# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This NEURON + Python scripts associated with paper:
Ruben A. Tikidji-Hamburyan, Carmen C. Canavier
Robust One and Two Cluster Synchrony Mediated by Resonant Interneurons in Sparsely but
Strongly Connected Inhibitory and Excitatory/Inhibitory Networks
The network consists of 1120 excitatory (Olufsen et al. 2003), 280 inhibitory HH neuron and 1120 independent
external Poisson's drives to E cell. Number of neurons can be change over command line arguments (see below).
All neurons are sparsely connected by double exponential synapses.
All parameters may be set up by command line arguments listed AFTER script name. The command should be:
nrngui -nogui -python network.py [PARAMETERS]
A list of available parameters can be printed out by command:
nrngui -nogui -python pirping-network.py --help
To run simulation for any point in Figure 7B run
nrngui -nogui -python pirping-network.py -c=PIR-PING-2.2ms-rnd.conf /Connections/II/gmax-mean=<synaptic conductance in uS>
See examples below.
To replicate exact Figure 7A1 run:
nrngui -nogui -python pirping-network.py -f=example-asyn.conf
To regenerate network with parameters as in Figure 7A1 but with random
set of connections and Poisson's processes spikes (regenerated stochasticity) run:
nrngui -nogui -python pirping-network.py -f=PIR-PING-2.2ms-rnd.conf /Connections/II/gmax-mean=1.333521e-5
To replicate exact Figure 7A2 run:
nrngui -nogui -python pirping-network.py -f=example-ping.conf
or with regenerated stochasticity :
nrngui -nogui -python pirping-network.py -f=PIR-PING-2.2ms-rnd.conf /Connections/II/gmax-mean=1.0e-06
To replicate exact Figure 7A3 run:
nrngui -nogui -python pirping-network.py -f=example-2clt.conf
or with regenerated stochasticity :
nrngui -nogui -python pirping-network.py -f=PIR-PING-2.2ms-rnd.conf /Connections/II/gmax-mean=7.498942e-05
To replicate exact Figure 7A4 run:
nrngui -nogui -python pirping-network.py -f=example-sync.conf
or with regenerated stochasticity :
nrngui -nogui -python pirping-network.py -f=PIR-PING-2.2ms-rnd.conf /Connections/II/gmax-mean=1.0e-02
Copyright: Ruben Tikidji-Hamburyan <rtikid@lsuhsc.edu> <ruben.tikidji.hamburyan@gmail.com> Mar.2017 - May.2017
import sys, os, itertools, logging
import cPickle as pkl
import pickle as pkl
from numpy import *
from numpy import random as rnd
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.fftpack as spfft
import scipy.signal as spsignal
from neuron import h
from simtools import *
def getspikesequence(i,start,stop, f):
x = [start]
while x[-1] < stop:
w = f(0,x[-1])
while w-x[-1] < 0.02: w = f(i,x[-1])
return array(x)
def equalcodesize(maxsize):
def getn(n):
return int( reduce(lambda x,y:x*y,range(n/2+1,n+1),1)/reduce(lambda x,y:x*y,range(1,n/2+1),1) )
return int( next( x[0] for x in [ (k,getn(k)) for k in range(2,200,2) ] if x[1] > maxsize) )
def equalcodegen(size):
x = [ 1 for _ in xrange(size/2)]+[ 0 for _ in xrange(size/2)]
def walk(seq):
while seq[idx] != 0: idx+=1
if idx == 0:
s = seq[:]
yield []
seq[idx-1] = 0
for pos in xrange(idx, len(seq)):
s = seq[:]
s[pos] = 1
yield s
for p in walk(s[:pos]):
if len(p) == 0: continue
k = p+s[pos:]
yield k
wset = [x]+[ x for x in walk(x) ]
return [ "".join( "%d"%x for x in p) for p in wset ]
#logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s:%(module)-10s%(lineno)-6d%(levelname)-8s:%(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG)
#logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s:%(name)-35s:%(lineno)-6d:%(levelname)-8s:%(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG)
#logging.basicConfig(filename="err.log",format='%(asctime)s:%(name)-35s:%(lineno)-6d:%(levelname)-8s:%(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG)
#logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s:%(pathname)-35s:%(lineno)-6d:%(levelname)-8s:%(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG)
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s:%(pathname)-35s:%(lineno)-6d:%(levelname)-8s:%(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
# Records for paper
# PIR-PING 3 ms: 61d1d35d9972dd9e91cf3904ab7dcd0e565898bd
# PIR-PING 1.3 ms: 464d877a64585ea37cdd2fb975cc71b2c0bd025e
# PIR-PING-II : 0265d6e1bf61da5ad157e5ef3c3ffd89895eb356
preset = [
'/Parallel/MPI/RANK = 1',
'/Parallel/MPI/SIZE = 10',
defaults = [
# Functions
("/Function/TrancatedGauss=lambda meanX, stdX, minX = 0.: next(x for x in (meanX + random.randn() * stdX for _ in iter(int, 1)) if x > minX)", "A function for truncated Gaussian distribution"),
# Simulations parameters
('/Simulation/step = 0.01', 'Simulations time stap in ms'),
('/Simulation/stop = 500', 'Time to stop simulation (tstop in NEURONN)'),
('/Simulation/cvode = False', 'Parameters for CVODE'),
#('/Simulation/Celsius = 20.', 'Temperature in Celsius'),
# Parallel options
('/Parallel/cores/desktop = 8', 'Number of cores on desctop'),
('/Parallel/cores/neadnode = 12', 'Number of cores on beowulf head node'),
('/Parallel/cores/compute = 32', 'Number of cores on beowulf compute node'),
('/Parallel/cores/autodetect = True', 'Autodetect beowulf nodes'),
('/Parallel/cores/number = @/Parallel/cores/desktop@', 'Default as on desctop, but set something else and autodetect=False to keep a balance'),
# General parameters
("/ATotalCell=1400", "Total number of cells"),
# Excitatory population
("/Populations/E/n = int(@/ATotalCell@*0.8)", "Total number of neurons in excitatory population"),
("/Populations/E/model = \'from ECellOlufsen import Py as NeuronE\'", "Model of individual neuron in excitatory population"),
("/Populations/E/modelname = \'NeuronE\'", "Name of neuron class for E- population"),
("/Populations/E/init = random.randn(@/Populations/E/n@)*40.-60.", "Initial condition for E-population"),
("/Populations/E/DB>>/vinit= False", "print initial voltage"),
("/Populations/E/record/v = \'soma(0.5)._ref_v\'", "We will record voltage from excitatory cells"),
("/Populations/E/record/ei = \'esyn._ref_i\'", "record excitatory current in excitatory cells"),
("/Populations/E/record/eg = \'esyn._ref_g\'", "record excitatory conductance in excitatory cells"),
("/Populations/E/record/ii = \'isyn._ref_i\'", "record inhibitory current in excitatory cells"),
("/Populations/E/record/ig = \'isyn._ref_g\'", "record inhibitory conductance in excitatory cells"),
# Inhibitory population
("/Populations/I/n = int(@/ATotalCell@-@/Populations/E/n@)", "Total number of neurons in inhibitory population"),
("/Populations/I/model = \'from HHinh import In as NeuronI\'", "Model of individual neuron in inhibitory population"),
("/Populations/I/modelname = \'NeuronI\'", "Name of neuron class for I- population"),
("/Populations/I/init = array(random.randn(@/Populations/I/n@)*40.-70.)", "Initial condition for E-population"),
("/Populations/I/record/v = \'soma(0.5)._ref_v\'", "We will record voltage from inhibitory cells"),
("/Populations/I/record/ei = \'esyn._ref_i\'", "record excitatory current in inhibitory cells"),
("/Populations/I/record/eg = \'esyn._ref_g\'", "record excitatory conductance in inhibitory cells"),
("/Populations/I/record/ii = \'isyn._ref_i\'", "record inhibitory current in inhibitory cells"),
("/Populations/I/record/ig = \'isyn._ref_g\'", "record inhibitory conductance in inhibitory cells"),
# Stimulus
## Mixed source
# ("/Populations/S/n = equalcodesize(@/Populations/E/n@)", "Total number of spike sources in an external input"),
# ("/Populations/S/n = 9", "Total number of spike sources in an external input"),
#("/Populations/S/DistMean = 2.5*@/Populations/S/n@", "Mean population firing rate scaled up to population size"),
#("/Populations/S/DistStder = 1.5*@/Populations/S/n@", "Desired standard deviation of population firing rate scaled up to population size"),
#("/Populations/S/GammaShape = (@/Populations/S/DistMean@/@/Populations/S/DistStder@)**2", "Shape of gamma distribution for interspikes intervals"),
#("/Populations/S/GammaScale = @/Populations/S/DistMean@/@/Populations/S/GammaShape@", "Scale for interspike intervals distribution"),
#("/Populations/S/spikesource= lambda i, tpre: tpre+random.gamma(@/Populations/S/GammaShape@, scale=@/Populations/S/GammaScale@)",
#"Function which generate next spike on i-th source"),
## Independent inputs to E cells
("/Populations/S/SperE = 1", "Number of independent spike source per E cell"),
("/Populations/S/n = @/Populations/S/SperE@*@/Populations/E/n@", "Total number of spike sources in an external input"),
("/Populations/S/DistMean = 1", "Mean firing rate input to one E cell"),
## Independent inputs to I cells
#("/Populations/S/PyMeanFr = 500", "Mean firing rate of one pyramidal cell"),
#("/Populations/S/NumberInpus= 300", "number of inputs from pyramidal cell to one interneuron"),
#("/Populations/S/SperI = 1", "Number of independent spike source per I cell"),
#("/Populations/S/DistMean = @/Populations/S/PyMeanFr@/@/Populations/S/NumberInpus@*@/Populations/S/SperI@", "Mean firing mean rate input to one I cell"),
#("/Populations/S/n = @/Populations/S/SperI@*@/Populations/I/n@", "Total number of spike sources in an external input"),
