#include "layer.h"
double distribution_max;
Layer::Layer(int row, int clm){
rows = row;
clms = clm;
availableGlutamate = new double*[row]();
for(int i = 0; i < row; i++)
availableGlutamate[i] = new double[clm]();
releasableGlutamate = new double*[row]();
for(int i = 0; i < row; i++)
releasableGlutamate[i] = new double[clm]();
int Layer::addNeurons(Param* param){
int i, j;
double mean, stddev;
distribution_max = 0;
mean = 50; stddev = 10.0;
default_random_engine generator;
normal_distribution<double> distribution(mean,stddev);
//The initial plan was to pass the param pointer to the constructor. However, that would have involved initializing the neurons in a loop, as C++ does not have a method to initialize an array created with new without passing param to each instance in a loop.
NeuronLayer = new Neuron*[rows]();
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++){
NeuronLayer[i] = new Neuron[clms]();
for(i = 0; i < rows; i++){
for(j =0; j < clms; j++){
availableGlutamate[i][j] = 0;
releasableGlutamate[i][j] = 0;
NeuronLayer[i][j].row = i;
NeuronLayer[i][j].clm = j;
if((i%5 == 0) && (j%5 == 0)){
NeuronLayer[i][j].excitatory = false;
NeuronLayer[i][j].Tgk = param->InTgk;
NeuronLayer[i][j].Tth = param->InTth;
NeuronLayer[i][j].B = param->InB;
NeuronLayer[i][j].Te1 = param->InTe1;
NeuronLayer[i][j].Te2 = param->InTe2;
NeuronLayer[i][j].Ti1 = param->InTi1;
NeuronLayer[i][j].Ti2 = param->InTi2;
//cout << i << " " << j << endl;
NeuronLayer[i][j].excitatory = true;
NeuronLayer[i][j].Tgk = param->ExTgk;
NeuronLayer[i][j].Tth = param->ExTth;
NeuronLayer[i][j].B = param->ExB;
NeuronLayer[i][j].Te1 = param->ExTe1;
NeuronLayer[i][j].Te2 = param->ExTe2;
NeuronLayer[i][j].Ti1 = param->ExTi1;
NeuronLayer[i][j].Ti2 = param->ExTi2;
NeuronLayer[i][j].TauRelease = param->TauRelease;
NeuronLayer[i][j].TauReplenish = param->TauReplenish;
NeuronLayer[i][j].SpontRelease = param->SpontRelease;
NeuronLayer[i][j].glutamate_pr = distribution(generator);
if(distribution_max < NeuronLayer[i][j].glutamate_pr)
distribution_max = NeuronLayer[i][j].glutamate_pr;
return 0;
int Layer::addSynapse(int no_wts, Param* param){
int i, j, k, m, n, count, connect, total_count = 0;
double d = param->Neighborhood, value, p, in_Glut, wt;
double **trackweight;
trackweight = new double*[rows*clms]();
for(int i = 0; i < rows*clms; i++)
trackweight[i] = new double[rows*clms]();
FILE *gmFile = fopen("glutamatemap.txt","w");
FILE *igmFile = fopen("initialglutamatemap.txt","w");
FILE *wtFile = fopen("weightmap.txt","w");
ConnectionMatrix = new vector<Synapse>*[rows]();
for(i = 0; i < rows; i++){
ConnectionMatrix[i] = new vector<Synapse>[clms]();
//#pragma omp parallel for private(i,j,k,p,value,count,m,n)
for(i = 0; i < rows; i++){
for(j = 0; j < clms; j++){
count = 0;
in_Glut = 0;
for(m = 0; m < rows; m++){
for(n = 0; n < clms; n++){
//initial connection criteria: distance between 2 neurons
//no self feedback
value = drand48();
if((value < exp(-((i - m)*(i - m))/9 -((j - n)*(j - n))/9)) && (sqrt((i - m)*(i - m) + (j - n)*(j - n)) < d) && (!(i == m && j == n)) && (!(!NeuronLayer[i][j].excitatory && !NeuronLayer[m][n].excitatory)) ){
ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].row = m;
ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].clm = n;
value = drand48();
ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].weight = value;
trackweight[i*rows+j][m*rows+n] = value;
ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].excitatory = true;
ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].NRmax = (param->NRmax)*value;
ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].tau = 0;
ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].excitatory = false;
ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].NRmax = 0;
ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].tau = 0;
ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].NR = 0;
in_Glut = in_Glut + ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].NRmax;
count = count+1;
//fprintf(cFile,"%f ",value);
//generating small world connectivity, following Watts-Strogatz model
for(k = 0; k < ConnectionMatrix[i][j].size(); k++){
p = drand48();
if( (p < 0.25) ){
in_Glut = in_Glut - ConnectionMatrix[i][j][k].NRmax;
trackweight[i*rows+j][ConnectionMatrix[i][j][k].row*rows+ConnectionMatrix[i][j][k].clm] = 0;
count = count - 1;
connect = 0;
while(connect == 0){
m = rows*drand48();
n = clms*drand48();
if((sqrt((i - m)*(i - m) + (j - n)*(j - n)) > d) && (!(i == m && j == n)) && (!(!NeuronLayer[i][j].excitatory && !NeuronLayer[m][n].excitatory)) ){
connect = 1;
ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].row = m;
ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].clm = n;
value = drand48();
ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].weight = value;
trackweight[i*rows+j][m*rows+n] = value;
ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].excitatory = true;
ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].NRmax = (param->NRmax)*value;
ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].tau = 0;
ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].excitatory = false;
ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].NRmax = 0;
ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].tau = 0;
ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].NR = 0;
in_Glut = in_Glut + ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].NRmax;
count = count+1;
//fprintf(cFile,"%f ",0);
//cout << count << " " ;
total_count = total_count + count;
fprintf(gmFile,"%f ", in_Glut);
//cout << total_count << endl;
//#pragma omp parallel for private(i,j)
for(i = 0; i < rows; i++){
for(j = 0; j < clms; j++){
NeuronLayer[i][j].glutamateinitialize(ConnectionMatrix[i][j], NeuronLayer);
for(i = 0; i < rows; i++){
for(j = 0; j < clms; j++){
in_Glut = 0;
for(count = 0; count < ConnectionMatrix[i][j].size(); count++){
in_Glut = in_Glut + ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].NR;
NeuronLayer[ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].row][ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].clm].glutamate += ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].NR;
fprintf(igmFile,"%f ", in_Glut);
for(i = 0; i < rows*clms; i++){
for(j = 0; j < rows*clms; j++){
fprintf(wtFile,"%f ", trackweight[i][j]);
return 0;
int Layer::stimulateNeurons(){
int index, iterations;
int i, j, espikes, ispikes, count;
double avg_glutamate;
FILE *pFile = fopen("spikes.txt","w");
FILE *eFile = fopen("potential.txt","w");
FILE *rrFile = fopen("releasedglutamate.txt","w");
FILE *rgFile = fopen("releasableglutamate.txt","w");
FILE *agFile = fopen("availableglutamate.txt","w");
FILE *gbFile = fopen("gaba.txt","w");
FILE *spFile = fopen("spikepatterns.txt","w");
FILE *kFile = fopen("kconductance.txt","w");
//variable index can be used to apply a stimulating current to random neuron(s) in each iteration
for(iterations = 0; iterations < 60000; iterations++){
index = rand()%(rows*clms);
espikes = 0;
ispikes = 0;
avg_glutamate = 0;
//loop to keep track of available glutamate vesicles at each neuron
for(i = 0; i < rows; i++){
for(j = 0; j < clms; j++){
for(count = 0; count < ConnectionMatrix[i][j].size(); count++){
availableGlutamate[ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].row][ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].clm] += ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].NR;
releasableGlutamate[i][j] += ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].NR;//*ConnectionMatrix[i][j][count].weight;
//loop to record the average glutamate released and the number of excitatory and inhibitory neurons firing
for(i = 0; i < rows; i++){
for(j = 0; j < clms; j++){
///*if((iterations > 5000) && (iterations < 65000)){
fprintf(eFile,"%f ", NeuronLayer[i][j].E);
fprintf(rrFile,"%f ", NeuronLayer[i][j].glutamate);
fprintf(rgFile,"%f ", releasableGlutamate[i][j]);
fprintf(agFile,"%f ", availableGlutamate[i][j]);
fprintf(gbFile,"%f ", NeuronLayer[i][j].gaba);
fprintf(spFile,"%d ",NeuronLayer[i][j].S);
fprintf(kFile,"%f ",NeuronLayer[i][j].Gk);
avg_glutamate += NeuronLayer[i][j].glutamate;
availableGlutamate[i][j] = 0;
releasableGlutamate[i][j] = 0;
if((i%5 == 0) && (j%5 == 0))
ispikes += NeuronLayer[i][j].S;
espikes += NeuronLayer[i][j].S;
///*if((iterations > 5000) && (iterations < 65000)){
//cout << espikes << " " << ispikes << " ";// << endl;
//fprintf(gFile,"%f\n", avg_glutamate/(rows*clms));
fprintf(pFile,"%d %d %d\n",iterations,espikes,ispikes);
#pragma omp parallel for private(i,j)
for(i = 0; i < rows; i++){
for(j = 0; j < clms; j++){
#pragma omp barrier
#pragma omp parallel for private(i,j)
for(i = 0; i < rows; i++){
for(j = 0; j < clms; j++){
//if(i*clms+j == index)
NeuronLayer[i][j].computePotential(ConnectionMatrix[i][j],0, iterations);
//NeuronLayer[i][j].computePotential(ConnectionMatrix[i][j],0, iterations);
#pragma omp barrier
return 0;
int Layer::recordPotential(int iterations){
int i,j, center_i, center_j;
double distance, potential, sigma = 2;
center_i = rows/2;
center_j = clms/2;
//potential is assumed to be recorded from the center of the layer.
//neuron membrane potentials are multiplied by a Gaussian centered at the center.
potential = 0.0;
for(i = 0; i < rows; i++){
for(j = 0; j < clms; j++){
distance = ((double)1/sqrt((double)2*M_PI*sigma*sigma))*exp(-((center_i - i)*(center_i - i) + (center_j - j)*(center_j - j))/(double)2*sigma*sigma);
potential += distance*NeuronLayer[i][j].E;
cout << potential << " " << iterations << endl;
return 0;