#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <random>
#include <time.h>
#include <omp.h>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
#ifdef WIN32
#define drand48() ((double)rand()/(RAND_MAX));
int factorial(int no)
return (no == 1 || no == 0) ? 1 : factorial(no - 1) * no;
struct Synapse{
//indicate if the synapse is excitatory
bool excitatory;
//indices of presynaptic neuron
int row, clm;
//synaptic weight
double weight;
//vector of psps
vector<double> psps;
//glutamate release parameters:
//NRmax: max releasable vesicles, NR: available releasable vesicles
//PR: probability of release of releasable vesicle
//tau: refill time constant
double NRmax;
double NR;
vector <double> PR;
double tau;
class Neuron{
//parameters from the MacGregor Neuron Model.
//for details, refer: "A Model for Repetitive Firing in Neurons", MacGregor, R. J. and Oliver, R. M., Kybernetik, 1974.
double Tmem, Tgk, Tth, Th, Th0;
double mTmem, mTgk, mTh, mTCa;
double dcGk, dcCa, Ge, Gi, Gk, GiGeRatio;
double Vr, Ek, Ei, Ee;
double c, CM, CS, B, Ca;
double Te1, Te2, Ti1, Ti2;
int P;
vector<double> Ge_table, Gi_table, firing_Prob;
double E, glutamate;
int row, clm, S;
bool excitatory;
int Inhibitory();
int computePotential(vector<Synapse> &preSynapses, double SC, int time);
int glutamateinitialize(vector<Synapse> &preSynapses);
int glutamaterelease(vector<Synapse> &preSynapses,Neuron **NeuronLayer);
//initialize excitatory neurons
Tmem = 25, Tgk = 5, Tth = 25, Th = 0,Th0 = 1;
mTmem = 1/Tmem, mTgk = 1/Tgk, mTh = 1/Tth;
mTCa = 1/270;
dcGk = exp(-mTgk), dcCa = exp(-mTCa);
Ge = 0, Gi = 0, Gk = 0.2, GiGeRatio = 3;
Vr = -70, Ek = -15, Ei = -15, Ee = 70, E = 0, Th = 0;
c = 0.75, CM = c, CS = 0.0, Ca = 0, B = 20;
//Te1 = 0.2, Te2 = 0.3, Ti1 = 0.5, Ti2 = 2.0;
Te1 = 0.3, Te2 = 1.5, Ti1 = 0.3, Ti2 = 1.5;
glutamate = 0;
S = 0, P = 0;
for(int i=0; i< 151; i++){
Ge_table.push_back( (Te1 * Te2 / (Te1 - Te2)) * (exp(-i/Te1) - exp(-i/Te2)) );
Gi_table.push_back( (Ti1 * Ti2 / (Ti1 - Ti2)) * (exp(-i/Ti1) - exp(-i/Ti2)) );
for(int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
firing_Prob.push_back( exp(-10000*(i/100 - 1)*(i/100 - 1)) );
int Neuron::Inhibitory(){
//initialize inhibitory neurons
Tmem = 25, Tgk = 5, Tth = 25, Th = 0,Th0 = 1;
mTmem = 1/Tmem, mTgk = 1/Tgk, mTh = 1/Tth;
mTCa = 1/270;
dcGk = exp(-mTgk), dcCa = exp(-mTCa);
Ge = 0, Gi = 0, Gk = 0.2;
Vr = -70, Ek = -10, Ei = -15, Ee = 70, E = 0, Th = 0;
c = 0.75, CM = c, CS = 0.0, Ca = 0, B = 20;
Te1 = 0.3, Te2 = 1.5, Ti1 = 0.3, Ti2 = 1.5;
//Te1 = 2, Te2 = 3, Ti1 = 5, Ti2 = 20;
S = 0;
for(int i=0; i< 151; i++){
Ge_table.push_back( (Te1 * Te2 / (Te1 - Te2)) * (exp(-i/Te1) - exp(-i/Te2)) );
Gi_table.push_back( (Ti1 * Ti2 / (Ti1 - Ti2)) * (exp(-i/Ti1) - exp(-i/Ti2)) );
return 0;
int Neuron::computePotential(vector<Synapse> &preSynapses, double SC, int time){
//compute potential of individual neurons
unsigned int i,j;
Ge = 0, Gi = 0, glutamate = 0;
double mean = 0, stddev = 1.0, value;
int prob_Index;
default_random_engine generator;
normal_distribution<double> distribution(mean,stddev);
for(i = 0; i < preSynapses.size(); i++){
