This is the readme for the model associated with the paper: Hummos A, Franklin CC, Nair SS (2014) Intrinsic mechanisms stabilize encoding and retrieval circuits differentially in a hippocampal network model. Hippocampus This model was contributed by Ali Hummos. A biologically realistic model of the hippocampus matched closely using parameters from published literature. The model is constrained to perform pattern separation and completion and is used to examine the unbounded spread of excitation during these processes. This model has been developed using the NEURON simulator (Hines and Carnavale, 2008). Summary of files: - Hipp.hoc: Main file to run the simulations and adjust parameters - Protocol. hoc: Triggers changes in ACH levels and synaptic plasticity - Connect.hoc: Creates synaptic connections - StimuliPatterns.hoc: Creates the input patterns for the encoding and retrieval experiment - StimuliStability.hoc: Creates the input patterns for the network stability profile experiment -MakeLocations.hoc: Creates three dimensional locations for modeled neurons - Izh.mod: Defines the Izhikevich cell model as a mechanism attached to biophysical cells - Templates.hoc: Defines all the cell types and their parameters - pyr2pyr.mod: Defines the synapse object for excitatory synapses - Inter2pyr.mod: Defines the synapse object for inhibitory synapses - Synapses.txt: A Comma separated table containing all parameters necessary to define synaptic connections between cell populations Usage: - The file Hipp.hoc can be used to run the simulation, but prior to that the experiment parameters must be set up by changing a few variables as follows. 1) OutPath: Specifies the folder path where the output files from the simulation will be stored. No graphs are produced by the Neuron code but rather output is stored in data files. 2) expSig: a unique identifier for each experiment as specified by the user. This identifier is added to names of the files produced by the simulation, to allow these files to be accurately identified in the analysis stage. 3) Experiment: the value of the variable Experiment determines the pattern of inputs to EC neurons, the duration of the experiment, activation of long-term plasticity, and changes in the level of neuromodulators. All these experiment parameters are set up in the file protocol.hoc based on the value of the variable Experiment. The available experimental protocols are as follows: Experiment = 0 this is the experiment presented in the methods section of the paper, where all patterns 1 (consists of 10 randomly selected EC neurons) is presented to the network for encoding for five trials, with LTP activated, and ACh set to high. Followed by the presentation of patterns 1 through 11 with LTP inactivated and ACh set to the value assigned to the variable "Mods2". The value of this variable can be set by editing the file Hipp.hoc and it controls the level of ACh during retrieval, to examine the effects of the neuromodulator on the dynamics of retrieval. Experiment = 2 this is a modified protocol where the network learns both pattern 1 and pattern 11 interleaved in 10 trials. Then retrieval is tested with the probe patterns that gradually morph from pattern 1 to pattern 11. The results produced were similar To Experiment=0 and were not reported in the paper. Experiment = 3 this is the main experiment from the paper examining network stability. An increasing number of EC neurons receive a stimulus of one action potential every 500 ms. ACh is constant in this experiment and is set to the value assigned to the variable Mods2. Experiment = 4 this is a short experiment where 20 EC neurons receive an action potential at times zero and the response of CA3 pyramidal cells and well and inhibition are monitored (See figure 10D). 4) ACHlevel: this variable determines the level of the neuromodulator Acetylcholine during the experiment. For experiment 3, and it determines the level of the neuromodulator for the whole experiment, whereas for experiment 0, it only determines the level during the retrieval phase. 5) Seed: the value from this variable is used to seed the randomization process, thereby each value would produce a different random version of the network with different connectivity and initial states. Currently, the code is set to read this value from a text file "seed.txt". A batch file is included with the code to help run each experiment for 10 different seeds. After updating the folder paths in the batch file, or it can be used to run the experiment for each value in the file "/inputs/seeds.txt". 