//ryan-func.g CHEMESIS1.0 // sets up cicr objects and communication between them for ryanodine receptor // parameters: betaf, betab, gammaf, gammab = l1, l-1, l2, l-2 from Tang & Othmer // Units of per uM-sec equal per mM-msec. Units of per sec - e-3 per msec function makecicr(path) str path create cicr {path}/x00 setfield {path}/x00 \ alpha_state 0 \ beta_state 0 \ gamma_state 0 \ alpha 0 \ beta 15 \ /* l1 Tang and Ottmer, 15 per sec-uM*/ gamma 0.8 \ /* l2 Tang and Ottmer 0.8 per sec-uM*/ conserve 0 \ xinit {init00} \ xmin 0 \ xmax 1 create cicr {path}/x10 setfield ^ \ alpha_state 0 \ beta_state 1 \ gamma_state 0 \ alpha 0 \ beta 7.6e-3 \ /* L-1 Tang and Ottmer 7.6/ sec = 7.6e-3/msec*/ gamma 0.8 \ /* L2 Tang and Ottmer */ conserve 0 \ xinit {init10} \ xmin 0 \ xmax 1 create cicr {path}/x01 setfield ^ \ alpha_state 0 \ beta_state 0 \ gamma_state 1 \ alpha 0 \ beta 15 \ /* l1 Tang and Ottmer */ gamma 0.84e-3 \ /* L-2 Tang and Ottmer 0.84/sec = 0.84e-3/msec*/ conserve 0 \ xinit {init01} \ xmin 0 \ xmax 1 create cicr {path}/x11 setfield ^ \ alpha_state 0 \ beta_state 1 \ gamma_state 1 \ alpha 0 \ beta 7.6e-3 \ /* L-1 Tan and Ottmer */ gamma 0.84e-3 \ /* L-2 Tan and Ottmer */ conserve 1 \ xinit {1-init00-init01-init10} \ xmin 0 \ xmax 1 addmsg {path}/x10 {path}/x00 BSTATE beta fraction addmsg {path}/x01 {path}/x00 GSTATE gamma fraction addmsg {path}/x00 {path}/x10 BSTATE beta previous_state addmsg {path}/x11 {path}/x10 GSTATE gamma fraction addmsg {path}/x11 {path}/x01 BSTATE beta fraction addmsg {path}/x00 {path}/x01 GSTATE gamma previous_state addmsg {path}/x00 {path}/x11 CONSERVE previous_state addmsg {path}/x01 {path}/x11 CONSERVE previous_state addmsg {path}/x10 {path}/x11 CONSERVE previous_state end /********************************************************/ // must create ca and er compartments first function makecicrflux(Capath,erpath,maxcond,expon, unit) str Capath,erpath float maxcond, unit int expon create cicrflux {Capath}/ryanflux setfield {Capath}/ryanflux \ power {expon} \ /* open fraction = x10^power */ maxflux {maxcond} \ units {unit} /* Messages from cytosolic calcium to ryanodine receptor channel states */ addmsg {Capath} {Capath}/x00 CALCIUM Conc addmsg {Capath} {Capath}/x10 CALCIUM Conc addmsg {Capath} {Capath}/x01 CALCIUM Conc /*Messages to cicr flux (compute channel permeability) */ addmsg {Capath} {Capath}/ryanflux CONC1 Conc addmsg {erpath} {Capath}/ryanflux CONC2 Conc addmsg {Capath}/x10 {Capath}/ryanflux IP3R fraction /* Messages back to cytosol and er */ addmsg {Capath}/ryanflux {Capath} RXN0MOLES deltaflux1 addmsg {Capath}/ryanflux {erpath} RXN0MOLES deltaflux2 end /********************************************************************/