("/Populations/S/spikesource= lambda i, tpre: tpre+random.exponential(scale=@/Populations/S/DistMean@)",
"Function which generate next spike on i-th source"),
("/Populations/S/model = \'from SGen import Sg as NeuronS\'", "Model of single spike source fo stimulus"),
("/Populations/S/modelname = \'NeuronS\'", "Name of neuron class for S- population"),
("/Populations/S/init = zip( range(@/Populations/S/n@), random.random(@/Populations/S/n@)*100. )", "Initiation of time spike generator"),
("/Populations/S/activate = [ getspikesequence(sid, start, @/Simulation/stop@, @/Populations/S/spikesource@) for sid,start in enumerate(random.random(@/Populations/S/n@)*100.) ]",
"Sequence of parameter same size as size of population, which will send as parameter for activate function"),
# Connectivity
## Type of connection, source and destination populations and synapse for connection
("/Connections/EE/Type = \'E\'", "Type of connection E/I/G = excitatory/inhibitory/gap-junction"),
("/Connections/EE/source = \'E\'", "Name of source for this connection"),
("/Connections/EE/destination = \'E\'", "Name of destination for this connection"),
("/Connections/EE/synapse = \'esyn\'", "Name of synapses on destination neuron"),
## Probability function for connections
("/Connections/EE/P = 0.004*5000./@/ATotalCell@", "Probability of E->E connections"),
("/Connections/EE/P-func = lambda pre, post: random.rand() < @/Connections/EE/P@ and post != pre", "Function which defines when connection between EE cells will be made"),
## Distributions for gmax and delay
("/Connections/EE/gmax-mean = 0.00002", "Mean peak conductance between E->E neurons"),
("/Connections/EE/gmax-stdr = 0.000", "Standard deviation of peak conductance between E->E neurons"),
("/Connections/EE/gmax-func = lambda pre, post:@/Function/TrancatedGauss@(@/Connections/EE/gmax-mean@, @/Connections/EE/gmax-stdr@, 0.)", "Function for conductance distribution"),
("/Connections/EE/delay-mean = 1.3", "Mean peak conductance delay between E->E neurons"),
("/Connections/EE/delay-stdr = 0.", "Standard deviation of peak conductance delay between E->E neurons"),
("/Connections/EE/delay-func = lambda pre, post:@/Function/TrancatedGauss@($/Connections/EE/delay-mean$, $/Connections/EE/delay-stdr$, 0.3)", "Function for delay distribution"),
("/Connections/EI/Type = \'E\'", "Type of for E->I connection "),
("/Connections/EI/source = \'E\'", "Name of source for E->I connection"),
("/Connections/EI/destination = \'I\'", "Name of destination for E->I connection"),
("/Connections/EI/synapse = \'esyn\'", "Name of synapses for E->I connection"),
("/Connections/EI/P = 0.016*5000./@/ATotalCell@", "Probability of E->I connections"),
("/Connections/EI/P-func = lambda pre, post: random.rand() < @/Connections/EI/P@ ", "Function which defines when connection between EI cells will be made"),
("/Connections/EI/gmax-mean = 0.0000031", "Mean peak conductance betwEIn E->I neurons"),
("/Connections/EI/gmax-stdr = 0.0000", "Standard deviation of peak conductance betwEIn E->I neurons"),
("/Connections/EI/gmax-func = lambda pre, post:@/Function/TrancatedGauss@($/Connections/EI/gmax-mean$, $/Connections/EI/gmax-stdr$, 0.)", "Function for conductance distribution"),
("/Connections/EI/delay-mean = 1.3", "Mean peak conductance delay betwEIn E->I neurons"),
("/Connections/EI/delay-stdr = 0.", "Standard deviation of peak conductance delay betwEIn E->I neurons"),
("/Connections/EI/delay-func = lambda pre, post:@/Function/TrancatedGauss@($/Connections/EI/delay-mean$, $/Connections/EI/delay-stdr$, 0.3)", "Function for delay distribution"),
("/Connections/IE/Type = \'I\'", "Type of for I->E connection "),
("/Connections/IE/source = \'I\'", "Name of source for I->E connection"),
("/Connections/IE/destination = \'E\'", "Name of destination for I->E connection"),
("/Connections/IE/synapse = \'isyn\'", "Name of synapses for I->E connection"),
("/Connections/IE/P = 0.016*5000./@/ATotalCell@", "Probability of I->E connections"),
("/Connections/IE/P-func = lambda pre, post: random.rand() < @/Connections/IE/P@ ", "Function which defines when connection between IE cells will be made"),
("/Connections/IE/gmax-mean = 0.000016", "Mean peak conductance betwIEn I->E neurons"),
("/Connections/IE/gmax-stdr = 0.00", "Standard deviation of peak conductance betwIEn I->E neurons"),
("/Connections/IE/gmax-func = lambda pre, post:@/Function/TrancatedGauss@($/Connections/IE/gmax-mean$, $/Connections/IE/gmax-stdr$, 0.)", "Function for conductance distribution"),
("/Connections/IE/delay-mean = 1.3", "Mean peak conductance delay betwIEn I->E neurons"),
("/Connections/IE/delay-stdr = 0.", "Standard deviation of peak conductance delay betwIEn I->E neurons"),
("/Connections/IE/delay-func = lambda pre, post:@/Function/TrancatedGauss@($/Connections/IE/delay-mean$, $/Connections/IE/delay-stdr$, 0.3)", "Function for delay distribution"),
("/Connections/II/Type = \'I\'", "Type of for I->I connection "),
("/Connections/II/source = \'I\'", "Name of source for I->I connection"),
("/Connections/II/destination = \'I\'", "Name of destination for I->I connection"),
("/Connections/II/synapse = \'isyn\'", "Name of synapses for I->I connection"),
("/Connections/II/P = 0.064*5000./@/ATotalCell@", "Probability of I->I connections"),
("/Connections/II/P-func = lambda pre, post: random.rand() < @/Connections/II/P@ and post != pre", "Function which defines when connection between II cells will be made"),
("/Connections/II/gmax-mean = 0.000004", "Mean peak conductance betwIIn I->I neurons"),
("/Connections/II/gmax-stdr = 0.00", "Standard deviation of peak conductance betwIIn I->I neurons"),
("/Connections/II/gmax-func = lambda pre, post:@/Function/TrancatedGauss@($/Connections/II/gmax-mean$, $/Connections/II/gmax-stdr$, 0.)", "Function for conductance distribution"),
("/Connections/II/delay-mean = 1.3", "Mean peak conductance delay betwIIn I->I neurons"),
("/Connections/II/delay-stdr = 0.", "Standard deviation of peak conductance delay betwIIn I->I neurons"),
("/Connections/II/delay-func = lambda pre, post:@/Function/TrancatedGauss@($/Connections/II/delay-mean$, $/Connections/II/delay-stdr$, 0.3)", "Function for delay distribution"),
("/Connections/SE/Type = \'E\'", "Type of for S->E connection "),
("/Connections/SE/source = \'S\'", "Name of source for S->E connection"),
("/Connections/SE/destination = \'E\'", "Name of destination for S->E connection"),
("/Connections/SE/synapse = \'esyn\'", "Name of synapses on destination for S->E connection"),
# ("/Connections/SE/pattern = equalcodegen(@/Populations/S/n@)","Total pattern of source connections"),
# ("/Connections/SE/P-func = lambda pre, post: @/Connections/SE/pattern@[post][pre] == '1'", "Function which defines when connection between inputs and the E cells will be made"),
("/Connections/SE/P-func = lambda pre, post: pre%@/Populations/E/n@ == post", "Function which defines when connection between inputs and the E cells will be made"),
("/Connections/SE/gmax-mean = 0.000006", "Mean peak conductance betwSEn S->E neurons"),
("/Connections/SE/gmax-stdr = 0.000", "Standard deviation of peak conductance betwSEn S->E neurons"),
("/Connections/SE/gmax-func = lambda pre, post:@/Function/TrancatedGauss@($/Connections/SE/gmax-mean$, $/Connections/SE/gmax-stdr$, 0.)", "Function for conductance distribution"),
("/Connections/SE/delay-mean = 1.3", "Mean peak conductance delay betwSEn S->E neurons"),
("/Connections/SE/delay-stdr = 0.", "Standard deviation of peak conductance delay betwSEn S->E neurons"),
("/Connections/SE/delay-func = lambda pre, post:@/Function/TrancatedGauss@($/Connections/SE/delay-mean$, $/Connections/SE/delay-stdr$, 0.3)", "Function for delay distribution"),
#("/Connections/SI/Type = \'E\'", "Type of for S->I connection "),
#("/Connections/SI/source = \'S\'", "Name of source for S->I connection"),
#("/Connections/SI/destination = \'I\'", "Name of destination for S->I connection"),
#("/Connections/SI/synapse = \'esyn\'", "Name of synapses on destination for S->I connection"),
#("/Connections/SI/P-func = lambda pre, post: pre%@/Populations/I/n@ == post", "Function which defines when connection between inputs and the E cells will be made"),
#("/Connections/SI/gmax-mean = 0.000031", "Mean peak conductance between S->I neurons"),
#("/Connections/SI/gmax-stdr = 0.000", "Standard deviation of peak conductance between S->I neurons"),
#("/Connections/SI/gmax-func = lambda pre, post:@/Function/TrancatedGauss@($/Connections/SI/gmax-mean$, $/Connections/SI/gmax-stdr$, 0.)", "Function for conductance distribution"),
#("/Connections/SI/delay-mean = 1.3", "Mean peak conductance delay between S->I neurons"),
#("/Connections/SI/delay-stdr = 0.", "Standard deviation of peak conductance delay between S->E neurons"),
#("/Connections/SI/delay-func = lambda pre, post:@/Function/TrancatedGauss@($/Connections/SI/delay-mean$, $/Connections/SI/delay-stdr$, 0.3)", "Function for delay distribution"),
