// Data structures for commandline processing

// OptSpec type abbreviations
const int NONE = Util::OPTARG_NONE;
const int INT  = Util::OPTARG_INT;
const int UINT = Util::OPTARG_UINT;
const int DBLE = Util::OPTARG_DBLE;
const int STR  = Util::OPTARG_STR;

bool   help            = false;
const char *traceLevel = "undefined";
const char *traceTags  = "undefined";

char *pname;
vector<Util::ParseOptSpec> optSpecs = {
    { "tl",       STR,  &traceLevel,    "traceLevel", ""                  },
    { "tt",       STR,  &traceTags,     "traceTags",  ""                  },
    { "help",     NONE, &help,          "",           ""                  },
vector<string>nonFlags = { "[propname=value...] propsFilePath" };

 * Construct a syntax string for use in an invocation error message
static const char *syntax()
    return parseOptsUsage(pname, optSpecs, true, nonFlags).c_str();

 * Main program
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // Initialize the random number generator

    // Process command line arguments
    pname = argv[0];

    if (Util::parseOpts(argc, argv, optSpecs) != 0 || help) 
        Util::usageExit(syntax(), NULL);

    // The rest of the arguments must consist of exactly one
    // propertyFileName and zero or more command line
    // props of the name=value format. Command-line property
    // values override those given in the props file.

    typedef struct { string name; string value; } NameValue;
    const char *propsFilePath = NULL;
    std::vector<NameValue> cmdLineProps;

    while (optind < argc) {
        TRACE_DEBUG("argv[{}]='{}'\n", optind, argv[optind]);
        if (strchr(argv[optind], '=') != NULL) {
            const char *errMsg;
            std::vector<string> tokens
                = Util::tokenize(argv[optind], "=", errMsg, "'\"");
            if (errMsg != NULL) {
                Util::usageExit(syntax(), errMsg, NULL);
            if (tokens.size() != 2) {
                Util::usageExit(syntax(), NULL);
            NameValue prop = { tokens[0], tokens[1] };
        } else {
            if (propsFilePath == NULL) {
                propsFilePath = argv[optind];
            } else {
                Util::usageExit(syntax(), "Extra arg: {}", argv[optind]);

    if (propsFilePath == NULL) {
        Util::usageExit(syntax(), "No propsFilePath.");
    // Set command line props.
    // - Processing cmd line props before props file allows props variable
    //   substitution to work as expected, e.g if a = 5 and b = a in the
    //   props file, then cmd line a = 7 will set both to 7.
    // - Specifying immutable = true prevents props file values from
    //   overriding cmd line values.
    for (uint i = 0; i < cmdLineProps.size(); i++) {
        props.setString(cmdLineProps[i].name, cmdLineProps[i].value, true);

    // Load properties from the props file

    // Retrieve 'title' property to suppress 'unused property' error
    volatile string title = props.getString("title", "");

    // Allow traceLevel and and traceTag to be set using tl and tt
    // properties, unless they've already been set by -tl and -tt flags
    // (cmdline args override cmdline properties override prop file
    if (Util::strEq(traceLevel, "undefined")) {
        traceLevel = props.getString("tl", "warn").c_str();

    if (Util::strEq(traceTags, "undefined")) {
        traceTags = props.getString("tt", "").c_str();

    // Now set traceLevel and traceTags
    if (!Trace::setTraceLevel(traceLevel)) {
        Util::usageExit(syntax(), NULL);

    string errMsg;
    for (auto tag : Util::tokenize(traceTags, ",", errMsg)) {

    // Print out the property value
    fmt::print("{}", props.toString());

    // Create the system
    nsSystem = new NsSystem(props);

    // Initialize the simulation time step to 24h; It may be changed
    // dynamically during the simulation, as specified by the
    // 'timeStepChanges' property to allow more fine-grained
    // simulation during selected intervals.

    timeStep = 24;

    stopTime = dhToH(props.getString("stopTime"));
    numBackgroundPatterns = props.getUint("numBackgroundPatterns");

    // Initialize the system and schedule events


    // Run the simulation