# Markov model for cardiac Na(+) channel implemented by Dr. Jiun-Shian Wu, Dr. Sheng-Nan Wu, # and Dr. Ruey J. Sung, Han-Dong Chang. # Clancy CE and Rudy Y. Na(+) channel mutation that causes both Brugada and long-QT # syndrome phenotypes: a simulation study of mechanism. Circulation 2002;105:1208-13. # This simulation makes traces similar to fig 3A of the paper by Makita et al (2002). # Makita N et al. Drug-induced long-QT syndrome associated with a subclinical SCN5A mutation. # Circulation 2002;106:1269-74. # Constant: Rk=8314 Fara=96485 Temp=310 # Initial values init C3=1, C2=0, C1=0 init IC3=0, IC2=0, iif=0, IM1=0, IM2=0 init O=0 # Values of the model parameters par ko=4.5, ki=136.89149 par nao=140, nai=15 par vhold=-80, vtest_1=30, vtest_2=-50 par cai=7.9e-5 par scale=1000 # voltage-clamp protocols par ton=5, toff=20, toff_r=5000 v=vhold+heav(t-ton)*heav(toff-t)*(vtest_1-vhold)+heav(t-toff)*heav(toff_r-t)*(vtest_2-vhold) Ena=((Rk*temp)/Fara)*ln(nao/nai) # Expressions: a11 = 3.802/(0.1027*exp(-v/17.0)+0.20*exp(-v/150)) a12 = 3.802/(0.1027*exp(-v/15.0)+0.23*exp(-v/150)) a13 = 3.802/(0.1027*exp(-v/12.0)+0.25*exp(-v/150)) b11 = 0.1917*exp(-v/20.3) b12 = 0.20*exp(-(v-5)/20.3) b13 = 0.22*exp(-(v-10)/20.3) a2 = (9.178*exp(v/29.68)) b2 = (a13*a2*a3)/( b13*b3) a3 = (3.7933*0.00000001)*exp(-v/7.7) b3 = (0.0084+0.00002*v) a4 = a2/100 b4 = a3 a5 = a2/(9.5*10000) b5 = a3/50 # Gating functions C1' = C2*a12-C1*b12+O*b13-C1*a13+iif*a3-C1*b3 C2' = C3*a11-C2*b11-C2*a12+C1*b12+IC2*a3-C2*b3 C3' = C2*b11-C3*a11+IC3*a3-C3*b3 O' = C1*a13-O*b13+iif*b2-O*a2 IC3' = C3*b3-IC3*a3+IC2*b11-IC3*a11 IC2' = IC3*a11-IC2*b11+iif*b12-IC2*a12+C2*b3-IC2*a3 iif' = IC2*a12-iif*b12+IM1*b4-iif*a4+C1*b3-iif*a3+O*a2-iif*b2 IM1'= IM2*b5-IM1*a5+iif*a4-IM1*b4 IM2'= IM1*a5-IM2*b5 Gna=23.5 aux ina=Gna*(O/(IC3+IC2+iif+IM1+IM2+C3+C2+C1+O))*(v-Ena)/scale @ meth=Euler, dt=.005, total=20 @ yp=ina, yhi=0.1, ylo=-0.5, xlo=0, xhi=20 done