//cout << preSynapses[i].psps.size() << " " << time << endl;
j = preSynapses[i].psps.size();
while(j >= 150){
//cout << "psp erase" << i << " " << j << endl;
j = j-1;
for(j = 0; j < preSynapses[i].psps.size(); j++){
Ge += Ge_table[j]*preSynapses[i].psps[j];
//to keep track of glutamate vesicles released before the neuron fires
glutamate += 1;
for(j = 0; j < preSynapses[i].psps.size(); j++){
Gi += Gi_table[j]*preSynapses[i].psps[j];
/*while(j >= 100){
//cout << "psp erase" << i << " " << j << endl;
j = j-1;
//if((row%8 == 0) && (clm%8 == 0))
//cout << "Gi-Ge-Gk" << " " << Gi << " " << Ge << " " << Gk << endl;
Gk = exp(-(double)1/Tgk)*Gk + B*S;
Th = exp(-(double)1/Tth)*Th + (1 - exp(-(double)1/Tth))*(Th0+c*E);
//E = exp(-(1+Gk+Ge+Gi)/5)*E + ((1 - exp(-(1+Gk+Ge+Gi)/5))*(SC+Ee*Ge+Ei*Gi+Ek*Gk+distribution(generator)))/(1+Gk+Ge+Gi);
E = exp(-((double)1+Gk+Ge+Gi)/(double)5)*E + (((double)1 - exp(-((double)1+Gk+Ge+Gi)/(double)5))*(SC+(double)7*Ge-(double)1*Gi-(double)1*Gk+distribution(generator)))/((double)1+Gk+Ge+Gi);
//E = exp(-(1+Gk+Ge+GiGeRatio)/25)*E + (1 - exp(-(1+Gk+Ge+GiGeRatio)/25))*(SC+ distribution(generator) + (Ee*Ge+Gi*Ei+Gk*Ek)/(1+Gk+Ge+GiGeRatio));//((Ge * layer->Ee + Gi * layer->Ei + Gk * layer->Ek) / Gtot + (noise + neuron->SC))
if(E < -5)
E = -5;
if(E > 10)
E = 10;
if(S == 1){
if(E < Th)
S = 0;
if(S == 0){
if((E > Th) && (P < 0)){
S = 1;
P = 3;
/*prob_Index = ceil(99*E/Th);
//cout << prob_Index << endl;
if(prob_Index < 0)
prob_Index = 0;
if(prob_Index > 99)
prob_Index = 99;
value = drand48();
if(value < firing_Prob[prob_Index] && P < 0){
S = 1;
P = 4;
//cout << glutamate << endl;
//cout << "E" << " " << E << " " << "Th" << " " << Th << " " << S << endl;
P = P-1;
/*if(E >= Th && S == 0)
S = 1;
S = 0;*/
//if((row == 8) && (clm == 8))
//cout << "E" << " " << E << " " << "Th" << " " << Th << " " << S << endl;
return 0;
int Neuron::glutamateinitialize(vector<Synapse> &preSynapses){
//initialize the number of releasable glutamate vesicles
//the mean and stddev variables determine the initial glutamate distribution parameters
int i, j;
double p1, pr, nr;
double mean, stddev, max;
mean = 3.0; stddev = 5.0; max = 1.0;
default_random_engine generator;
normal_distribution<double> distribution(mean,stddev);
for(i = 0; i < preSynapses.size();i++){
p1 = 1 - exp(-(double)1/(double)5);//(preSynapses[i].tau));
nr = preSynapses[i].NRmax;
pr = 0;
for(j = 0; j < nr; j++){
pr += factorial(nr)*(pow(p1,j))*(pow((1 - p1),(nr-j)))/(factorial(j) * factorial(nr - j));
//cout << pr << endl;
preSynapses[i].NR = (distribution(generator)/max);
if(preSynapses[i].NR >= preSynapses[i].NRmax)
preSynapses[i].NR = preSynapses[i].NRmax - 1;
if(preSynapses[i].NR < 0)
preSynapses[i].NR = 0;
//cout << "Glutamate Initialize" << " " << preSynapses[i].NR << endl;
return 0;
int Neuron::glutamaterelease(vector<Synapse> &preSynapses,Neuron **NeuronLayer){
int i;
double p1, value;
for(i = 0; i < preSynapses.size();i++){
p1 = exp(-(double)1/(double)5000);//(preSynapses[i].tau);
preSynapses[i].NR = preSynapses[i].NR*p1 + preSynapses[i].NRmax*(1 - p1);
