# $Id: Usermake,v 1.12 1997/07/25 22:22:13 dhb Exp $
# Usermake - a Makefile template for compiling a new version of GENESIS
# GENESIS/XODUS : network simulator - top level user makefile
# this makefile compiles a version of the simulator containing
# additional user-defined libraries. See the document NewGenesis.doc
# in the genesis Doc directory (usually /home/genesis/Doc) for details
# on adding a new library.
# NOTE: This file should be copied into the directory from which you are
# compiling the new version of GENESIS and given the name 'Makefile'.
# Before doing a "make", you must edit the file as defined below:
# 1) set MACHINE= one of {sun3, sun4, Solaris, i386, mips, irix, hpux, Linux, FreeBSD}
# 2) set OS= one of {BSD,SYSV}
# 3) set XVERSION= one of {X11R4,X11R5,X11R6}
# 3) for mips or irix 4.x add '-G 6' (excluding quotes) to CFLAGS and LDFLAGS
# 5) check other macros in user configurable section
# 6) type 'make'

# Define "MACHINE" to be one of:
#	sun3			- for Sun 3's
#	sun4			- for Sun 4's and Sparcstations
#	Solaris			- for Sun's running Solaris 2.x
#	i386			- for Sun 386i's
#	MASSCOMP		- for Masscomp's
#	mips			- for decstation 3100's
#	hpux			- for Hewlett Packard HPUX's
#	irix			- for Silicon Graphics IRIX's
#	aix			- for IBM RS/6000's running AIX
#	Linux			- for PC's running Linux
#	FreeBSD			- for PC's running FreeBSD

MACHINE = 	Linux

# GENINST should refer to the GENESIS 2.0 installation directory.

GENINST =	/usr/local/genesis

# Lex library.  Change to -lfl (or the library file) if using GNU flex.

LEXLIB  =	-lfl

# If you want to use the debug option (which will cost you in both
# speed and memory), use the alternate CFLAGS = -g and LDFLAGS = -g
# Otherwise use "-O" to optimize.  LDFLAGS are the final link flags.
# GENESIS is written in non-ANSI C.  If you have an ANSI C compiler
# add the option to compile K&R C to CFLAGS.
# Solaris users: cpp is usually in /usr/ccs/lib/cpp

CC	=	cc
CPP	=	/lib/cpp -P

# Location of our X11 libraries

# XLIB 	= 	/usr/lib
XLIB =		/usr/X11/lib

# Name to give your new GENESIS executable.

SIMNAME =	agenesis

# the user should place the directories of any user library
# modules in the USERDIR variable
# e.g. USERDIR = newlib1 newlib2

USERDIR	= newlib1 newlib2

# The user should place the pathnames of any library object modules other
# than the basic system libraries in the USEROBJ variable.  These should be
# the same as those used for the TARGET_OBJ variable in the 'Libmake' file.
# e.g. USEROBJ = newlib1/newlib1.o newlib2/newlib2.o

USEROBJ	= newlib1/newconnlib.o newlib2/leechlib.o

# Add the library names of each user library to the USERLIB macro.  The
# library name is set in each library's Makefile as the variable name

USERLIB	= newconnlib leech

# The user should place any additional system dependent libraries in the
# SYSLIBS variable.  Known system dependent libraries include:
# irix
#	SYSLIBS = -lmalloc


# Optional GENESIS libraries

# oldconn
# These are the GENESIS 1.4 connection facility compatibility libraries.
# Comment the OLDCONN and OLDCONNLIB macros to exclude 1.4 style
# connections.  You must also remove the libraries from the liblist
# file.
# NOTE: Several of the simulations in the Scripts
# directory use the oldconn library (e.g. MultiCell, Piriform,
# etc.) and will not run without oldconn.

OLDCONN	=	$(SIMLIB)/axonlib.o $(SIMLIB)/synlib.o $(SIMLIB)/perlib.o $(SIMLIB)/simconnlib.o $(SIMLIB)/toolconnlib.o
OLDCONNLIB =	axon synapse personal simconn toolconn

# kinetics
# This library is for kinetic modeling.  Comment KINETICS and KINETICSLIB
# to exclude the kinetics library.
# NOTE: the kkit kinetics modeling kit requires the kinetics library.

KINETICS =	$(SIMLIB)/kinlib.o

# diskio
# The diskio and related objects from this library provide a disk_in
# disk_out backward compatible interface for netCDF portable binary
# files.  Comment out the DISKIO and DISKIOLIB macros to exclude the
# diskio library.  There are currently no kits or tutorials which
# depend on this library.
# NOTE: The netCDF library is known not to compile on Linux a.out
# systems.  Any Linux 1.3 or later (and some 1.2 versions) will work.

DISKIO =	$(SIMLIB)/diskiolib.o $(SIMLIB)/libnetcdf.a
DISKIOLIB =	diskio

# Xodus
# This is the graphics widget and draw library.  It is needed by
# just about everything in the Scripts directory.  If you want to
# run GENESIS in batch mode without graphics, comment out XLIBS,
# XODUS and XODUSLIB to get a non-Xodus genesis.

XLIBS   =       -L$(XLIB)  -lXt  -lXmu  -lXext  -lX11
XODUS 	=	$(SIMLIB)/drawlib.o  $(SIMLIB)/widglib.o  $(SIMLIB)/xolib.o  $(SIMLIB)/libDraw.a  $(SIMLIB)/libWidg.a  $(SIMLIB)/libXo.a
XODUSLIB =	xo  draw  widg

# end of optional libraries

# nothing beyond this point should have to be modified by the user

SHELL	=	/bin/sh


GENESIS = 	$(SIMLIB)/simlib.o \
		$(SIMLIB)/ss.o \
		$(SIMLIB)/shelllib.o \
		$(SIMLIB)/utillib.o \
		$(SIMLIB)/buflib.o \
		$(SIMLIB)/seglib.o \
		$(SIMLIB)/hhlib.o \
		$(SIMLIB)/devlib.o \
		$(SIMLIB)/outlib.o \
		$(SIMLIB)/olflib.o \
		$(SIMLIB)/toollib.o \
		$(SIMLIB)/conclib.o \
		$(SIMLIB)/userlib.o \
                $(SIMLIB)/hineslib.o \
                $(SIMLIB)/spikelib.o \
                $(SIMLIB)/porelib.o \
		$(OLDCONN) \
		$(SIMLIB)/newconnlib.o \
		$(DISKIO) \


LIBLIST =	output \
		hh \
		devices \
		buffer \
		segment \
		user \
		olf \
		tools \
		concen \
		hines \
		spike \
		pore \
		newconn \

default: userlibs $(SIMNAME)

	@(for i in $(USERDIR); do echo cd $$i; cd $$i; make CPP="$(CPP)" CC="$(CC)" CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -D$(MACHINE) -D$(OS) -D$(XVERSION)" GENINST="$(GENINST)"; cd ..;done)

liblist: Makefile
	echo "# liblist - This file is generated automatically." > liblist
	echo "#           DO NOT EDIT.  Edit Makefile instead." >> liblist
	echo $(LIBLIST) | tr ' ' '\012' >> liblist

loadlib.c: liblist
	$(SIMSRC)/libsh < liblist > loadlib.c

	@(for i in $(USERDIR); do echo cd $$i; cd $$i; make clean; cd ..;done)
	@rm -f loadlib.[oc]