## Balancing and Scaling
('/Populations/E/E-Scaling = False', "scaling wight of synapses like n-excitatory connections = /Populations/E/E-Scaling or False to disable scaling"),
('/Populations/E/I-Scaling = False', "scaling wight of synapses like n-inhibitory connections = /Populations/E/I-Scaling or False to disable scaling"),
('/Populations/I/E-Scaling = False', "scaling wight of synapses like n-excitatory connections = /Populations/I/E-Scaling or False to disable scaling"),
('/Populations/I/I-Scaling = False', "scaling wight of synapses like n-inhibitory connections = /Populations/I/I-Scaling or False to disable scaling"),
('/Populations/E/E2I-Balance-Scaler = 1.5', "Ratio E/I"),
('/Populations/I/E2I-Balance-Scaler = 1.', "Ratio E/I"),
('/Populations/E/E2I-Balance = lambda EGmax,IGmax,E2I: ( $/Populations/E/E2I-Balance-Scaler$*(EGmax*E2I+IGmax)/E2I/2./EGmax, (EGmax*E2I+IGmax)/IGmax/2. )',
"lambda function for E/I balance in each neuron get total max conductance of excitation, total max inhibition and ratio of space under a curve for excitation and inhibition. False - to disable"),
('/Populations/I/E2I-Balance = lambda EGmax,IGmax,E2I: ( $/Populations/I/E2I-Balance-Scaler$*(EGmax*E2I+IGmax)/E2I/2./EGmax, (EGmax*E2I+IGmax)/IGmax/2. )',
"lambda function for E/I balance in each neuron get total max conductance of excitation, total max inhibition and ratio of space under a curve for excitation and inhibition. False - to disable"),
('/Populations/E/E2I-Balance-Conductance = False', "If True Balance conductance, if False - current"),
('/Populations/I/E2I-Balance-Conductance = False', "If True Balance conductance, if False - current"),
# Presimulation analysis
("/Analysis/Presim/connectome = True", "Print out connectome statistics"),
# Postsimulation analysis
("/Analysis/Postsim/E/PeakDetector/binsize = 1.0", "Binsize for E-population firing rate in ms"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/E/PeakDetector/kernel = 5.0", "Sigma of Gausian kernel for E-population in binsize"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/E/PeakDetector/window = 25" , "1/2 of window size for E-population in binsize"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/E/PeakDetector/pure = False", "Set True if additional check that two maximums are separated by minimum must be appalled"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/I/PeakDetector/binsize = 1.0", "Binsize for I-population firing rate in ms"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/I/PeakDetector/kernel = 5.0", "Sigma of Gausian kernel for I-population in binsize"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/I/PeakDetector/window = 25" , "1/2 of window size for I-population in binsize"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/I/PeakDetector/pure = False", "Set True if additional check that two maximums are separated by minimum must be appalled"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/S/PeakDetector/binsize = 1.0", "Binsize for I-population firing rate in ms"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/S/PeakDetector/kernel = 5.0", "Sigma of Gausian kernel for I-population in binsize"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/S/PeakDetector/window = 25" , "1/2 of window size for I-population in binsize"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/S/PeakDetector/pure = False", "Set True if additional check that two maximums are separated by minimum must be appalled"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/E/R2 = True", "Calculate R2 for E population"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/E/Against/I/R2 = True", "Calculate R2 for E population against peaks of I population spikerate"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/E/Against/S/R2 = True", "Calculate R2 for E population against peaks of I population spikerate"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/I/R2 = True", "Calculate R2 for I population"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/I/Against/E/R2 = True", "Calculate R2 for I population against peaks of E population spikerate "),
("/Analysis/Postsim/I/Against/S/R2 = True", "Calculate R2 for I population against peaks of E population spikerate "),
("/Analysis/Postsim/E/CircDistr = False", "Phase distribution of E-neurons spikes around a spike-rate cycle (bin size in radians or False)"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/E/Against/I/CircDistr = False", "Phase distribution of E-neurons spikes around a spike-rate cycle of I population (bin size in radians or False)"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/I/CircDistr = False", "Phase distribution of I-neurons spikes around a spike-rate cycle (bin size in radians or False)"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/I/Against/E/CircDistr = False", "Phase distribution of I-neurons spikes around a spike-rate cycle of E population (bin size in radians or False)"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/E/TaS = False", "Calcuating Tiesinga & Sejnowski metrix for E population"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/I/TaS = False", "Calcuating Tiesinga & Sejnowski metrix for I population"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/E/MeanFiringRate = True", "Calculate mena firing rate for neurons in E population"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/I/MeanFiringRate = True", "Calculate mena firing rate for neurons in I population"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/S/MeanFiringRate = True", "Calculate mena firing rate for neurons in S population"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/E/AsymmetryDetector = True", "Detector of Asymmetry in E-population firing rate"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/I/AsymmetryDetector = True", "Detector of Asymmetry in I-population firing rate"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/E/Balance = True", "Analysis of current and conductance balance in E neurons"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/E/Balance/cur/exc = \'ei\'", "name of recorder for excitatory current in E population"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/E/Balance/cur/inh = \'ii\'", "name of recorder for inhibitory current in E population"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/E/Balance/con/exc = \'eg\'", "name of recorder for excitatory conductance in E population"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/E/Balance/con/inh = \'ig\'", "name of recorder for inhibitory conductance in E population"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/I/Balance = True", "Analysis of current and conductance balance in I neurons"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/I/Balance/cur/exc = \'ei\'", "name of recorder for excitatory current in I population"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/I/Balance/cur/inh = \'ii\'", "name of recorder for inhibitory current in I population"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/I/Balance/con/exc = \'eg\'", "name of recorder for excitatory conductance in I population"),
("/Analysis/Postsim/I/Balance/con/inh = \'ig\'", "name of recorder for inhibitory conductance in I population"),
# Visualization
("/GUI=True", "Turn on GUI"),
# ('/View/E/volt = \'v\' ', 'View voltage in first plot'),
# Debug functions
("/Debug/print/methods = True" , "Print out Methods"),
("/Debug/check/condisfun = False", "Check all Functions for connections distribution"),
("/Debug/print/connectome = False", "Print out connectome"),
("/Debug/check/balance = False", "Print blance in each neuron"),
("/Debug/check/sourcedist = False", "Check source distribution"),
("/Debug/print/netcons = False", "Check source distribution"),
# Logger option (don't work)
# ('/CONFIG/LOG/File = Flase', 'Set up logger file'),
# ('/CONFIG/LOG/Level = DEBUG', 'Set up logger level (DEBUG, INFO, CRITICAL')
('/CONFIG/simdb = \"pirping-network.simdb\"', "SimDB file name"),
('/CONFIG/config = \"pirping-network.conf\"', "Generate flat config file")
methods = simmethods(presets=preset, default = defaults, argvs = sys.argv[1:], target="methods", localcontext=globals() )
if reduce(lambda x,y:x or y=="-h" or y=="--help",sys.argv[1:],False):
print __doc__
print "USAGE: nrngui -nogui -python pirping-network.py [parameters]"
print methods.printhelp()
if "/FROMDBTOCONFIG" in methods.namespace:
with open(methods.namespace["/FROMDBTOCONFIG"],"w") as fd:
for name in methods.namespace:
fd.write("{}={}\n".format(name,methods.namespace[name]) )
hpc = h.ParallelContext()
print "==================================================="
print "=== Generate METHODS ==="
print "===================================================\n"
if methods is None: exit(0)
if methods.check("/Debug/print/methods"):
print "==================================================="
print "=== METHODS ==="
print methods.printmethods(space=" > ")
print "===================================================\n"
#for dep in methodsgen.hashspace:
#print dep, ":", methodsgen.hashspace[dep]
#print methods.gendbrecord()
if methods.check("/GUI"):