//cout << "NR" << " " << preSynapses[i].NR << " " << abs((int)ceil(preSynapses[i].NR)) << endl;
if(preSynapses[i].NR >= preSynapses[i].NRmax)
preSynapses[i].NR = preSynapses[i].NRmax - 1;
if(preSynapses[i].NR < 0)
preSynapses[i].NR = 0;
//activity dependent glutamate release
value = drand48();
if( value <= preSynapses[i].PR[(int)ceil(preSynapses[i].NR)] ){
//glutamate release
//cout << "psp add" << " " << value << " " << preSynapses[i].PR[(int)floor(preSynapses[i].NR)] << endl;
value = preSynapses[i].weight;
preSynapses[i].psps[0] = value;
preSynapses[i].NR = preSynapses[i].NR - 1;
if(preSynapses[i].NR < 0)
preSynapses[i].NR = 0;
//spontaneous release
value = drand48();
if(value < 0.001){
value = preSynapses[i].weight;
preSynapses[i].psps[0] = value;
preSynapses[i].NR = preSynapses[i].NR - 1;
if(preSynapses[i].NR < 0)
preSynapses[i].NR = 0;
value = drand48();
if( value < 1){
//GABA release
//cout << "psp add" << " " << value << endl;
value = preSynapses[i].weight;//drand48();
preSynapses[i].psps[0] = value;
return 0;
class Layer{
int rows, clms;
double **trackGlutamate;
//NeuronLayer is a matrix of neurons
Neuron **NeuronLayer;
//ConnectionMatrix is a matrix of vectors; each vector contains the incoming synapses to the neuron at that location
vector<Synapse> **ConnectionMatrix;
Layer(int row, int clm);
int addNeurons();
int addSynapse(int no_wts);
int stimulateNeurons();
int recordPotential(int iterations);
Layer::Layer(int row, int clm){
rows = row;
clms = clm;
trackGlutamate = new double*[row]();
for(int i = 0; i < row; i++)
trackGlutamate[i] = new double[clm]();
int Layer::addNeurons(){
int i, j;
NeuronLayer = new Neuron*[rows]();
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++){
NeuronLayer[i] = new Neuron[clms]();
for(i = 0; i < rows; i++){
for(j =0; j < clms; j++){
NeuronLayer[i][j].row = i;
NeuronLayer[i][j].clm = j;
if((i%5 == 0) && (j%5 == 0)){
NeuronLayer[i][j].excitatory = false;
//cout << i << " " << j << endl;
NeuronLayer[i][j].excitatory = true;
return 0;
int Layer::addSynapse(int no_wts){
int i, j, m, n, count;
double d = 20, value, p;
ConnectionMatrix = new vector<Synapse>*[rows]();
for(i = 0; i < rows; i++){
ConnectionMatrix[i] = new vector<Synapse>[clms]();
#pragma omp parallel for private(i,j,count,m,n)
for(i = 0; i < rows; i++){
for(j = 0; j < clms; j++){
count = 0;
for(m = 0; m < rows; m++){
for(n = 0; n < clms; n++){
//formation of a random network
//no self feedback
p = drand48();
if((p < 0.5) && (sqrt((i - m)*(i - m) + (j - n)*(j - n)) < d) && (!(i == m && j == n)) && (!(!NeuronLayer[i][j].excitatory && !NeuronLayer[m][n].excitatory)) ){
ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].row = m;
ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].clm = n;
ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].excitatory = true;
ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].NRmax = 6;
ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].tau = 1000;
ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].excitatory = false;
ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].NRmax = 0;
ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].tau = 0;
ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].NR = 0;
value = drand48();
ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].weight = value;
count = count+1;
//cout << count << " " ;
//#pragma omp parallel for private(i,j)
for(i = 0; i < rows; i++){
for(j = 0; j < clms; j++){
for(i = 0; i < rows; i++){
for(j = 0; j < clms; j++){
for(count = 0; count < ConnectionMatrix[i][j].size(); count++){
NeuronLayer[ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].row][ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].clm].glutamate += ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].NR;
return 0;
int Layer::stimulateNeurons(){
int index, iterations;
int i, j, espikes, ispikes;
double avg_glutamate;
FILE *pFile = fopen("spikes.txt","w");
FILE *eFile = fopen("potential.txt","w");
FILE *gFile = fopen("glutamate.txt","w");
//variable index can be used to apply a stimulating current to random neuron(s) in each iteration
for(iterations = 0; iterations < 10000; iterations++){
index = rand()%(rows*clms);
espikes = 0;
ispikes = 0;
avg_glutamate = 0;
//loop to record the average glutamate released and the number of excitatory and inhibitory neurons firing
for(i = 0; i < rows; i++){
for(j = 0; j < clms; j++){
if((iterations > 5000) && (iterations < 6000))
fprintf(eFile,"%f ", NeuronLayer[i][j].E);
//fprintf(gFile,"%f ", NeuronLayer[i][j].glutamate);
avg_glutamate += NeuronLayer[i][j].glutamate;
if((i%5 == 0) && (j%5 == 0))
ispikes += NeuronLayer[i][j].S;
espikes += NeuronLayer[i][j].S;
if((iterations > 5000) && (iterations < 6000))
//cout << iterations << " " << espikes << " " << ispikes << endl;
fprintf(gFile,"%f\n", avg_glutamate/(rows*clms));
fprintf(pFile,"%d %d %d\n",iterations,espikes,ispikes);
#pragma omp parallel for private(i,j)
for(i = 0; i < rows; i++){
for(j = 0; j < clms; j++){
#pragma omp barrier
#pragma omp parallel for private(i,j)
for(i = 0; i < rows; i++){
for(j = 0; j < clms; j++){
//if(i*clms+j == index)
NeuronLayer[i][j].computePotential(ConnectionMatrix[i][j],0, iterations);
//NeuronLayer[i][j].computePotential(ConnectionMatrix[i][j],0, iterations);
#pragma omp barrier
return 0;
int Layer::recordPotential(int iterations){
int i,j, center_i, center_j;
double distance, potential, sigma = 3;
center_i = rows/2;
center_j = clms/2;
//potential is assumed to be recorded from the center of the layer.
//neuron membrane potentials are multiplied by a Gaussian centered at the center.
potential = 0.0;
for(i = 0; i < rows; i++){
for(j = 0; j < clms; j++){
distance = ((double)1/sqrt((double)2*M_PI*sigma*sigma))*exp(-((center_i - i)*(center_i - i) + (center_j - j)*(center_j - j))/(double)2*sigma*sigma);
potential += distance*NeuronLayer[i][j].E;
cout << potential << " " << iterations << endl;
return 0;
int main(){
//initialize random number generator
srand (time(NULL));
clock_t begin = clock();
#ifndef WIN32
Layer pyramidLayer(100,100);
clock_t end = clock();
double time_secs = double(end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
cout << "Time in secs:" << " " << time_secs << endl;