// **********************************************************
// This file is based on the following paper:
// Maciej T. Lazarewicz, Michele Migliore, Giorgio A. Ascoli,
// "A new bursting model of CA3 pyramidal cell physiology suggests multiple 
// locations for spike initiation", Biosystems, 67(2002), 129-137
// Lee Suk-Ho (2014) modified  the programme of Lazarewicz et al (2002) by 
// 1) implementing ion channel conductances according to the experimental data of Kim et al.(2012, Nat Neurosci 15:600-606) and Hyun et al. (2015, J Physiol. 593:3617-3643) 
// 2) implementing synpatic inputs using Exp2GluSyn.mod (Baker et al. J Comp Nsc 2011).
// Note that this programme adopted the young CA3c pyramidal cell morphology implemented in L22.hoc (ModelDB).
// **********************************************************


// Set variable time step integration method

steps_per_ms = 10 
dt    = 0.1       // 0.025
tstop = 100

Rm     = 220e3    //Major Jack JNS 94 [ohm cm2]
SpineFactor = 2
RmSoma = Rm
RmDend = Rm / SpineFactor

Cm     = 0.8
CmSoma = Cm     // [uF/cm2]
CmDend = Cm*SpineFactor

RaAll  = 200    //Major Jack (1994)  [ohm cm = ohm/cm*cm^2]
RaSoma = 200    //Major Jack (1994) 
Vrest  = -70    //[mV]

celsius = 30.0  // [C deg]

strdef MorphName
MorphName = "L22.hoc"

gNa = 20e-3      //cf. 0.01 [S/cm2] in Kim Jonas Fig 4
gKdr = 0.0036    //cf. 0.013 [S/cm2] in Kim Jonas; 0.01 for ikdr = 400 pA
gKd = 0.003      // 
gKdAxon = 0.005	 
gKa  = 0.023     //cf. 0.01 S/cm2 in Kim Jonas Fig4e.
gKh  = 1e-6      //[S/cm2] Ih, khdm01

maxdist = 300  //this will be redefined in mesh_init()

//Assuming that D-type K current is polarized to the distal apical dend > 150 um
KaDt = 50		//cf. 50 [um] in Kim Jonas Fig4E; The distance where gKa density starts to increase. 
KaSlope = 5.5e-5	//5.5e-5[(S/cm2)/um] in Kim Jonas Fig4E; The slope of gKa increase. 
KdDt    = 150   // distance where gKd increases. For distance < KdDt, gKd = 0.1*gKd
KdSlope = 0 	// no data in Kim Jonas 
NaDt    = 150   // gNa begins to increase for distance > NaDt (um); 100 ~ 150 in Kim Jonas (2012)

AXONM = 5    //gNa ratio axon to soma
SomaNa = 1
DendNa = 0.2  //gNa ratio prox apical_dendrite to soma; 0.2 in Kim Jonas (2012)
DendKd = 0.1
NaSlope = 9.615e-05  // 14e-5 [mS/cm2/um] in Kim Jonas Fig4 (2012)


// Set up passive parameters

proc ins_pasive() {
	forall if(issection("soma")) { 
		insert pas 
		e_pas = Vrest 
		g_pas = 1 / RmSoma 
		Ra    = RaSoma 
		cm    = CmSoma 
	} else {
		insert pas 
		e_pas = Vrest 
		g_pas = 1 / RmDend 
		Ra    = RaAll  
		cm    = CmDend 

// Functions for set up distributions of ion channels

proc dist_NaKJ() {local xdist
	forall gbar_Na 	= gNa 
	forsec "soma"  gbar_Na = gNa*SomaNa
	forsec "axon"  gbar_Na = gNa*AXONM
	gNaDend = gNa*DendNa //##
	forall for (x) if(issection("apical_dendrite.*")) {
		xdist = abs(distance(x))
		if((xdist > NaDt)&&(gNa>0))	{
			gbar_Na(x)	=  gNaDend + NaSlope*(xdist-NaDt)
		} else gbar_Na(x) = gNaDend

proc dist_Kdr() {
	forall  gbar_Kdr = gKdr

proc dist_Ka() {local xdist
	forall for (x) if(!issection("axon.*")) {
		gbar_KaProx(x)	= gKa
		xdist = abs(distance(x))
		if(xdist > KaDt) gbar_KaProx(x)	= gKa + KaSlope * (xdist - KaDt) 
		//gbar_KaDist(x)	= 0

proc dist_Kd() {
	forall gbar_KdBG = gKd*DendKd
	forall for (x) if(issection("apical_dendrite.*")) {
		xdist = abs(distance(x))
		if(xdist > KdDt) gbar_KdBG(x) = gKd
	} else {
		if(issection("axon.*")) gbar_KdBG = gKdAxon

proc dist_Khd() {local xdist
	ehd_KhdM01  = -50  //-30, E702
	forall for(x) if(!issection("axon.*")) { 
		ghdbar_KhdM01(x) = gKh

