This is the README for the code for the article N. Hubel and M. A. Dahlem: "Dynamics from seconds to hours in Hodgkin-Huxley model with time-dependent ion concentrations and buffer reservoirs" PLoS Comp Biol (2014) email: Oct. 7, 2014 This model requires XPP which is freely available from: Notes on the supplied two XPP simulation files: spreading-depression.ode: This code computes time series like in Fig. 5. SD is triggered either by current stimulation (dynamics of variable "stim") or by pump interruption (dynamics of pump coefficient "z"). Two regulation schemes for potassium are implemented: glial buffering and diffusive coupling to the vascular system (with a switch parameter "s", see below). For diffusive coupling with elevated "k_bath" values the time series of Fig. 7 can be simulated. spreading-depression-bistable-cont.ode: To compute the fixed point continuation of Fig. 2 run xppaut with this file. To reach the exact fixed point use (I)nitial and (G)o first. Then use (F)ile + (A)UTO to open the AUTO interface. (R)un + (S)teady state will start the forward continuation. Then change the (N)umerics parameter DS from 0.2 to -0.2, (G)rab (+ 'Enter') the starting point of the forward continuation curve, and (R)un again. (Remark: The Hopf line of Fig. 4 can only be obtained by changing this code so that also "cli" is a parameter.)