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rcParams["savefig.directory"] = ""
if methods.check("/GUI/Save"): matplotlib.use('Agg')
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
import matplotlib.image as img
if methods.check("/Debug/check/condisfun") and methods.check("/GUI"):
print "==================================================="
print "===================================================\n"
ncondistplot = len(dict(methods["/Connections"]))
for icon,conname in enumerate(methods["/Connections"].dict()):
ncondistpref, ncondistgmax, ncondistdelay ="/Connections/", "/gmax-func", "/delay-func"
x = [ methods[ncondistpref+conname+ncondistgmax ](0.,0.) for i in xrange(1000) ]
y = [ methods[ncondistpref+conname+ncondistdelay](0.,0.) for i in xrange(1000) ]
title("Gmax {}".format(conname))
title("Delay {}".format(conname))
if methods.check("/Debug/check/sourcedist") and methods.check("/GUI") and methods.check("/Populations/S/spikesource"):
x = [ methods["/Populations/S/spikesource"](i,0) for i in xrange(1000) ]
print " > ISI Distribution : ", np.mean(x),np.std(x)
print "==================================================="
print "=== CONNECTOME ==="
if methods.check("/Connectome"):
print "=== OLD VERSION ==="
print " v /Connectome HAS BEEN READ FROM METHODS"
if methods.check("/Connectome/EE"):
print " |-> E->E : FOUND"
methods["/Connections/EE/Connectome"] = list(methods["/Connectome/EE"])
if methods.check("/Connectome/EI"):
print " |-> E->I : FOUND"
methods["/Connections/EI/Connectome"] = list(methods["/Connectome/EI"])
if methods.check("/Connectome/IE"):
print " |-> I->E : FOUND"
methods["/Connections/IE/Connectome"] = list(methods["/Connectome/IE"])
if methods.check("/Connectome/II"):
print " |-> I->I : FOUND"
methods["/Connections/II/Connectome"] = list(methods["/Connectome/II"])
if methods.check("/Connectome/SE"):
print " `-> S->E : FOUND"
methods["/Connections/SE/Connectome"] = list(methods["/Connectome/SE"])
methods["/Connectome"] = None
for connect in methods['/Connections'][None]:
if connect == "<HASH>" : continue
if not methods.check('/Connections/'+connect): continue
conname = '/Connections/'+connect+'/'
hashsum = methods['#'+conname+'gmax-func'] + methods['#'+conname+'delay-func'] +\
methods['#'+conname+'source'] + methods['#'+conname+'destination'] +\
if methods.check('/Connections/<HASH>/'+connect):
generate = methods['/Connections/<HASH>/'+connect] == hashsum
generate = False
print ' > {} Connection {} -> {} : '.format(connect,methods[conname+'source'],methods[conname+'destination']),
if not generate:
#print [ n for n in methods['/Connections'][None] ]
#print methods['/Connections/<HASH>']
#print methods['/Connections/<HASH>/'+connect]
#print hashsum
print ' hash sun is different > generate :',
if methods.check(conname+"Connectome") and generate:
print ' Connectopm is found'
methods[conname+"Connectome"] = [ (pre,post,methods[conname+"gmax-func"](pre,post),methods[conname+"delay-func"](pre,post) )
for pre in xrange(methods["/Populations/"+methods[conname+'source'] +"/n"])
for post in xrange(methods["/Populations/"+methods[conname+'destination']+"/n"])
if methods[conname+"P-func"](pre,post) ]
methods['/Connections/<HASH>/'+connect] = hashsum
print "Done"
print "===================================================\n"
print "==================================================="
print "=== CREATING the Populations ==="
populations = {}
for pop in methods['/Populations'][None]:
popname = '/Populations/'+pop+"/"
if methods.check(popname+'model'):
cmd = methods[popname+"model"]
print " > %s: % 40s :"%(pop,cmd),
exec cmd
except BaseException as e:
raise ValueError("\nCannot import neuron model for {} population: {}.".format(pop,e))
print "OK"
exec methods[popname+"modelname"]
except BaseException as e:
raise ValueError("Cannot find Neuron class {} population {}: {}.".format(methods[popname+"model"], pop, e))
print " > %s: % 40s :"%(pop,"create the population"),
if methods.check(popname+"init"):
if type(methods[popname+"init"]) is float or type(methods[popname+"init"]) is int:
methods[popname+"init"] = float(methods[popname+"init"])*ones(methods[popname+"n"])
elif type(methods[popname+"init"]) is list or type(methods[popname+"init"]) is tuple:
if len(list(methods[popname+"init"])) != methods[popname+"n"]:
raise ValueError("Size of {}/init is not equal to {}/n".format(popname,popname))
elif isinstance(methods[popname+"init"],ndarray):
if methods[popname+"init"].shape[0] != methods[popname+"n"]:
raise ValueError("Shape[0] of {}/init is not equal to {}/n".format(popname,popname))
exec 'populations[\'{}\'] = [ {}(init=init) for init in methods[popname+"init"] ]'.format(pop,methods[popname+"modelname"])
except BaseException as e:
raise ValueError("Cannot create {} population: {}\n ERROR: {}.".format(pop,
'populations[\'{}\'] = [ {}(init=init) for init in methods[popname+"init"] ]'.format(pop,methods[popname+"modelname"]),
exec 'populations[\'{}\'] = [ {}() for init in xrange(methods[popname+"n"]) ]'.format(pop,methods[popname+"modelname"])
except BaseException as e:
raise ValueError("Cannot create {} population: {}.".format(pop, e))
if methods.check(popname+"params"):
for param in methods[popname+"params"][None]:
for n in populations[pop]:
if type(methods[popname+"params/"+param]) is str:
exec "n.{}=".format(param) + methods[popname+"params/"+param]
except BaseException as e:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot set parameter {} for neuron in population {}: {}.".format(param,pop, e))
exec "n.{}={}".format(param,methods[popname+"params/"+param])
except BaseException as e:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot set parameter {} for neuron in population {}: {}.".format(param,pop, e))
print " - parameters set -",
print "OK"
#>> Debug
if methods.check(popname+"DB>>/vinit"):
for n in populations[pop]:
print n.soma(0.5).v,
#<< Debug
if methods.check(popname+"record"):
print " > %s: % 40s :"%(pop,"set recorders"),
for n in populations[pop]:
print "OK"
# E Scaling
if methods.check(popname+"E-Scaling"):
if not type(methods[popname+"E-Scaling"]) is int and not type(methods[popname+"E-Scaling"]) is float:
raise ValueError("{}E-Scaling much be integer or float number. {} given".format(popname,type(methods[popname+'E-Scaling'])))
print " > %s: % 40s :"%(pop,"scaling excitatory connections"),
for ni,n in enumerate(populations[pop]):
conin = 0
conls = []
for con in methods["/Connections"][None]:
if con == "<HASH>" : continue
if methods["/Connections/"+con+"/destination"] != pop or methods["/Connections/"+con+"/Type"] != 'E': continue
conin += len(where(array(methods["/Connections/"+con+"/Connectome"])[:,1] == ni)[0])
multy = float(methods[popname+'E-Scaling'])#/float(conin)
for con in conls:
methods["/Connections/"+con+"/Connectome"] = [
x if x[1] != ni else (x[0],x[1],x[2]*multy,x[3]) for x in methods["/Connections/"+con+"/Connectome"]
print "OK"
# Set to False to prevent rescaling when read from simdb
#methods[popname+'E-Scaling'] = False
# Remove set to false for scaling to document scaler.
# If reads from simdb should be set at false to revent double scaling
# I Scaling
if methods.check(popname+"I-Scaling"):
if not type(methods[popname+"I-Scaling"]) is int and not type(methods[popname+"I-Scaling"]) is float:
raise ValueError("{}I-Scaling much be integer or float number. {} given".format(popname,type(methods[popname+'I-Scaling'])))
print " > %s: % 40s :"%(pop,"scaling inhibitory connections"),
for ni,n in enumerate(populations[pop]):
conin = 0
conls = []
for con in methods["/Connections"][None]:
if con == "<HASH>" : continue
if methods["/Connections/"+con+"/destination"] != pop or methods["/Connections/"+con+"/Type"] != 'I': continue
conin += len(where(array(methods["/Connections/"+con+"/Connectome"])[:,1] == ni)[0])
multy = float(methods[popname+'I-Scaling'])#/float(conin)
for con in conls:
methods["/Connections/"+con+"/Connectome"] = [
x if x[1] != ni else (x[0],x[1],x[2]*multy,x[3]) for x in methods["/Connections/"+con+"/Connectome"]
print "OK"
# Set to False to prevent rescaling when read from simdb
#methods[popname+'I-Scaling'] = False
# Remove set to false for scaling to document scaler.
# If reads from simdb should be set at false to revent double scaling
if methods.check(popname+"E2I-Balance"):
print " > %s: % 40s :"%(pop,"balancing E/I ratio"),
if methods.check('/Debug/check/balance'): print "DEBUG"
fn = methods[popname+'E2I-Balance']
for ni,n in enumerate(populations[pop]):
E2I = n.getEtoIspace(conduct=methods.check(popname+'E2I-Balance-Conductance'))
conEin,conIin = 0.,0.
conEls,conIls = [],[]
for con in methods["/Connections"][None]:
if con == "<HASH>" : continue
if methods["/Connections/"+con+"/destination"] != pop : continue
if methods["/Connections/"+con+"/Type"] == 'E':
conEin += len(where(array(methods["/Connections/"+con+"/Connectome"])[:,1] == ni)[0])
elif methods["/Connections/"+con+"/Type"] == 'I':
conIin += len(where(array(methods["/Connections/"+con+"/Connectome"])[:,1] == ni)[0])
if conEin < 0.6 or conIin < 0.6:
scaleE, scaleI = 1., 1.