//To reduce gKd
proc condkd() {local factor
	if($1!=1) forall for(x) gbar_KdBG(x)*=$1

proc condkdlocal() {local blockdist, bdistal 
	forall for (x) if(issection("apical_dendrite.*")) {
		xdist = abs(distance(x))
		if($2>0) {
			if(xdist > $1) gbar_KdBG(x) = 0
		}	else {
			if(xdist < $1) gbar_KdBG(x) = 0

proc condNa() {local factor
	if($1!=1) forall for(x) gbar_Na(x)*=$1

// Set up active conductances

proc ins_active() {
	forsec "soma" {
 	    insert Na
		insert Kdr
		insert KaProx
		insert KdBG		 //D-type K current	
		insert KhdM01	 //Ih
	forsec "dendrite" {
 	    insert Na
		insert Kdr
		insert KaProx
		insert KdBG		 //D-type K current	
		insert KhdM01    //Ih		
	forsec "axon" {   
		insert Na
        insert Kdr
        insert KaProx 
		insert KdBG

proc dist_active() {
	forsec "axon" {   

// Initialization

proc init() {
	forall {
		v  = Vrest
		ek = -91
		ena = 50
		e_pas = Vrest


    // Here is implemented the assumption that at steady state there is no current crossing the cell membrane 
	// by setting nonhomogenous reversal potential for leakage current
	forall if(!issection("axon.*")) {
		for (x) e_pas(x) = v(x) + ( ina(x) + ik(x) + i_KhdM01(x) ) / g_pas(x)
	} else {

// Main program  /////////////////////////////////////////////

proc mesh_init() {local maxdist
	// Set up origin in soma & Show maxdist
	access soma
	soma distance() 	//specifies the soma as the location zero
	forall for(x) {if (distance(x)>maxdist) {maxdist=distance(x)}}
	print "maxdist = ", maxdist


// Main procedures for VC /////////////////////////////////////////////
objectvar vc, cc 
objref gvc
objref rect, recy, recy1, recy2, recy3
objref dfile, pfile, temp
graphvmax = -60
graphimax = 1.5
durIinj = 500
durcctail = 500
Vhold = -80

proc setupvc() {local Tprestep, Tstep
	Tprestep = $1
	Tstep = $2
	access soma
	vc = new SEClamp(0.5) 
	//cf. VClamp: two electrode vclamp
	//   SEClamp: single electrode vclamp

	if(!yescc) Vrest = -80
	vc.rs  = 10 // MOhm
	vc.dur1 = Tprestep
	vc.dur2 = Tstep
	vc.dur3 = 100
	vc.amp1 = Vhold
	vc.amp2 = -30
	vc.amp3 = Vrest
	cc = new IClamp(0.5)
	cc.amp = 0
	cc.dur = Tstep // durIinj
	if(durIinj>50) cc.del = 50 else cc.del = durIinj

	if(yescc) {
		tstop = cc.del + cc.dur + durcctail
	} else {
		tstop = vc.dur1 + vc.dur2 + vc.dur3
	//if(tstop < 50) tstop = 50

proc vcmode() {local step2
	//access soma
	cc.amp = 0
	vc.rs = 10
	vc.amp1 = Vhold
	vc.amp2 = $1
	vc.amp3 = Vrest

proc ccmode() {local amp
	//access soma
	vc.rs = 1e15
	cc.amp = $1  //nA

proc graphvc() {
	gvc = new Graph(0)

	if(yescc) { 
		gvc.view(0, -90, tstop, (graphvmax+90), 0, 700, 900, 500)
	} else {
		gvc.view(0, -0.2, tstop, (graphimax+0.2), 0, 700, 900, 500)	

	if(yescc) gvc.addvar("soma.v(0.5)", 2, 1) else gvc.addvar("vc.i", 3, 1)

proc stepvc() {

proc runvc() { local overlap
	if (!$1) {
	while(t<tstop) { stepvc()}

  Procedures for EPSP

Ndsynmax = 9
objectvar syn3[Ndsynmax], syn2[Ndsynmax], syn1
objectvar ns, acnc[Ndsynmax], ppnc[Ndsynmax], mfnc
objref gepsp
gheight = 30
double wt[5]

