/* file container_item.cc                                              */
/* contains the implementation of class members of class               */
/* container_item.                                                     */

#include "container_item.h"

/* implementation of class container_item                              */

/* constructor                                                         */

template <class type>
container_item<type>::container_item(const type& dat)
   data= dat;

/* copy constructor                                                    */

template <class type>
container_item<type>::container_item(const container_item<type>& it)
   data= it.data;

/* public member operator=                                             */
/* copies all data members of the passed container_item.               */

template <class type>
const container_item<type>& container_item<type>::operator=
(const container_item<type>& it)
   data= it.data;
   return *this;