scaleE, scaleI = fn(conEin,conIin, E2I)
if methods.check('/Debug/check/balance'):
print "DB: %s#%03d Ne=%d Ni=%d, E/I=%g >> Se=%g, Si=%g"%(pop,ni,conEin,conIin,E2I,scaleE, scaleI)
for con in conEls:
methods["/Connections/"+con+"/Connectome"] = [
x if x[1] != ni else (x[0],x[1],x[2]*scaleE,x[3]) for x in methods["/Connections/"+con+"/Connectome"]
for con in conIls:
methods["/Connections/"+con+"/Connectome"] = [
x if x[1] != ni else (x[0],x[1],x[2]*scaleI,x[3]) for x in methods["/Connections/"+con+"/Connectome"]
if not methods.check('/Debug/check/balance'):
print "OK"
methods[popname+'E2I-Balance'] = False
print "===================================================\n"
if methods.check("/Debug/print/connectome"):
print "==================================================="
print "=== CONNECTOME ==="
for conname in methods["/Connections"][None]:
constr = "/Connections/"+conname
print "{}->{}: Pre \tPost \tGmax \tDelay".format(methods[constr+'/source'],methods[constr+'/destination'])
for con in methods[constr+"/Connectome"]:
print "{}->{}: % 3d\t% 3d\t%e\t%e".format(methods[constr+'/source'],methods[constr+'/destination'])%con
print "===================================================\n"
if methods.check("/Analysis/Presim/connectome"):
print "==================================================="
for con in methods["/Connections"][None]:
if con == "<HASH>" : continue
if not methods.check('/Connections/'+con): continue
conname = "/Connections/"+con+'/'
Xcon = array(methods[conname+"Connectome"])
if Xcon.shape[0] < 2: continue
pre = array([ len(where(Xcon.astype(int)[:,0]==pre)[0]) for pre in xrange(methods["/Populations/"+methods[conname+"source"]+"/n"]) ])
pst = array([ len(where(Xcon.astype(int)[:,1]==pst)[0]) for pst in xrange(methods["/Populations/"+methods[conname+"destination"]+"/n"]) ])
methods["/Analysis/Presim/connectome/"+con+"/preNcon/mean"] = mean(pre)
methods["/Analysis/Presim/connectome/"+con+"/preNcon/stdr"] = std(pre)
methods["/Analysis/Presim/connectome/"+con+"/postNcon/mean"] = mean(pre)
methods["/Analysis/Presim/connectome/"+con+"/postNcon/stdr"] = std(pre)
methods["/Analysis/Presim/connectome/"+con+"/gmax/mean"] = mean(Xcon[:,2])
methods["/Analysis/Presim/connectome/"+con+"/gmax/stdr"] = std(Xcon[:,2])
methods["/Analysis/Presim/connectome/"+con+"/delay/mean"] = mean(Xcon[:,3])
methods["/Analysis/Presim/connectome/"+con+"/delay/stdr"] = std(Xcon[:,3])
print " {}:{}->{} number connections presyn. : {}+-{}".format(con,methods[conname+"source"],methods[conname+"destination"], mean(pre),std(pre))
print " {}:{}->{} number connections postsyn. : {}+-{}".format(con,methods[conname+"source"],methods[conname+"destination"], mean(pst),std(pst))
print " {}:{}->{} max synaptic condactance Gsyn : {}+-{}".format(con,methods[conname+"source"],methods[conname+"destination"], mean(Xcon[:,2]),std(Xcon[:,2]))
print " {}:{}->{} synaptic delay : {}+-{}".format(con,methods[conname+"source"],methods[conname+"destination"], mean(Xcon[:,3]),std(Xcon[:,3]))
print "===================================================\n"
print "==================================================="
print "=== CREATING the Network ==="
for conname in methods["/Connections"][None]:
if conname == "<HASH>" : continue
if not methods.check('/Connections/'+conname): continue
source = methods['/Connections/'+conname+"/source"]
destination = methods['/Connections/'+conname+"/destination"]
synapse = methods['/Connections/'+conname+"/synapse"]
print " > Connections % 31s :"%("from {} to {}".format(source,destination)),
netcons[conname] = []
for pre,post,gsyn,delay in methods['/Connections/'+conname+"/Connectome"]:
exec "netcons[\'{}\'].append(h.NetCon(populations[\'{}\'][{}].output, populations[\'{}\'][{}].{}, 0., delay, gsyn, sec=populations[\'{}\'][pre].soma))".format(
conname, source, pre, destination, post, synapse, source, pre)
except BaseException as e:
raise ValueError("Cannot create {} connection: {}.".format(conname, e))
print "OK"
print "===================================================\n"
if methods.check('/Debug/print/netcons'):
for conname in methods["/Connections"][None]:
for con in netcons[conname]:
print "{}: WEIGHT={} DELAT={}".format(conname,con.weight[0],con.delay)
print "==================================================="
for popname in methods['/Populations'][None]:
popactivate = '/Populations/'+popname+"/activate"
if not methods.check('/Populations/'+popname+"/activate") : continue
print " > Population % 26s is "%(" {} ".format(popname)),
if not ( type(methods[popactivate]) is tuple or type(methods[popactivate]) is list ):
raise ValueError("Activate should be a tuple or a list. {} given.".format(type(methods[popactivate])))
if len(methods[popactivate]) != methods['/Populations/'+popname+"/n"]:
raise ValueError("Size of the activate sequence should a size of population. {} vs n={} given.".format(
for n,seq in zip(populations[popname],methods[popactivate]):
print "Active"
#print "=== DONE ==="
print "===================================================\n"
print "==================================================="
for popname in methods['/Populations'].dict():
arainst = reduce(lambda x,y: x or methods.check(aps+y+"/Against/"+popname), methods['/Populations'].dict(), False)
if not (methods.check(aps+popname) or arainst or methods.check(aps+popname+"/Balance") ): continue
print " > %s: % 40s :"%(popname,"peak petector is "),
for check in ['/R2','/CircDistr']:
if methods.check(aps+popname+check) and not methods.check(aps+popname+'/PeakDetector'):
print "\nERROR: PeakDetector must be set for {} population for {} analysis\n".format(popname,aps+popname+check)
for xpopname in methods['/Populations'].dict():
if xpopname == popname : continue
if methods.check(aps+xpopname+"/Against/"+popname+check) and not methods.check(aps+popname+'/PeakDetector'):
print "\nERROR: PeakDetector must be set for {} population for {} analysis against {} population\n".format(popname,aps++"/Against/"+popname+check, popname)
if methods.check(aps+popname+'/PeakDetector'):
if not methods.check(aps+popname+'/PeakDetector/binsize'):
print "\nERROR: binsize must be set to sample {}-population firing rate in PeakDetector\n".format(popname)
elif not methods.check(aps+popname+'/PeakDetector/kernel'):
print "\nERROR: kernel size must be set to sample {}-population firing rate in PeakDetector\n".format(popname)
elif not methods.check(aps+popname+'/PeakDetector/window'):
print "\nERROR: window size must be set to sample {}-population firing rate in PeakDetector\n".format(popname)
print "OK"
if not methods.check(aps+popname+'/Balance'): continue
print " > %s: % 40s :"%(popname," current/conductance balance is "),
for check in ['/cur','/con']:
if methods.check(aps+popname+'/Balance'+check):
if not( methods.check(aps+popname+'/Balance'+check+"/exc") and methods.check(aps+popname+'/Balance'+check+"/inh") ):
print "\nERROR: Names of recorded variables for inhibition /inh and excitation /exc must be set for {}\n".format(aps+popname+'/Balance'+check)
if not methods.check("/Populations/"+popname+"/record/"+methods[aps+popname+'/Balance'+check+"/inh"]):
print "\nERROR: Cannot find inhibitory variables {} in record section of {} population\n".format(methods[aps+popname+'/Balance'+check+"/inh"],popname)
if not methods.check("/Populations/"+popname+"/record/"+methods[aps+popname+'/Balance'+check+"/exc"]):
print "\nERROR: Cannot find excitatory variables {} in record section of {} population\n".format(methods[aps+popname+'/Balance'+check+"/inh"],popname)
print "OK"
print "===================================================\n"
print "==================================================="
print "=== Taking off ==="
print " > Set time recorder : ",
t = h.Vector()
print "Done"
if not '/Parallel/mpi' in methods and '/Parallel/cores' in methods:
print " > Set Parallel Context threading : ",
if methods.check('/Parallel/cores/autodetect'):
if not os.path.exists("/etc/beowulf") and os.path.exists("/sysini/bin/busybox"):
#I'm not on head node. I can use all cores (^_^)
methods['/Parallel/cores/number'] = methods['/Parallel/cores/neadnode']
elif os.path.exists("/etc/beowulf"):
#I'm on head node. I grub only half (0_0)
methods['/Parallel/cores/number'] = methods['/Parallel/cores/compute']
#I'm on Desktop (-.-)
methods['/Parallel/cores/number'] = methods['/Parallel/cores/desktop']
print methods['/Parallel/cores/number'],"cores"
print " > Cannot set parallel multithreading"
if methods.check("/Simulation/cvode"):
cvode = h.CVode()
print " > CVODE : ON"
print " > Set integration time step : ",
if "/Simulation/step" in methods:
h.dt = methods["/Simulation/step"]
h.dt = 0.025
print h.dt,"(ms)"
if methods.check('/Simulation/Celsius' ):
print " > Set Temperature : ",
h.celsius = methods['/Simulation/Celsius']
print h.celsius, "Celsius"
print " > Engine ignition : ",
print "OK"
print "===================================================\n"
if not methods.check('/Simulation/norun'):
print "==================================================="
print "=== RUN ==="
tstop = methods['/Simulation/stop']
while h.t < tstop :h.fadvance()
print "===================================================\n"
print "< NO RUN >"
if methods.check('/CONFIG/config'):
confile = str(methods['/CONFIG/config'])
methods['/CONFIG/config'] = False
methods['/Simulation/norun'] = False
#methods.genconfile(confile, unresolved=True)
print "==================================================="
print "=== Collect population spikes ==="
for pop in methods["/Populations"].dict():
print " > {} population : ".format(pop),
for ni, n in enumerate(populations[pop]):
spikes[pop] += [ ( st,float(ni) ) for st in n.spks ]
if len(spikes[pop]) == 0:
spikes[pop] =array([ [0.,0] ])
print "Dummy spike"
spikes[pop] = array(sorted(spikes[pop]))
print "OK"
print "===================================================\n"
if methods.check("/Analysis"):
print "==================================================="
print "=== ==="
print "=== ANALYSIS ==="
print "=== ==="
print "=== - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ==="
aps = "/Analysis/Postsim/"
print "=== ==="
print "=== Peak Detector ==="
for pop in methods["/Analysis/Postsim"].dict():
if not methods.check(aps+pop+"/PeakDetector"): continue
print " > %s: % 40s :"%(pop,"collecting firing rate"),
binsize = methods[aps+pop+'/PeakDetector/binsize']
frate = zeros( int(ceil(float(methods['/Simulation/stop'])/binsize))+1 )
for i in spikes[pop][:,0]: frate[int(floor(i/binsize))] += 1
firingrate[pop] = array(frate)
print "OK"
if methods.check(aps+pop+'/Against'):
for agns in methods[aps+pop+'/Against'].dict():
print " > %s: % 40s :"%(pop,"{} firing rate against {}".format(agns,pop)),
if methods[aps+agns+'/PeakDetector/binsize'] == binsize:
if agns in firingrate:
firingrate[pop+'/'+agns] = firingrate[agns]
print "OK"
frate = zeros( int(ceil(float(methods['/Simulation/stop'])/binsize))+1 )
for i in spikes[agns][:,0]: frate[int(floor(i/binsize))] += 1
firingrate[pop+'/'+agns] = firingrate[agns] = array(frate)
print "OK"
frate = zeros( int(ceil(float(methods['/Simulation/stop'])/binsize))+1 )
for i in spikes[agns][:,0]: frate[int(floor(i/binsize))] += 1
firingrate[pop+'/'+agns] = array(frate)
print "OK"
print " > %s: % 40s :"%(pop,"applying kernel"),
kernel = arange(-methods[aps+pop+'/PeakDetector/window'],methods[aps+pop+'/PeakDetector/window'],1.)
