This directory contains the Leech Heart Interneuron Timing Circuit Model and
Tutorial by Andrew Hill, Steve Van Hooser, and Ron Calabrese.

To run the tutorial, you'll need three items, two of which are in this

1)  The GENESIS neural simulator, which can be obtained at:
2)  Extensions to GENESIS (leech-libraries)
3)  The tutorial files (leech-tutorial)

You need to make some extensions to GENESIS before you can run the model.  You
can either compile the libraries on your own computer and add them to your
GENESIS program (follow the instructions in the README file inside the
leech-libraries directory), or grab a pre-compiled GENESIS if one is
available for your platform.  A pre-compiled GENESIS for PC Linux is available
on this CD (genesis-linux.bin), and more may be available on the Calabrese Lab
website (

Instructions for running the model are contained in the README file in the
leech-tutorial archive.  Briefly, type "{genesis} tutorial.g" in the
leech-tutorial directory, where {genesis} is the name of your GENESIS

Updates to the tutorial and model will be available on the Calabrese Lab
website (