//Network cell templates
//Artificial cells
// IF_IntervalFire
// modified from NetGUI hoc output to add the random interval
begintemplate IF_IntervalFire
public pp, connect2target, x, y, z, position, is_art, r, hseed, lseed, ranstart
objref pp, r
proc init() {
lseed = $2
hseed = $1
pp = new IntervalFire()
r = new Random()
func ranstart() {local offset
offset = 1
if (numarg() == 1) { offset = $1 }
return r.MCellRan4(hseed, lseed+offset)
func is_art() { return 1 }
proc connect2target() { $o2 = new NetCon(pp, $o1) }
proc position(){x=$1 y=$2 z=$3}
endtemplate IF_IntervalFire