kernel = exp(kernel**2/methods[aps+pop+'/PeakDetector/kernel']**2*(-1.))
smooth = convolve(firingrate[pop],kernel)
smooth = smooth[kernel.size/2:1-kernel.size/2]
smoothrate[pop] = array( smooth )
print "OK"
print " > %s: % 40s :"%(pop,"find maximums and minimums"),
marks = []
for idx in (diff(sign(diff(smooth))) < 0).nonzero()[0] + 1: marks.append([idx, 1]) # maximums
for idx in (diff(sign(diff(smooth))) > 0).nonzero()[0] + 1: marks.append([idx,-1]) # minimums
marks = array(sorted(marks))
print "OK"
print " > %s: % 40s :"%(pop,"sorting peaks"),
peaks = []
pureflag = methods.check(aps+pop+'/PeakDetector/pure')
for mx in where( marks[:,1] > 0 )[0]:
if mx <= 2 or mx >= (marks.size/2 -2):continue
if pureflag and (marks[mx-1][1] > 0 or marks[mx+1][1] > 0 or marks[mx][1] < 0) :continue
methods[aps+pop+'/PeakDetector/Peaks'] = list(peaks)
print "OK"
print "=== ==="
print "=== - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ==="
print "=== ==="
print "===Circular Statistic and Circular Distributions==="
for pop in methods["/Analysis/Postsim"].dict():
netpercnt = 0.
R2flag = methods.check(aps+pop+'/R2')
if R2flag:
X,Y,Rcnt,SPC,netpermean =0.,0.,0.,0.,0.
frate = firingrate[pop]
CDflag = methods.check(aps+pop+'/CircDistr')
if CDflag:
phydist = []
frate = methods[aps+pop+'PeakDetector/FiringRate']
AGNflag, agnsan = False, {}
if methods.check(aps+pop+'/Against'):
for agns in methods[aps+pop+'/Against'].dict():
agnsan[agns]['R2flag'] = methods.check(aps+pop+'/Against/'+agns+"/R2")
agnsan[agns]['CDflag'] = methods.check(aps+pop+'/Against/'+agns+"/CircDistr")
if agnsan[agns]['R2flag'] :
AGNflag = True
agnsan[agns]['X'],agnsan[agns]['Y'],agnsan[agns]['Rcnt'],agnsan[agns]['SPC'] = 0.,0.,0.,0.
agnsan[agns]['frate'] = firingrate[pop+'/'+agns]
if agnsan[agns]['CDflag'] :
AGNflag = True
agnsan[agns]['phydist'] = []
agnsan[agns]['frate'] = firingrate[pop+'/'+agns]
if not( R2flag or CDflag or AGNflag) : continue
print " > %s: % 40s :"%(pop,"R2 and Circular Dist"),
for l,r in zip(methods[aps+pop+'/PeakDetector/Peaks'][:-1], methods[aps+pop+'/PeakDetector/Peaks'][1:]):
Pnet = float(r-l)
netpermean += Pnet*methods[aps+pop+'/PeakDetector/binsize']
netpercnt += 1.
if R2flag or CDflag:
SPC += sum(frate[l:r])
for i,n in enumerate(frate[l:r]):
if R2flag:
phyX = cos(pi*2.*float(i)/Pnet)
phyY = sin(pi*2.*float(i)/Pnet)
X += n*phyX
Y += n*phyY
Rcnt += n
if CDflag: phydist.append( (pi*2.*float(i)/Pnet,n) )
for agns in agnsan:
agnsan[agns]['SPC'] += sum(agnsan[agns]['frate'][l:r])
for i,n in enumerate(agnsan[agns]['frate'][l:r]):
if agnsan[agns]['R2flag']:
phyX = cos(pi*2.*float(i)/Pnet)
phyY = sin(pi*2.*float(i)/Pnet)
agnsan[agns]['X'] += n*phyX
agnsan[agns]['Y'] += n*phyY
agnsan[agns]['Rcnt'] += n
if agnsan[agns]['CDflag']:
phydistI.append( (pi*2.*float(i)/Pnet,n) )
print "OK"
if netpercnt > 1.:
if Rcnt > 0.:
if R2flag:
methods[aps+pop+'/R2/R2'] = (X/Rcnt)**2+(Y/Rcnt)**2
methods[aps+pop+'/R2/SPC'] = SPC/netpercnt
methods[aps+pop+'/R2/MeanNetPeriod'] = netpermean / ( netpercnt - 1)
print " > %s: -> % 37s :"%(pop,"R2") , methods[aps+pop+'/R2/R2']
print " > %s: -> % 37s :"%(pop,"SPC") , methods[aps+pop+'/R2/SPC']
print " > %s: -> % 37s :"%(pop,"Mean Net Period"), methods[aps+pop+'/R2/MeanNetPeriod']
methods[aps+pop+'/R2'] = None
if CDflag:
print " > %s: -> % 37s :"%(pop,"Phase Distribution")
phydist = array(phydist)
if phydist.shape[0] > 0 and len(phydist.shape) > 1:
if sum(phydist[:,1]) > 0:
phydist = array(phydist)
phydist[:,1] /= sum(phydist[:,1])
if not methods.check(aps+pop+'/CircDistr/binsize'):
methods[aps+pop+'/CircDistr/binsize'] = methods[aps+pop+'/CircDistr']
phyhist,phyhistbins = histogram(phydist[:,0], bins=int(ceil(pi/methods[aps+pop+'/CircDistr/binsize'])+3),
methods[aps+pop+'/CircDistr/histogram'] = phyhist
methods[aps+pop+'/CircDistr/bins-boundaries'] = phyhistbins
print "OK"
methods[aps+pop+'/CircDistr'] = None
print "None"
methods[aps+pop+'/CircDistr'] = None
print "None"
print " > %s: -> % 37s :"%(pop,"Rcnt is ZERO"), "Analysis faulted"
if R2flag: methods[aps+pop+'/R2'] = None
if CDflag: methods[aps+pop+'/CircDistr'] = None
#if R2flag: del methods[aps+pop+'/R2'] #= None
#if CDflag: del methods[aps+pop+'/CircDistr'] #= None
for agns in agnsan:
if agnsan[agns]['R2flag']:
if agnsan[agns]['Rcnt'] > 0.:
if agnsan[agns]['R2flag']:
methods[aps+pop+'/Against/'+agns+'/R2/R2'] = (agnsan[agns]['X']/agnsan[agns]['Rcnt'])**2+(agnsan[agns]['Y']/agnsan[agns]['Rcnt'])**2
methods[aps+pop+'/Against/'+agns+'/R2/Phase'] = arctan2((agnsan[agns]['Y']/agnsan[agns]['Rcnt']), (agnsan[agns]['X']/agnsan[agns]['Rcnt']) )
methods[aps+pop+'/Against/'+agns+'/R2/SPC'] = agnsan[agns]['SPC']/netpercnt
print " > %s against %s: -> % 27s :"%(agns,pop,"R2") , methods[aps+pop+'/Against/'+agns+'/R2/R2']
print " > %s against %s: -> % 27s :"%(agns,pop,"Phase") , methods[aps+pop+'/Against/'+agns+'/R2/Phase']
print " > %s against %s: -> % 27s :"%(agns,pop,"SPC") , methods[aps+pop+'/Against/'+agns+'/R2/SPC']
if agnsan[agns]['CDflag']:
print " > %s against %s: -> % 27s :"%(agns,pop,"Phase Distribution")
phydist = array(agnsan[agns]['phydist'])
if not methods.check(aps+pop+'/Against/'+agns+'/CircDistr/binsize'):
methods[aps+pop+'/Against/'+agns+'/CircDistr/binsize'] = methods[aps+pop+'/Against/'+agns+'/CircDistr']
if phydist.shape[0] > 0 and len(phydist.shape) > 1:
if sum(phydist[:,1]) > 0:
phydist = array(phydist)
phydist[:,1] /= sum(phydist[:,1])
phyhist,phyhistbins = histogram(phydist[:,0], bins=int(ceil(pi/methods[aps+pop+'/Against/'+agns+'/CircDistr/binsize'])+3),
methods[aps+pop+'/Against/'+agns+'/CircDistr/histogram'] = phyhist
methods[aps+pop+'/Against/'+agns+'/CircDistr/bins-boundaries'] = phyhistbins
print "OK"
methods[aps+pop+'/Against/'+agns+'/CircDistr'] = None
print "None"
methods[aps+pop+'/Against/'+agns+'/CircDistr'] = None
print "None"
print " > %s against %s: -> % 27s :"%(agns,pop,"Rcnt is ZERO"), "Analysis faulted"
if R2flag: del methods[aps+pop+'/Against/'+agns+'/R2'] #= None
if CDflag: del methods[aps+pop+'/Against/'+agns+'/CircDistr'] #= None
print " > %s: % 40s :"%(popname,"Count for period is ZERO"), "Analysis faulted"
