Generates figures 3-9 of 
Hines M, Kumar S, Schuermann F (2011).
Comparison of neuronal spike exchange methods on a Blue Gene/P supercomputer.
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience.

See for the NEURON version
actually used to carry out the simulation on the Blue Gene/P.
Figures 3 and 9 require this version as the hoc code uses several features
not yet available in the standard versions. The relevant statements are:
init.hoc: {pc.timeout(1)}
net.hoc: pc.gid_clear(4)
param.hoc and perfrun.hoc: any use of pc.send_time(x) with x > 4

The DCMF_Multicast methods used in the paper are specific to the Blue Gene/P.
However the MPI multisend implementation can be used on any MPI installed
system. In particular the two-phase exchange method may be useful.
The exchange methods are implemented mostly in src/nrniv/bgpdma.cpp .

2022-05: Updated MOD files to contain valid C++ and be compatible with the
         upcoming versions 8.2 and 9.0 of NEURON.