# Rate equations for AD model used in "Large Extracellular Space Leads to [...] Ischemic Injury [...]" by Hubel, Ullah and Andrew #
# membrane potential                                    'V'       in  [mV]	   #
# gating variables                                      'n/h'     in  [1]	   #
# intracellular ion concentrations                      'ki,cli'  in  [mM=mMol/l]  #
# amount of potassium exchanged with external reservoir 'dnk'     in  [fmol]	   #
# rates of change                                       'X_DOT'   in  [.../msec]   #
# (factor 1000. converts to seconds)						   #
V'     = 1000. * V_DOT
n'     = 1000. * N_DOT
h'     = 1000. * H_DOT

ki'    = 1000. * KI_DOT
cli'   = 1000. * CLI_DOT
dnk'   = 1000. * DNK_DOT

# Physiological initial conditions #
init v=-67.056664
init n=0.070174225
init h=0.97820824

init ki=128.56937
init cli=10.061391
init dnk=0

# Extracellular volume 'vle' in [um^3] #
#par vle=720
par vle=3700

# Interruption of pumping and diffusive vascular potassium regulation after 50sec and for 'delta_pmp/dif' sec #
par delta_pmp=200
par delta_dif=200
max_p  = (heav(50-t) + heav(t-50-delta_pmp)) * 6.8
lambda = (heav(50-t) + heav(t-50-delta_dif)) * 3.0e-5

# Hodgkin-Huxley gating functions #
AN  = 0.01 * (v + 34.0) / (1.0 - exp(-0.1 * (v + 34.0))) 
BN  = 0.125 * exp(-(v + 44.0) / 80.0)
AM  = 0.1 * (v + 30.0) / (1.0 - exp(-0.1 * (v + 30.0))) 
BM  = 4.0 * exp(-(v + 55.0) / 18.0) 
AH  = 0.07 * exp(-(v + 44.0) / 20)
BH  = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-0.1 * (v + 14.0)))
M   = AM / (AM + BM)

# ion concentrations in [mM=mMol/l] #
# intracellular sodium 'NAI' from electroneutrality                 #
# extracellular concentrations 'NAE,KE,CLE' from mass conservation  #
# normal resting values 'ki0,ke0 ...' given                         #
vli    = 2160
ki0    = 128.56935
ke0    = 3.9962559
nai0   = 25.279156
nae0   = 126.84917
cli0   = 10.055541
cle0   = 124.71021

NAI = nai0 +  ki0 - ki - cli0 + cli
NAE = nae0 + (nai0 - nai) * vli/vle
KE  = ke0  + (ki0  - ki ) * vli/vle + dnk/vle * 1e3
CLE = cle0 + (cli0 - cli) * vli/vle

# Nernst potentials in [mV] #
EK  = 26.64 * log(ke  / ki)
ENA = 26.64 * log(nae / nai)
ECL =-26.64 * log(cle / cli)

# different types of 'l'eak and 'g'ated currents 'I(ION)_l/g' in [uA/cm^2] #
# different channel conductances                 'g(ion)_l/g' in [mS/cm^2] #
# Na/K-exchange pump current                     'IP'         in [uA/cm^2] #                             
gna_l  = 0.0175
gna_g  = 100.
gk_l   = 0.05
gk_g   = 40.
gcl_l  = 0.05

INA_l = gna_l            * (v - ENA)
INA_g = gna_g * M**3 * h * (v - ENA)
IK_l  = gk_l             * (v - EK)
IK_g  = gk_g * n**4      * (v - EK)
ICL_l = gcl_l            * (v - ECL)
IP    = max_p / (1.0 + exp((25 - nai)/3.)) / (1. + exp(5.5 - ke))

INA   = INA_l + INA_g + 3. * IP
IK    = IK_l  + IK_g  - 2. * IP

# Vascular potassium regulation as diffusive coupling to extracellular bath reservoir #
# baseline potassium concentration       'k_bth'  in [mM]	  #
# coupling strength                      'lambda' in [mM/msec]	  #
# factor 1e-3 to convert diffusive flux  'J_diff' to [fMol/msec]  #
k_bth  = 4
J_diff = lambda * vle * (k_bth - ke) * 1e-3

# Full list of change rates #
# membrane capacitance              'C'    in [uF/cm^2]	 #
# conversion factor                 'conv' in [XXX]	 #
# conventional time scale parameter 'phi'  in [1/msec]	 #
c       = 1
conv    = 9.55589e-2
phi     = 3

V_DOT   = -1. / c * (INA + IK + ICL_l)
N_DOT   =  phi * (AN * (1 - n) - BN * n)
H_DOT   =  phi * (AH * (1 - h) - BH * h)

KI_DOT  = -CONV/vli * IK
CLI_DOT =  CONV/vli * ICL_l
DNK_DOT =  J_diff

# auxiliary variables for data output and plotting #
aux _ki	   = ki
aux _ke	   = KE
aux _nai   = NAI
aux _nae   = NAE
aux _cli   = cli
aux _cle   = CLE

aux _EK	   = EK
aux _ENA   = ENA
aux _ECL   = ECL

aux _MAX_P = max_p

# Numerical parameters #
@ meth=stiff
@ dt=5e-4
@ maxstor=10000000, bounds=10000000
@ total=1000
@ bell=0

# Plot settings #
# '_MAX_P' as a guide to the eye to see pump interruption #
@ xhi=1000
@ nplot=4, yp1=v, yp2=_EK, yp3=_ENA, yp4=_MAX_P, ylo=-150, yhi=160