print "=== ==="
print "===---------------------------------------------==="
print "=== ==="
print "=== Neuron Firing Rate ==="
for pop in methods["/Analysis/Postsim"].dict():
if not methods.check(aps+pop+"/MeanFiringRate"): continue
print " > %s: % 40s :"%(pop,"neurons mean rate"),
mrate = float(spikes[pop].shape[0])*1000./float(methods['/Populations/'+pop+'/n']*methods['/Simulation/stop'])
print mrate, "spike/sec/neuron"
methods[aps+pop+"/MeanFiringRate"] = mrate
if reduce(lambda x,y: methods.check('/Analysis/Postsim/'+y+"/Balance") or x, methods['/Analysis/Postsim'].dict(), False):
#if methods.check('/Analysis/Postsim/Balance'):
print "=== ==="
print "===---------------------------------------------==="
print "=== ==="
print "=== E/I Balance ==="
for pop in methods['/Analysis/Postsim'].dict():
if methods.check('/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/Balance/cur"):
if methods.check('/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/Balance/cur/exc") and \
ii, ie = array([]),array([])
mi, me = methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/Balance/cur/inh"], methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/Balance/cur/exc"]
for n in populations[pop]:
ii = append(ii, array(n.rec[mi]))
ie = append(ie, array(n.rec[me]))
methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/Balance/cur/mean-exc"] = mean(ie)
methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/Balance/cur/mean-inh"] = mean(ii)
methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/Balance/cur/total"] = mean(ii+ie)
print " > % 24s mean e-current : "%pop, methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/Balance/cur/mean-exc"]
print " > % 24s mean i-current : "%pop, methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/Balance/cur/mean-inh"]
print " > % 24s total current : "%pop, methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/Balance/cur/total"]
if methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/Balance/cur/mean-inh"] != 0.0:
methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/Balance/cur/E2I"] = methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/Balance/cur/mean-exc"]/methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/Balance/cur/mean-inh"]
print " > % 24s e/i-current : "%pop, methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/Balance/cur/E2I"]
if methods.check('/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/Balance/con/exc") and \
ii, ie = array([]),array([])
mi, me = methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/Balance/con/inh"], methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/Balance/con/exc"]
for n in populations[pop]:
ii = append(ii, array(n.rec[mi]))
ie = append(ie, array(n.rec[me]))
methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/Balance/con/mean-exc"] = mean(ie)
methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/Balance/con/mean-inh"] = mean(ii)
methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/Balance/con/total"] = mean(ie - ii)
print " > % 24s mean e-conductance : "%pop, methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/Balance/con/mean-exc"]
print " > % 24s mean i-conductance : "%pop, methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/Balance/con/mean-inh"]
print " > % 24s total conductance : "%pop, methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/Balance/con/total"]
if methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/Balance/con/mean-inh"] != 0.0:
methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/Balance/con/E2I"] = methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/Balance/con/mean-exc"]/methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/Balance/con/mean-inh"]
print " > % 24s e/i-conductance : "%pop, methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/Balance/con/E2I"]
#Eib.append( ( mean( array(n.rec["ei"]) ),mean( array(n.rec["ii"]) ) ) )
#Egb.append( ( mean( array(n.rec["eg"]) ),mean( array(n.rec["ig"]) ) ) )
#for n in populations['I']:
#Iib.append( ( mean( array(n.rec["ei"]) ),mean( array(n.rec["ii"]) ) ) )
#Igb.append( ( mean( array(n.rec["eg"]) ),mean( array(n.rec["ig"]) ) ) )
#Eib,Egb = array(Eib),array(Egb)
#Iib,Igb = array(Iib),array(Igb)
#methods['/Analysis/Postsim/Balance'] = methodtree()
#methods['/Analysis/Postsim/Balance/Populations/E/E2I-curent' ] = mean(Eib[:,0]/Eib[:,1]),
#methods['/Analysis/Postsim/Balance/Populations/E/E2I-conduct'] = mean(Egb[:,0]/Egb[:,1])
#methods['/Analysis/Postsim/Balance/Populations/I/E2I-curent' ] = mean(Iib[:,0]/Iib[:,1]),
#methods['/Analysis/Postsim/Balance/Populations/I/E2I-conduct'] = mean(Igb[:,0]/Igb[:,1])
#print " > E-population current : ",mean(Eib[:,0]/Eib[:,1])
#print " > E-population conductance : ",mean(Egb[:,0]/Egb[:,1])
#print " > I-population current : ",mean(Iib[:,0]/Iib[:,1])
#print " > I-population conductance : ",mean(Igb[:,0]/Igb[:,1])
N_Spectrum = reduce(lambda x,y: methods.check('/Analysis/Postsim/'+y+"/N_Spectrum") or x, methods['/Analysis/Postsim'].dict(), False)
P_Spectrum = reduce(lambda x,y: methods.check('/Analysis/Postsim/'+y+"/P_Spectrum") or x, methods['/Analysis/Postsim'].dict(), False)
if P_Spectrum or N_Spectrum:
print "=== ==="
print "===---------------------------------------------==="
print "=== ==="
print "=== Network and Neuron Spectrum ==="
spnbin = int(np.floor(methods['/Simulation/stop']))+1
spnbin = 2**int(floor(log2(spnbin)))
pnum = int(200.*methods['/Simulation/stop']/1000.0)
specX = np.arange(spnbin, dtype=float) * 1000.0/methods['/Simulation/stop']
specX = specX[:pnum]
for pop in methods['/Analysis/Postsim'].dict():
if methods.check('/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/N_Spectrum"):
specN = np.zeros(pnum)
if methods.check('/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/P_Spectrum"):
spbins = np.zeros(spnbin)
for n in populations[pop]:
if methods.check('/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/N_Spectrum"):
spn = np.zeros(spnbin)
np.add.at(spn, [ int(np.floor(st)) for st in n.spks if st < spnbin ],1)
#if pop == "E":
#spn = np.sin(2*np.pi*np.arange(spn.shape[0])*10./1000.)
