This model entry contains the NEURON code for:

Rich S, Moradi Chameh H, Sekulic V, Valiante TA, Skinner FK. Modeling Reveals Human-Rodent Differences in H-Current Kinetics Influencing Resonance in Cortical Layer 5 Neurons. Cereb Cortex. 2021 Jan 5;31(2):845-872. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhaa261. PMID: 33068000; PMCID: PMC7906797.

To run:

Compile the mod files by typing:


Start with:
nrngui init_final.hoc

For a basic run: click the "Init & Run" button.

The variety of in silico experiments that were performed on the model are found in the DefineProcs.hoc file. The parameter values defining the model are found in the L5_params_exponential.hoc file. The novel human h-current model is the Ih.mod file.

Additional related code is available on GitHub.