6) Network connectivity: the connectivity of the network can be controlled by editing the relevant section in the file connect.hoc. This section of code copied below, specifies which neuronal populations are to be connected. Connections between any two cell populations can be removed simply by commenting out the relevant line (in neuron this is done by adding //at the beginning of the line). ConnectAreas(EC, CA3e, EC2CA3e, Excitatory) ConnectAreas(EC, CA3b, EC2CA3b, Excitatory) ConnectAreas(DGg, CA3b, DGg2CA3b, Excitatory) ConnectAreas(CA3e, CA3e, CA3e2CA3e, Excitatory) ConnectAreas(CA3e, CA3b, CA3e2CA3b, Excitatory) // ConnectAreas(CA3o, CA3e, CA3o2CA3e, Inhibitory) // ConnectAreas(CA3b, CA3e, CA3b2CA3e, Inhibitory) // ConnectAreas(CA3b, CA3o, CA3b2CA3o, Inhibitory) ConnectMF = 1 ConnectAreas(EC, DGg, EC2DGg, Excitatory) ConnectAreas(EC, DGb, EC2DGb, Excitatory) ConnectAreas(DGg, DGb, DGg2DGb, Excitatory) ConnectAreas(DGh, DGg, DGh2DGg, Inhibitory) ConnectAreas(DGb, DGg, DGb2DGg, Inhibitory) ConnectAreas(DGb, DGh, DGb2DGh, Inhibitory) (note that in this example above CA3 OLM (CA3o) and BC (CA3b) interneurons are disconnected from pyramidal cells) 7) Output files: by default, the simulator produces files with a record of all the spike times and all areas in the model. In addition, it can also produce files containing all the synaptic current values, synaptic weight values, and neuronal membrane potentials. The additional output files can be produced by assigning a value of 1 to a subset of three variables in the WriteOutput.hoc file. The simulator by default outputs spike times for each cell population. It creates text files with the following naming rule: OutPath + IDstring + "Spiketimes" + Area code + .txt IDstring = Acetylcholine level + Experiment + Seed + expSig The string Spiketimes is constant and is used to denote these files as containing spike times. Seed is the value used to initialize the random process. Area code, denotes which cell population the spike times come from. Modeled areas has the following area codes: EC: 0 CA3 pyr: 1 OLM: 2 BC: 3 DG GC: 4 HIPP: 5 BC: 6 Similarly, the simulator can also create output files for membrane potentials, synaptic currents, and synaptic weights as they change across the simulation. File naming for membrane potentials is as described above for spike times except that the string "spiketimes" is replaced by "volts". For synaptic currents and synaptic weights one file is generated for each. The file contains a comma separated table with the first column containing the simulation time values, and subsequent columns each representing the current or the weight value of a synapse as it changes over time. The first row in each of these columns contains the synapse ID number. This ID number can be referenced against another table in the file called connections.txt which has the presynaptic neuron ID and area code and the postsynaptic neuron ID and area code as well. These files are produced in the "writetoutput.hoc" file. If the files for the membrane potentials, synaptic currents, and or weights are needed as output from the simulation, the code to produce them can be activated by setting the variables Writesvolts, Writecurrents, and/or Writeweights to a value of 1. Matlab analysis: The data files generated by the Neuron simulator are further analyzed in MATLAB. We here provide a brief description of the Matlab scripts included. function [profiles] = Stability(fileSearch, path) Stability.m: This script analyzes the stability profile of the network given the Spiketimes of the neurons. The script defines a function that is used as follows: Inputs: - File searches: A cell array of 1 to 3 strings that are used to identify 1 to 3 sets of experiment files. This algorithm uses the naming rule of output files employed by the neuron code. The strings can use wildcard searches to capture all the files that need to - be included in the analysis. See below for an example. - OutputPath: a string containing the relative path where the output files can be found. Example: - Stability({'139full', '13*OLMoff'},'.\Outputs\') Output files for these examples are included with the code. Note that the second file search string uses a star instead of seed number to capture all files for this experiment which was run with multiple different seeds. Correlation.m: Imports results from the pattern completion than separation experiment and calculates correlation between outputs generated by patterns 1 to 11 and the output generated by pattern 1. function [corrs] = Correlation (FileSearch, OutPath) Inputs: - FileSearch: A string that uniquely identifies a set of experiments. This algorithm uses the naming rule of output files employed by the neuron code. The string can use wildcard searches to capture all the files that need to be included in the analysis. See below for an example. - OutPath: A string containing the relative path where the output files can be found. Example: - Correlation('00*seps', '.\Outputs\') - Example output files are included. For assistance are any questions, please contact: Ali Hummos, MD Health Informatics, University of Missouri Columbia