#elif pop == 'I':
#spn = np.sin(2*np.pi*np.arange(spn.shape[0])*40./1000.)
fft = np.abs( np.fft.fft(spn)*1.0/methods['/Simulation/stop'] )**2
#if pop == "E":
#elif pop == 'I':
specN += fft[:pnum]
if methods.check('/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/P_Spectrum") and methods.check('/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/N_Spectrum"):
spbins += spn
elif methods.check('/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/P_Spectrum"):
np.add.at(spbins,[ int(np.floor(st)) for st in n.spks if st < spnbin ],1)
if methods.check('/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/N_Spectrum") and methods.check('/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/P_Spectrum") and methods.check('/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/N-P_Spectrum"):
spbins = spbins.astype(float) / float(methods['/Populations/'+pop+'/n']) #<normolized by size of the population
fft = np.abs( np.fft.fft(spbins)*1.0/methods['/Simulation/stop'] )**2
netsp = np.dstack((specX,fft[:pnum] ))[0]
methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/P_Spectrum"] = netsp
print " > % 19s max network spectrum at : "%pop, netsp[argmax(netsp[1:,1])+1,0],"Hz"
nrnsp = np.dstack((specX, specN / float(methods['/Populations/'+pop+'/n']) - netsp[:,1]))[0]
methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/N_Spectrum"] = nrnsp
print " > % 20s max neural spectrum at : "%pop, nrnsp[argmax(nrnsp[1:,1])+1,0],"Hz"
methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/N_Spectrum_max"] = nrnsp[argmax(nrnsp[1:,1])+1,:]
elif methods.check('/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/N_Spectrum") and methods.check('/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/P_Spectrum"):
spbins = spbins.astype(float) / float(methods['/Populations/'+pop+'/n'])
fft = np.abs( np.fft.fft(spbins)*1.0/methods['/Simulation/stop'] )**2
netsp = np.dstack((specX,fft[:pnum] ))[0]
methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/P_Spectrum"] = netsp
print " > % 19s max network spectrum at : "%pop, netsp[argmax(netsp[1:,1])+1,0],"Hz"
nrnsp = np.dstack((specX, specN / float(methods['/Populations/'+pop+'/n']) ))[0]
methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/N_Spectrum"] = nrnsp
print " > % 20s max neural spectrum at : "%pop, nrnsp[argmax(nrnsp[1:,1])+1,0],"Hz"
methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/N_Spectrum_max"] = nrnsp[argmax(nrnsp[1:,1])+1,:]
elif methods.check('/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/N_Spectrum"):
nrnsp = np.dstack((specX, specN / float(methods['/Populations/'+pop+'/n'])))[0]
methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/N_Spectrum"] = nrnsp
print " > % 20s max neural spectrum at : "%pop, nrnsp[argmax(nrnsp[1:,1])+1,0],"Hz"
methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/N_Spectrum_max"] = nrnsp[argmax(nrnsp[1:,1])+1,:]
elif methods.check('/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/P_Spectrum"):
spbins = spbins.astype(float) / float(methods['/Populations/'+pop+'/n'])
fft = np.abs( np.fft.fft(spbins)*1.0/methods['/Simulation/stop'] )**2
netsp = np.dstack((specX,fft[:pnum] ))[0]
methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/P_Spectrum"] = netsp
print " > % 19s max network spectrum at : "%pop, netsp[argmax(netsp[1:,1])+1,0],"Hz"
methods['/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/P_Spectrum_max"] = netsp[argmax(netsp[1:,1])+1,:]
print "===================================================\n"
if methods.check('/CONFIG/simdb'):
message= methods['/CONFIG/simdb-message'] if methods.check('/CONFIG/simdb-message') else None
#gitdbrec = gitrec(names=['SGen.py','ECellOlufsen.mod','ECellOlufsen.py','Golomb.mod','Golomb.py','HHinh.py','BSKCch.mod','WBinh.py', 'sinIstim.mod','pirping-network.py'])
if methods.check('/GUI'):
if not (type( methods['/GUI']) is dict or isinstance(methods['/GUI'], methodtree) ): methods['/GUI'] = {'Fcount':1}
if not methods.check('/GUI/Fcount'): methods['/GUI/Fcount'] = 1
print "==================================================="
print "=== GUI ON ==="
print "===================================================\n"
if methods.check('/Analysis/Postsim/Balance'):
title("E-pop. Current ratio")
ylabel("Inh. Cur")
xlabel("Exc. Cur")
title("E-pop. Conduct ratio")
ylabel("Inh. Cond")
xlabel("Exc. Cond")
title("I-pop. Current ratio")
ylabel("Inh. Cur")
xlabel("Exc. Cur")
title("I-pop. Conduct ratio")
ylabel("Inh. Cond")
xlabel("Exc. Cond")
methods['/GUI/Fcount'] += 1
#ccnt += 1
#spc += np.sum(frate[marks[mx-1][0]:marks[mx+1][0]])
#if ccnt > 0:
#spc /= ccnt
#spc,ccnt = 0.,0.
#methods['Analysis/Postsim/E/PeakDetector/Peaks'] = peaks
if methods.check("/GUI"):
if P_Spectrum or N_Spectrum:
methods['/GUI/Fcount'] += 1
if P_Spectrum and N_Spectrum:
subt = 120
subn = 1
subt = 110
subn = 1
if N_Spectrum:
subplot(subt + subn)
subn += 1
title("Neuronal Sectrum")
for pop in methods['/Analysis/Postsim'].dict():
#if methods.check('/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/N_Spectrum"):
#if pop == 'E':
#elif pop == 'I':
if methods.check('/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/N_Spectrum"):
if pop == 'E':
elif pop == 'I':
if P_Spectrum:
subplot(subt + subn)
subn += 1
title("Population Sectrum")
for pop in methods['/Analysis/Postsim'].dict():
if methods.check('/Analysis/Postsim/'+pop+"/P_Spectrum"):
#if pop == 'E':
#elif pop == 'I':
if pop == 'E':
elif pop == 'I':
if methods.check("/GUI"):
def keypass(event):
global k,p
if event.key == "e":
k -= 1
if k < 0: k = methods['/Populations/E/n']-1
#Ei.set_ydata(array(populations['E'][p].rec['ig'])*(-50.-populations['E'][p].isyn.e) + \
#array(populations['E'][p].rec['eg'])*(-50.-populations['E'][p].esyn.e) + \
elif event.key == "E":
k += 1
if k >= methods['/Populations/E/n']: k = 0
#Ei.set_ydata(array(populations['E'][p].rec['ig'])*(-50.-populations['E'][p].isyn.e) + \
#array(populations['E'][p].rec['eg'])*(-50.-populations['E'][p].esyn.e) + \
if event.key == "i":
p -= 1
if p < 0: p = methods['/Populations/I/n']-1
#Ii.set_ydata(array(populations['I'][p].rec['ig'])*(-50.-populations['I'][p].isyn.e) + \
#array(populations['I'][p].rec['eg'])*(-50.-populations['I'][p].esyn.e) + \
elif event.key == "I":
p += 1
if p >= methods['/Populations/I/n']: p = 0
#Ii.set_ydata(array(populations['I'][p].rec['ig'])*(-50.-populations['I'][p].isyn.e) + \
#array(populations['I'][p].rec['eg'])*(-50.-populations['I'][p].esyn.e) + \
if methods.check("/GUI/Save"):
Fig = figure(methods['/GUI/Fcount'],figsize=(31/2.54,24/2.54))
Fig = figure(methods['/GUI/Fcount'])
plot(spikes['I'][:,0],spikes['I'][:,1]+methods["/Populations/E/n"]+5 ,"r.")
for k in xrange(methods['/Populations/E/n']):
if len(where(spikes['E'][:,1]==k)[0]) > 1: break
for p in xrange(methods['/Populations/I/n']):
if len(where(spikes['I'][:,1]==p)[0]) > 1: break
#subplot(312, sharex=ax)
#subplot(313, sharex=ax)
#subplot(613, sharex=ax)
#subplot(614, sharex=ax)
subplot(512, sharex=ax)
Ev, =plot(t,populations['E'][k].rec['v'],"k-")
Iv, =plot(t,populations['I'][p].rec['v'],"r-")
subplot(513, sharex=ax)
Eei = np.zeros(np.array(populations['E'][0].rec['ei']).shape)
Eii = np.zeros(np.array(populations['E'][0].rec['ii']).shape)
for en in populations['E']:
Eei += np.array(en.rec['ei'])
Eii += np.array(en.rec['ii'])
#vc = array(populations['E'][p].rec['ig'])*(-50.-populations['E'][p].isyn.e) + \
#array(populations['E'][p].rec['eg'])*(-50.-populations['E'][p].esyn.e) + \
subplot(514, sharex=ax)
Iei = np.zeros(np.array(populations['I'][0].rec['ei']).shape)
Iii = np.zeros(np.array(populations['I'][0].rec['ii']).shape)
for ni in populations['I']:
Iei += np.array(ni.rec['ei'])
Iii += np.array(ni.rec['ii'])
#vc = array(populations['I'][p].rec['ig'])*(-50.-populations['I'][p].isyn.e) + \
#array(populations['I'][p].rec['eg'])*(-50.-populations['I'][p].esyn.e) + \
subplot(515, sharex=ax)
if methods.check("/Analysis"):
maxfr = max(firingrate['E'])
if maxfr< max(firingrate['I']):maxfr = max(firingrate['I'])
ep = array( [ (x,maxfr) for x in methods['/Analysis/Postsim/E/PeakDetector/Peaks'] ] )
if ep.shape[0] > 5:
ip = array( [ (x,maxfr) for x in methods['/Analysis/Postsim/I/PeakDetector/Peaks'] ] )
if ip.shape[0] > 5:
Fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', keypass)
#ymin,ymax = ylim()
#for p in methods[aps+'E'+'/PeakDetector/Peaks']:
##print 'E',p
#for p in methods[aps+'I'+'/PeakDetector/Peaks']:
##print 'I',p
##for p in methods[aps+'S'+'/PeakDetector/Peaks']:
##print 'S',p
#subplot(616, sharex=ax)
##print "SOTH:", methods.check(aps+'E'+'/PeakDetector/SmoothRate')
if methods.check("/GUI/Save"):
if not type(methods["/GUI/Save"]) is str:
methods["/GUI/Save"] = methods.simrec["hash"]+".jpg"
if methods.check('/CONFIG/simdb'):
if methods.check('/CONFIG/config'):
confile = str(methods['/CONFIG/config'])
methods['/CONFIG/config'] = False