// Sets up the stimuli for experiments 0 and 2.  And contains a few functions that are necessary for delivering stimuli in general. 
objref pool
pool = new Vector(Totals.x(EC))
pool.indgen(0, 29, 1)

obfunc GenerateVector () { localobj picked
length = $1
picked = new Vector()

while (picked.size() < length) {
		r = rand.repick()
		t = int(r * (Totals.x(EC)))
			if (pool.contains(t)) {
				pool.remove(pool.indwhere("==", t))
	//	printf("picked %g length of picked is: %g \n", t, picked.size())


objref Stims
Stims = new List()

objref stim, nc[inpTotal * 20], netsyn[inpTotal * 20]

proc applyStim() { localobj localStim, localPat
	localStim = $o1
	localPat = $o2
	weight = $3
	for i = 0, localPat.size() -1 {
		inpCell[localPat.x(i)].soma netsyn[k] = new pyr2pyr(0.9)
	netsyn[k].initW = weight	//10.0
	netsyn[k].Wmax = weight	//10.0 //1.0
	nc[k] = new NetCon(stim,netsyn[k])
	nc[k].delay = 0
	nc[k].weight = 1 //0.2
	//printf("applied stim to cell %g\n", localPat.x(i))

	objref Pat1, Pat2, Pat3
	Pat1 = new Vector()
	Pat1 = GenerateVector(10)
	Pat2 = new Vector()
	Pat2 = GenerateVector(10)
	Pat3 = new Vector()
	Pat3 = Pat1 ///
if (Experiment == 2) {
	///Stims /////////
StimCount = 21
StimSpace = tstop / StimCount
StimDurRatio = 250 / StimSpace
StimSpaceRatio = StimSpace / tstop

 k = 0
for j = 0, StimCount-1 { 
  stim= new NetStim(0.5)
  stim.interval = 80
  stim.start = j * (StimSpace)
  stim.number = (StimSpace * StimDurRatio) / stim.interval
	if (j < 11) {	
		if (j%2) {
			applyStim (stim, Pat1,15)	
		} else {
			applyStim (stim, Pat2, 15)
	} else {		
		for h = 0, j - 10 -1 {
		Pat3.x(h) = Pat2.x(h)
		applyStim(stim, Pat3, 15)
}// if experiment

if (Experiment ==0) {
///Stims /////////
StimCount = 16
StimSpace = tstop / StimCount
StimDurRatio = 250 / StimSpace
StimSpaceRatio = StimSpace / tstop

for j = 0, StimCount-1 { 
 stim= new NetStim(0.5)
   stim.interval = 80
  stim.start = j * (StimSpace)
    stim.number = (StimSpace * StimDurRatio) / stim.interval
	if (j < 6) {	
		applyStim (stim, Pat1, 15)	
	} else {		
		for h = 0, j - 6 {
		Pat3.x(h) = Pat2.x(h)
		applyStim(stim, Pat3, 15)
} //if experiment

	obfunc ReplaceNeurons() {localobj picked, before
number = $1
picked = new Vector()
before = new Vector()
before = $o2
picked = before

success = 0
	while (success < number) {
		r = rand.repick()
		t = int(r * (Totals.x(EC)))
			if (pool.contains(t)) {
				picked.x(success) = t
				pool.remove(pool.indwhere("==", t))
				success = success + 1
				//printf("replaced %g element with %g \n", success, t)

obfunc ReplaceNeuron() {localobj picked, before
number = $1
picked = new Vector()
before = new Vector()
before = $o2
picked = before

success = 0
	while (success < 1) {
		r = rand.repick()
		t = int(r * (Totals.x(EC)))
			if (pool.contains(t)) {
				picked.x(number) = t
				pool.remove(pool.indwhere("==", t))
				//printf("replaced %g element with %g \n", success, t)
				success = success + 1