proc setupsynapse() { local sr
	//PP inputs
  sr = $1
	access apical_dendrite[5]
		syn3[0] = new GluSyn(0.8)
		syn3[1] = new GluSyn(0.9)
		syn3[2] = new GluSyn(0.7)
		syn3[3] = new GluSyn(0.75)	
		syn3[4] = new GluSyn(0.85)
	access apical_dendrite[13]
		syn3[5] = new GluSyn(0.8)
	access apical_dendrite[26]
		syn3[6] = new GluSyn(0.8)	
	access apical_dendrite[40]
		syn3[7] = new GluSyn(0.9)
	access apical_dendrite[41]
		syn3[8] = new GluSyn(0.95)
  }  else {
	access apical_dendrite[5]
		syn3[0] = new GluSyn(0.8)
	access apical_dendrite[13]
		syn3[1] = new GluSyn(0.8)
	access apical_dendrite[26]
		syn3[2] = new GluSyn(0.8)	
	access apical_dendrite[35]
		syn3[3] = new GluSyn(0.5)
	access apical_dendrite[37]
		syn3[4] = new GluSyn(0.9)	
	access apical_dendrite[42]	
		syn3[5] = new GluSyn(0.9)
	access apical_dendrite[40]
		syn3[6] = new GluSyn(0.9)
	access apical_dendrite[33]
		syn3[7] = new GluSyn(0.95)
	access apical_dendrite[27]
		syn3[8] = new GluSyn(0.9)
	//access apical_dendrite[41]
	//	syn3[9] = new GluSyn(0.95)
//AC inputs	
	access apical_dendrite[4]		
		syn2[0] =  new GluSyn(0.5)
	access apical_dendrite[10]		
		syn2[1] =  new GluSyn(0.5)		
	access apical_dendrite[19]
		syn2[2] =  new GluSyn(0.5)
	access apical_dendrite[25]
		syn2[3] =  new GluSyn(0.5)
	access apical_dendrite[39]		
		syn2[4] =  new GluSyn(0.5)
	access apical_dendrite[30]		
		syn2[5] =  new GluSyn(0.3)
	access apical_dendrite[34]		
		syn2[6] =  new GluSyn(0.3)
	access apical_dendrite[42]		
		syn2[7] =  new GluSyn(0.3)
	access apical_dendrite[21]		
		syn2[8] =  new GluSyn(0.2)
	//access apical_dendrite[7]		
	//	syn2[9] =  new GluSyn(0.9)
		//pp synapse
		syn3[i].tau1 = atau
		syn3[i].ntar = NAratio
		syn3[i].tau3 = ntau
		syn3[i].tauD = tauD // RRP recovery tau
		syn3[i].tauF = tauF // facilitation decay tau
		syn3[i].Pb = p0
		syn3[i].f = Af		
		ppnc[i] = new NetCon(ns, syn3[i], 0,0,0) // NetCon(source, target, threshold, delay, weight)
		ppnc[i].weight = 0
		//ac synapse
		syn2[i].tau1 = atau
		syn2[i].ntar = NAratio
		syn2[i].tau3 = ntau	
		syn2[i].tauD = tauD
		syn2[i].tauF = tauF
		syn2[i].Pb = p0
		syn2[i].f = Af		
		acnc[i] = new NetCon(ns, syn2[i], 0,0,0) // NetCon(source, target, threshold, delay, weight)
		acnc[i].weight = 0
	//MF inputs
	access apical_dendrite[1]
	syn1 = new GluSyn(0.5)
	syn1.e = 0
	syn1.tau1 = atau	
	syn1.ntar = NAratio
	syn1.tauD = taudmf
	syn1.tauF = taufmf
	syn1.Pb = p0mf
	syn1.f = Afmf	
	mfnc = new NetCon(ns, syn1, 0,0,0)
	mfnc.weight = 0

proc epsc1(){ local gmax
	gmax = $1
	mfnc.weight = gmax

proc epsc2(){ local gmax
	gmax = $1
		acnc[i].weight = gmax

proc epsc3(){ local gmax
	gmax = $1
		ppnc[i].weight = gmax

proc resetsyn() {
	mfnc.weight = 0 
		acnc[i].weight = 0
		ppnc[i].weight = 0

proc graphepsp() {
	gepsp = new Graph(0) //The arg '0' makes no window
	gepsp.view(0, Vrest-1, tstop, gheight, 0, 700, 900, 500)
	gepsp.addvar("soma.v(0.5)", 3, 1)
	gepsp.addvar("apical_dendrite[4].v(0.5)", 2,1)  //AC input site & conducting dend 
	gepsp.addvar("apical_dendrite[5].v(0.7)", 4,1)  //PP input site

proc stepepsp() {

proc runepsp() { local overlap
	if (!$1) gepsp.erase()
	while(t<tstop) { stepepsp()}

proc runsyn() {local loc, overlap, fileidx
	loc = $1
	weight = wt[loc]
	if(loc==1) epsc1(weight) //(weight[1])
	if(loc==2) epsc2(weight) //(weight[2])
	if(loc==3) epsc3(weight) //(weight[3])