// Uses object NetStim to deliver one action potential to a synapse associated with EC neurons. It divides the experiment time into 30 trials, and stimulates an increasing number of EC neurons each trial.
StimFreq = 12 //(Hz)
StimCount = 30
StimSpace = tstop / StimCount
StimDurRatio = 0.5
load_file("StimuliNoise.hoc") // Delivers background noise to CA3 cells
pool = new Vector(Totals.x(EC))
pool.indgen(0, 29, 1)
objref Pat1, Pat2
Pat1 = new Vector()
// Pat1 = GenerateVector(1)
for j = 0, StimCount-1 {
stim= new NetStim(0.5)
stim.interval = (1/ StimFreq) * 1000
stim.start = j * (StimSpace) + 1
stim.number = 1 // (StimSpace * StimDurRatio) / stim.interval
Pat2 = new Vector()
Pat2 = GenerateVector(1)
applyStim(stim, Pat1, 10)
} //for j