{load_file("nrngui.hoc")} // load the GUI and standard run libraries
objref pc
pc = new ParallelContext()
// Step 1: Define the cell classes
// Steps 2 and 3 are to create the cells and connect the cells
NCELL = 20 // total number of cells in the ring network
// identical to total number of cells on all machines
objref cells, nclist // cells will be a List that holds
// all instances of network cells that exist on this host
// nclist will hold all NetCon instances that exist on this host
// and connect network spike sources to targets on this host (nclist)
proc mkring() {
mkcells($1) // create the cells
connectcells() // connect them together
// creates the cells and appends them to a List called cells
// argument is the number of cells to be created
proc mkcells() {local i localobj cell, nc, nil
cells = new List()
// each host gets every nhost'th cell,
// starting from the id of the host
// and continuing until all cells have been dealt out
for (i=pc.id; i < $1; i += pc.nhost) {
cell = new B_BallStick()
pc.set_gid2node(i, pc.id) // associate gid i with this host
nc = cell.connect2target(nil) // attach spike detector to cell
pc.cell(i, nc) // associate gid i with spike detector
// connects the cells
// appends the NetCons to a List called nclist
proc connectcells() {local i, targid localobj src, target, syn, nc
nclist = new List()
for i=0, NCELL - 1 { // iterating over source gids
targid = (i+1)%NCELL
if (!pc.gid_exists(targid)) { continue }
target = pc.gid2cell(targid)
syn = target.synlist.object(0) // the first object in synlist
// is an ExpSyn with e = 0, therefore an excitatory synapse
nc = pc.gid_connect(i, syn)
nc.delay = 1
nc.weight = 0.01
mkring(NCELL) // go ahead and create the net!
// Instrumentation, i.e. stimulation and recording
// stim will be an artificial spiking cell that generates a "spike" event
// that is delivered to the first cell in the net by ncstim
// in order to initiate network spiking.
// We won't bother including this "external stimulus source" or its NetCon
// in the network's lists of cells or NetCons.
objref stim, ncstim
proc mkstim() {
// exit if the first cell in the net does not exist on this host
if (!pc.gid_exists(0)) { return }
stim = new NetStim()
stim.number = 1
stim.start = 0
ncstim = new NetCon(stim, pc.gid2cell(0).synlist.object(0))
ncstim.delay = 0
ncstim.weight = 0.01
objref tvec, idvec // will be Vectors that record all spike times (tvec)
// and the corresponding id numbers of the cells that spiked (idvec)
proc spikerecord() {local i localobj nc, nil
tvec = new Vector()
idvec = new Vector()
for i=0, cells.count-1 {
nc = cells.object(i).connect2target(nil)
nc.record(tvec, idvec, nc.srcgid)
// the Vector will continue to record spike times
// even after the NetCon has been destroyed
// Simulation control
tstop = 100
// Report simulation results
proc spikeout() { local i, rank
pc.barrier() // wait for all hosts to get to this point
if (pc.id==0) printf("\ntime\t cell\n") // print header once
for rank=0, pc.nhost-1 { // host 0 first, then 1, 2, etc.
if (rank==pc.id) {
for i=0, tvec.size-1 {
printf("%g\t %d\n", tvec.x[i], idvec.x[i])
pc.barrier() // wait for all hosts to get to this point