//// Write neueron locations
proc printLoc() { localobj fileLoc
for i= 0, Locs.count()-1 {
strdef fileLocName
if (i < 10) {
sprint(fileLocName, "%s%sLoc0%g.txt", outPath, IDstring, i)
} else {
sprint(fileLocName, "%s%sLoc%g.txt", outPath, IDstring, i)
fileLoc = new File(fileLocName)
for j= 0, Locs.o(i).ncol -1 {
fileLoc.printf("%f %f %f \n", Locs.o(i).x[0][j], Locs.o(i).x[1][j], Locs.o(i).x[2][j])
//original proc is in Connect.hoc
////// Write outputs
objref outFile, SpikesCA3, SpikesDG, SpikesEC, outCA3int, outDGint, ExpParameters
strdef filename
if (Experiment ==4) {
writeCurrents = 1
} else {
writeCurrents = 0
writeWeights = 0
writeVolts = 0
///////////////// Write Volts
objref vfile
strdef vfileName
if (writeVolts > 0 ) {
sprint(vfileName, "%s%s%s", outPath, IDstring, "Volts.txt")
vfile = new File(vfileName)
vfile.printf("-1 ") // First index is for time.
for ii = 0, Volts.count() -1 { //Beca
vfile.printf("%g ", CellsToRec.x(ii))
}// for ii
for j = 0, Volts.o(0).size() -1 {
vfile.printf("%g ", tvvec.x(j))
for k = 0, Volts.count() -1 {
vfile.printf("%g ", Volts.o(k).x(j))
///////////////// Write Spike Times
objref Sfile
strdef sfileName
for ii = 0, SpikeTimes.count() -1 {
sprint(sfileName, "%s%s%s%g%s", outPath, IDstring, "SpikeTime", ii, ".txt")
Sfile= new File(sfileName)
for j = 0, SpikeTimes.o(ii).size() -1 {
Sfile.printf("%g, %g\n", SpikeIDs.o(ii).x(j), SpikeTimes.o(ii).x(j))
/// ///////////// Write synaptic weights
objref weightFile
strdef weightFilename
sprint(weightFilename, "%s%s%s", outPath, IDstring, "Weights.txt")
if (writeWeights > 0) {
weightFile = new File(weightFilename)
weightFile.printf("-1 ") // First index is for time.
for k = 0, Weights.count() -1 {
weightFile.printf("%g ", Connections.x(k, 0))
} //for k
for h = 0, Weights.o(0).size() - 1 {
weightFile.printf("%g ", twvec.x(h))
for k = 0, Weights.count() -1 {
weightFile.printf("%g ", Weights.o(k).x(h))
/// ///////////// Write Currents
objref CurrentsFile
strdef CurrentsFilename
sprint(CurrentsFilename, "%s%s%s", outPath, IDstring, "Currents.txt")
if (writeCurrents > 0) {
CurrentsFile = new File(CurrentsFilename)
CurrentsFile.printf("-1 ") // First index is for time.
for k = 0, Currents.count() -1 {
CurrentsFile.printf("%g ", Connections.x(k, 0))
} //for k
for h = 0, Currents.o(0).size() - 1 {
CurrentsFile.printf("%g ", twvec1.x(h))
for k = 0, Currents.count() -1 {
CurrentsFile.printf("%g ", Currents.o(k).x(h))
//////////// Writing connection information /////////////
// Connections.printf()
objref conFile
strdef conFilename
sprint (conFilename, "%s%s%s", outPath, IDstring,"Connections.txt")
conFile = new File(conFilename)
// Connections.fprint(0, conFile)
for k = 0, Connections.nrow -1 {
conFile.printf("%g %g %g %g %g %g\n", Connections.x(k, 0), Connections.x(k, 1),Connections.x(k, 2),Connections.x(k, 3),Connections.x(k, 4),Connections.x(k, 5))
proc DrawSpikes() {localobj grra
pop = $1
grra = $o2
strdef lab
sprint(lab, "%g Spikes", pop)
grra.size(0, tstop, 0, Totals.x(pop))
SpikeIDs.o(pop).mark(grra, SpikeTimes.o(pop), "-", 2, 2, 1) //style, size, color, brush
///////////////// Write experiment parameters
// sprint(filename,"%s%s","ExpParameters.txt")
// ExpParameters = new File(filename)
// ExpParameters.wopen()
// if (Experiment == 0) {
// StimCount = 16
// StimSpace = tstop / StimCount
// StimDurRatio = 250 / StimSpace
// StimSpaceRatio = StimSpace / tstop
// CondTrials = 5
// ExtTrials = 9
// EarlyTestTrials = 1
// TestTrials = 1
// Trials = CondTrials + EarlyTestTrials + ExtTrials +TestTrials
// TrialSpace = tstop / Trials
// TrialDurRatio = 250 /TrialSpace
// UStoCSratio = 0.2
// EmoUStoCSratio = 0.5
// USstimWeight = 20
// USstimInterval = 30
// }
// ExpParameters.close()
// strdef hhh, lll
// proc PrintCA3remapping () { localobj fobjCA3
// TrialNumber = $1
// sprint(hhh, "C:\\nrn71\\Neuron\\Ali\\outputs\\%gCA3remap.txt", TrialNumber)
// fobjCA3 = new File(hhh)
// fobjCA3.wopen()
// for CA3ID = 0, excTotal - 1 {
// for h = 0, Trials -1 {
// fobjCA3.printf("%g, ", CA3remapping[CA3ID].x[h])
// }
// fobjCA3.printf("\n")
// }
// // CA3remapping[1].printf(0, fobjCA3)
// fobjCA3.close()
// }
// outFile.printf("%g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g", ExpNo, Var1, Var2, Var3, Var4, Var5)
// So in Experiments.txt I have all the exp with their number snad the var values. So really all I need is the cells spike times so that all that data can be analyzed using matlab. Graphs can be made and also scoring. But matlab will also need:
- Number of trials
- Duration of CS
- Duration of Trial